I have a conundrum

Reply Sun 21 Jul, 2013 02:55 pm
Or maybe it's not. Maybe I'm just too close to the situation, or just confused.

It's a work situation thing.

Ok, a little background

I left a job back in Oct 2011, one that I had for just over 13.5 years. I had been dissatisfied there for a number of years, but I stayed there because I was the person in the family carrying the health insurance (husband disabled, 12 years my senior) In August of 2011, my husband turned 65, meaning he was now eligible for Medicare. A few months after that, in Oct, situations arose at work that made me decide to take the plunge and make changes. I resigned, he went on Medicare, I started the long search for a new job. Oh....at that job I was paid quite well, well enough at least that we never experienced any money concerns. Then again, we lived a modest, below our means lifestyle, but a quite satisfactory one.

It took me exactly one year to get a new permanent job. During that time I did any temp work I could get my hands on, some of which paid ok, some quick jobs with low pay, but better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. I had a false start with a full time job I accepted. Just didn't work out after a brief time and I'm glad for it. BTW, the temping was actually quite fun, besides the fact I worried about not having insurance for myself, and sometimes having brief stretches of nothing. It made our budget quite tight, and was overall emotionally draining....a slow drain.

During this time I did a lot of re-evaluation of my life. I'm 54 now, and was thinking I really didn't want to have the job where I had to make the decisions, be in charge and on top of everything all the time. I thought it would be nice to just go to work, be a worker bee, go home.

The job I accepted was close to my heart. It occured to me during the interview process "Chai, you've always wanted to work in this area" and it's true, I have. Just wasn't anything in front of me to pursue at any point when I was available.

The only drawback was it pays significantly less, like I took a 25% pay cut. However, when I started, back in Oct 2012, my husband and I discussed it. It would of course put me over what I was earning temping, we'd plugged some holes in our budget, saw that a car was going to be paid off in a couple of years, so really, it seemed ok.

And it was ok in a day to day way. I admire and respect the people I work with, the purpose of the business is wonderful, literally helping people & families at their time greatest need. I'm proud to say I work there.

The day to day drawbacks....Shortly after being hired, I realized, well, I wouldn't call it job insecurity, there's always work, but I've been reassigned a couple of times to different roles. Too much to go into how that happened, but all legit reasons. For a while I was wearing at least 2 hats, and felt I was straddling a really wide breach. Finally, a month ago, I was asked if I wanted to take on permanently a particular role, not the one I was hired for, but it was one where I would have the most security and permanency.

It was ok at first, I wasn't excited because it was something I'd never done, or wanted to do before. Then, I realized, "hey, I kinda like this", then "hm, this is really nice, peaceful, no drama, I work, I leave" At the same time, 8 months or so into this job, the money was just ok, but sometimes it was frustrating on the homefront not to be able to immediately tend to something, and going out to eat became a really whoo hoo! big deal.

So, on the first of July, my new boss came to me with a new job offer letter, as this was a different position permanently. I didn't get around to looking at it until the end of the day, and was surprised to see that the rate was for $2/hr more than I was making. Still not near my old money, but I quickly ascertained this would make things a lot more comfy. The next day I signed it, brought it back to her saying "I see there's an increase here. I'm really surprised and pleased. Thanks so much, it means a lot. I feel like I'm being recognized." She responded "oh, there's an increase? Well, that's great, you deserve it, and you're really doing good work"
At that point I got a real boost, and a feeling of commitment to my new position. For the next couple of weeks, I know that's making a difference, I'm feeling really good, and making some inroads in a dept that had been left to degrade.

Now, I look at my bank account Friday, payday....no increase. I mentioned this to the boss, via email, and she referred to the office manager, who takes care of making pay changes, all that local HR stuff. I'm feeling uneasy about this, because the OM is always really great about this stuff, and I don't believe this would have fallen through the cracks.

Now keep in mind this was an offer letter, signed by both my new boss, and me, and used words like "promise", "agreement" "rate of pay"

The OM comes to me saying essentially "I'm so sorry, that was a typo, your pay wasn't supposed to change." I just calmly looked at her and said "But that was the agreement, it's been signed"....oh....she says "do you want me to look into this further?" like she just wanted me to drop it, and I just slowly nod my head.....this isn't going in the right direction, I can tell.

