Moment-in-Time wrote:
Indeed, Palestinians are just as much a semitic people as are Jews; however, in the vernacularism of the day, when one is referring to anti-Semitism, it is generally understood and accepted as directed primarily towards Jews.
izzythepush wrote:
In America yes, and perhaps throughout Europe, but not in the Middle East.
The reality that Jew and Arab are Semites never enters the picture in the Middle east as their shared origin is overridden by the current conflict....the Arabs see Jews as the European interlopers, the enemy, taking land that has belonged to Arabs for generations. The European Zionist Jews perceive the Palestinians as an obstacle to the land they want.
I recall reading when Modern Israel wanted to join the UN. The UN had seen how expansionist Israel were and offered a deal to them, that is if they would not try to co-opt Jerusalem, that is leave it as an *Open City* for all religions, then they would allow Israel to join the UN. Modern Israel swore up and down they would not touch Jerusalem. Hence, they were allowed to join the United Nations.

No sooner was Israel made a member of the UN and the Zionist nation reneged on its problem. It declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel. In effect it gave the UN the finger, saying "screw you, UN! "
I recall vividly another time when George Herbert Walker Bush asked Israel to stop building settlements in the West Bank to Yitzak Shamir, the tiny MP of Israel. Shamir was here in Washington seeking a 10 Billion loan guarantee to bring in Russian and Ethiopian Falasha Jews. Bush said he would not grant them their request of a 10 Billion dollar loan guarantee until they quit building settlements in the West Bank.
The tiny little Israeli Prime Minister almost went berserk, screaming at the top of his itty-bitty lungs that "no power on earth would prevent Israel from building anywhere it wanted to on the West Bank!"
Later that day and the day afterwards, Jewish American supporters descended on Washington and its congressional offices, demanding they make the US president change his rhetoric and give Israel what it demanded.
President George Herbert Walker Bush came before the American people and said: "Here I am, just one little guy, and Israel's supporters are trying to make me change my decision on their settlement building in Israel."
The American people heard their president and there was a screeching backlash against Israel. There was one Jewish American prominent woman in New York who declared after receiving anonymous threatening phone calls, that she had never been so afraid in all her life. Tires were slashed in predominantly Jewish neighborhoods and Synagogues were smeared with Swastikas.
The Zionists received their 10 billion dollar loan guarantee but only under the next president, President Bill Clinton.