It is nonsense that Hamas would accept Israel's right to exist.
I tried to google the link I had posted to you previously, when I first arrived at this board, Advocate; however, I cannot seen to find it now, that is, where Hamas states he would recognize Israel.
But realistcally, Advocate, why on earth would you expect a people who're the victims of Israel's blood lust to rid Palestine of them, want to recognize the cruel and dastardly Zionist nation? If the truth dare be spoken, Israel should be begging the Palestinians pardon since the European Jews, Ethiopian, and Russian Jews are comparatively new to the area while the indigenous people were there when they arrived en masse in 1948. Of course there were Jews in Palestine before 1948, along with Christians and Muslims, all getting along nicely, for centuries. Now Israel has placed the Palestinians in a ghetto, dehumanizing these beautiful people; do you really believe a Palestinian could possibly love an Israeli or have any desire to accede to the wishes of its enemy?
Israel says it's at war with Hamas and the Palestinian people, but it is the Zionist nation who uses sophisticated attack jets and naval vessels to bomb densely crowded refugee camps and slums, sending missiles into an apartment complex building filled with people to get one elusive target. Israel attack a population that has no air force, no air defense, no navy, no mechanized armor, no army and calls it a war. Advocate, it's not a war on the Palestinians, its
Israels should get on its knees before the Palestinians and beg their forgiveness for all the destruction they have wrought on this people.
They say
"the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice."
Things change.....maybe not immediately, but I really don't see a happy future for Israel unless it drastically changes its attitude towards the Palestinian people whom they consider a lower order of primate.