Anyway....end of the day, like 4pm, the VP who was there that day discusses this with me...in the OM presence.....he can't really meet my eyes, and that's not like him....blah blah blah corporate talk, bottom line, this was a mistake, no raise, signed agreement or not.

At one point, something he said perturbed me he said "If we had cut your pay by 2 dollars, you would have come to us" indicating that I saw the increase, and was more or less being sneaky by not announcing to them "HEY, this must be a mistake"
At that point I said "I did say something, as soon as I saw the increase I went to (my boss) and thanked her for it, and told her how grateful I was" both the OM and VP looked surprised at this, but they forged ahead.

Now he's playing the "you should be grateful" game "well, we're going to give you that extra money for the time since the date of the letter, until now. That's (whatever the amount was)...that's a nice bonus" Ohhhhh....thank you massa......" is what I wanted to say. I did say that giving me that increase had given me quite an emotional boost, and now I felt as if I didn't matter at all.
well, blah blah blah, so forth and so on. I get handed a replacement letter....I just now read it and added in handwriting my take on it, and ******* signed it.

However, since Friday night, I've been on the internet, researching and applying for a few jobs.

My husband said his emotions throughout would have been the same, and he'd be looking too....but he acknowledges he knows how much I enjoy my work.

I suppose I could raise a stink re the legality...but is it worth it for my peace of mind?

Pluses....I like the work, I like the people I work with, I like the industry.

Minuses.....I wouldn't mind finding something a bit closer to home. It's only a few exits up from where I'd worked for 13 years, but hey, it's North Austin as opposed to South Austin...I'm the only one there who lives South of the river.
Money, this whole increase/no increase thing is bullshit.
If I decide to keep looking, I'm not leaving until I find something, and it took a year last time. This place is more regimented with time, and getting away for interview could/will be problematic.

I need some outside views please.
Reply Sun 21 Jul, 2013 03:05 pm
chai wrote:
Money, this whole increase/no increase thing is bullshit.
If I decide to keep looking, I'm not leaving until I find something, and it took a year last time. This place is more regimented with time, and getting away for interview could/will be problematic.

Yes, it is bullshit. Yes, you should keep looking.

Also, you should do your best to keep your head from exploding. If it gets to the point that the negative emotions of being there supersede the income that you couldn't replace by going back to temping, then consider doing just that or figure out a way to dump the bitter pill you've been asked to swallow.
Reply Sun 21 Jul, 2013 03:18 pm
Thanks JPB

At this exact moment, my head doesn't feel like exploding....that's not saying I won't feel that way next week.

I'm really glad you repeated the exact words....bullshit....back at me. I think I needed to hear that.

I have to keep reminding myself...this is bullshit.


I like to thing forward re the possibilities...not projecting or spinning my wheels, but getting my ducks in a row.

If I was interviewing for a job now, while still employed (and **** I haven't even been there a year, that would be a red flag to me) I would have to say I'm looking because, well, the job security, changing positions type of thing.

If down the road I resigned, I would really have to say the same thing. As much as this situation irks me, I can't cut off my nose to spit my face.

any other views?
Reply Sun 21 Jul, 2013 03:31 pm
My view is that if you are happy and comfortable working for people of no integrity, and whose spoken and written word is useless, stay right where you are at.
Reply Sun 21 Jul, 2013 03:36 pm
I sympathize. I once fought for a raise when a guy I trained who now worked in the lab I started (me now being in a new lab as supervising tech) - this guy was raised a whole category. My boss frowned, re-thought the frown, and did the paperwork, me then being raised to higher stronger category.

I know, different situation, and none of that situation was my boss's fault - but some similarities. I really liked my job, and probably wouldn't have left, at least at that time. Not sure. I was younger then, in my thirties, which makes a big difference; maybe I would have if I didn't get that pay jump and resentment built up.

I did leave a few years later when I was recruited to help start a new lab, at the same pay but for only 4 days a week (oh, boy, oh, boy).

Questions - I've noticed that with obamacare, it will be easier for people to get individual insurance. I don't know how true that is, or how soon it starts up.
I had insurance through the university in those years, and then in the next lab, but when I changed fields entirely in my forties, I was forever after paying for individual insurance, which grew increasingly onerous with my aging. But.....
I loved those jobs. But.... I became essentially insurance-poor.

So, assuming you have insurance for you via this place you're working, it would be a multiple loss re salary and bennies to go back to temp. and could be a big problem if you got seriously sick.
Rock and a hard place if you end up thinking, as time goes by, you want to leave soon.

From my vantage point now, in this economy, I'd stay and keep looking if you feel the need to be closer to home. (How you'd work out interviews, I dunno.) If individual insurance gets less expensive, would you then consider temp nearer home?

0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Jul, 2013 04:42 pm
roger wrote:

My view is that if you are happy and comfortable working for people of no integrity, and whose spoken and written word is useless, stay right where you are at.

Well, I would have to rephrase your statement roger.

They (meaning this one corp guy) have no integrity about this particular situation. When he/they aren't around, this location is pretty self running.

I'm not trying to stand up for them, but since I have integrity I must say that I see multiple examples weekly, if not daily, where people there act with the utmost integriy and high technical and moral standards. I'm not going to lie, or pretend I don't see that, when I see the empirical evidence of it everywhere.

Therein lies my problem. This is a good place, I'm having a shitty experience there at this moment.

I am going to continue to apply for jobs online. This is the first weekend, I've done so, and with the process it could take months, even if I find a good match. I can't lie though and call the entire place a bunch of bastards.
I think it's the corporate people, like this VP. Things are like that all over.

osso re finding temp work "closer to home"
Temp agencies work for the client, not the temp worker. They don't go out and find the temp work, they find the client a temp. The temp checks in whenever they know a job is ending to see what is now available or coming up. A couple of me would call me when something came up because they knew I was calling them every day I was available. ****, I'd call them twice a day if nothing was popping, to keep me in their minds.

While unemployed, I stayed mostly busy because I worked with about 5 agencies, was signed up with twice that many, worked 7 days a week if work was available and was willing to drive to bumfuck egypt if that's where the work was.

At the time I got my current job, I landed this really great temp job that was indefinate, needed a crew of 12-15 people every day, and was 3 days a week, 12 hours a day, back to back. They really liked me, I must say, I I liked them. It was the call center for when people are sitting around watching Jerry Springer and see those ads on TV about if they have athlete's foot or low testosterone or acne, to pre-screen them for trials. It was a really great, professional yet laid back environment. They took their business seriously. Problem was the agency that sent me there was also the agency that also sent me on these weekend gigs sitting at model homes. Can't do that if you're already getting 36 hours in.
I would have loved it if I could have done those 36 hours, then another 18 on the weekend.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Jul, 2013 05:21 pm
It sounds like the new boss shot off his mouth about the pay rate increase - maybe he didn't even have authority to do that. Then the higher ups came in and tried to rescind it, decided that you were, after all, worth it. And so it goes.

Is that right - you did get the raise after all?

PS - ALWAYS be looking for another, better job.
Reply Sun 21 Jul, 2013 05:31 pm
No, that is not it at all.

Is it even possible you could have gotten more aspects of this wrong?

If that were it, this thread wouldn't exist and I wouldn't be wasting my time online applying for anything.

Plus, that's bullshit about always looking for another job. I'm at a point in life I want to be gearing down, not flogging myself like a 25 year old making his way up the ranks.

I've paid my dues.

You sound like one of those motivational assholes.

Looking for a job is like a full time job itself. Who wants to go through life having 2 full time jobs all the time, let alone a life.

People who are driven like that burn themselves out, and are generally unpleasant to be around.
Reply Sun 21 Jul, 2013 06:00 pm
Well, you are being kind of rough on people who are trying to help, or at least empathize.
Reply Sun 21 Jul, 2013 06:58 pm
roger wrote:

Well, you are being kind of rough on people who are trying to help, or at least empathize.

You mean Punkey?

It's insulting that she/he can totally get every aspect of the story wrong, and I mean every single point I made. It really is against all odds she/he could get so many things pretty much the opposite of what I said.

People, as in plural?
Meaning you?

I don't disagree that there is a lack of integrity, it is important that it be known that is not an issue as far as everyone as a whole, but at this point with one person, the corp guy.
That's person #1 I wasn't rough with.

You mean when I let her her how temping worked, and that you don't pick and choose your jobs if you want to keep busy and keep a steady stream of income coming in?
That's #2

As in when I thanked her, letting her know my head wasn't about to explode, but that doesn't mean I won't feel that way tomorrow?
That's #3

If you don't mind my asking, who, besides Punkey, who's pretty much always out there, have I been rough with?

Actually, I appreciated JPB answer very much, and I'm thinking she realizes that.

I'm wondering if others would feel the same, given all the facts, and would start looking around too.

The conundrum is that I really liked my job, and still do, beyond what happened late friday afternoon, and it's with a sense of loss that I may have to move on after only being somewhere 8 or 9 months, and have looked forward to going to work the vast majority of the days.

Reply Mon 22 Jul, 2013 07:33 am
It was hard for me to figure out WHAT really happened. Were you paid for the back wages at the promised figure and is your new rate of employment in effect?

Or are you at the original rate? If so, I maintain that someone probably made you a promise that they could not keep. Still, because you had it in writing then you now realize what kind of company this is. So don't trust your bosses, even though you like the job.

Your rambling back story and the subject tangents made it difficult to get to the real issue.

PS - I like being "out there." It gives me another view of things. And THAT's what you asked for. So if you ask for advice, don't bite people's head off.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 Jul, 2013 08:25 am
chai2 wrote:

You mean Punkey?

It's insulting that she/he can totally get every aspect of the story wrong, and I mean every single point I made. It really is against all odds she/he could get so many things pretty much the opposite of what I said.

I have to concur, try looking at the language threads.
Reply Mon 22 Jul, 2013 10:50 am
The resolution of this concern will only come with the use of "wisdom," in my opinion. Do you know any really wise people (often quite older than oneself)?

Regardless, generically the concern seems to be like that of a mouse that was offered a little more cheese, and then the additional cheese never materialized. Mice are very good at these conundrums, since they do not take things personally, and eat the cheese that is available.

Plus, not knowing the company, its culture, the people involved, it is impossible to give a worthwhile opinion, within the context of the specific occurrences, in my opinion.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 Jul, 2013 05:02 pm
izzythepush wrote:

chai2 wrote:

You mean Punkey?

It's insulting that she/he can totally get every aspect of the story wrong, and I mean every single point I made. It really is against all odds she/he could get so many things pretty much the opposite of what I said.

I have to concur, try looking at the language threads.

no ****. Laughing

do you have an opinion izzy? I always respect what you have to say. Maybe that's because you're so much older than me. Cool

I have resigned myself to looking whilst continuing to work there. Might take months, a year or more, but I'll be looking.

I hadn't handed that 2nd letter in, and have no intention of doing so until asked.

IMO, the VP, who is young (mid thirties I'd say) might be a little chagrined by all this....I've noticed in the past he sometimes throws out offhanded decisions when he's around (has been around more than usual in the past couple of months, as we just brought on a new executive director and she's been getting her sea legs). When I saw him this afternoon, he again had problems with eye contact, which is something he usually has no problem with. The OM, who is always very friendly, is avoidng me too. Doesn't bother me, let them be careful.

Anyway, it's a done deal in my mind. I'm content with my work, and will keep at it, but continue to look elsewhere.
Reply Mon 22 Jul, 2013 05:50 pm
0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 Jul, 2013 06:30 pm
Well, it looks like my worries are over.

I just checked my email, and got a message from "Tiger Finch" offering me immediate employment. I feel pretty good about this, because in part it says....

This letter will be deemed as an official offer of appointment and it does not include any suspicious activity.

However, just to be sure, I'm gonna wait for punkey or foofie to weigh in.
Reply Mon 22 Jul, 2013 07:18 pm

I'm glad.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2013 07:40 pm
I think I'm going to turn in my resignation letter tomorrow.
Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2013 07:43 pm
to be honest, I kinda figured that would come this month.

good luck...
Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2013 07:50 pm
I thought your head might start exploding.


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