heh....while looking on yahoo there was a story with a link to a website called over fifty and out of work.
I've been trying to take a look at it with limited success.....getting a message about capacity problems.
I think every over 50 person not employed at this time is trying to look.
Here's the yahoo link to the article that contained the link.
Related to that, I found this really great list called "fifty for fifty"
I'm off to bed now....
"Fifty for Fifty" – 50 reasons to hire the 50 (plus) candidate
By Eli Amdur
Special to North Jersey Media Group
I've had enough. As a sixty-something, if I hear one more 50-something
complaining about age discrimination instead of doing something about it, I'm
going to scream. We all know it exists, but why are you letting yourself get
pushed around? Why are you not fighting back? You are eminently employable, but
it seems you're surrendering because you've forgotten what your value is. So
here are 50 reasons companies should hire you. Start reminding them.
1. I'm a boomer. We have that famous work ethic.
2. Boomers are the best team players in the workforce; we work well with others.
That's not opinion; it's fact.
3. We're also punctual.
4. I can be flexible when it comes to work schedules.
5. At my age, I have an extensive network. I bring that with me.
6. You want stability and continuity in your workforce? How `bout this: hire me
and I'm likely to stay with you until I retire. That could be ten years or more.
Try getting that from the Gen Y-ers you're interviewing.
7. You want responsibility? I know how to hold down a job - done it for years. I
pay taxes, feed a family, read newspapers, vote regularly, and have put a kid or
two through college.
8. While we're talking about being a parent, let me remind you: I have great
mediation skills.
9. And negotiation skills.
10. And organizational skills.
11. And budgeting and planning skills.
12. Time management, too.
13. Not to mention patience!
14. Studies prove that honesty is a common value in boomers. That includes me.
15. I can communicate. I went to school when they taught us how to write a
complete sentence, for God sake. You know...with nouns and verbs and capital
letters and all that stuff. Remember those things? They're rare today, aren't
16. And I don't cheat when I communicate - thx...c u l8tr.
17. Good communication means good listening skills. Boomers are known for that,
18. I've survived three recessions, so I can help you make tough decisions.
19. "Good judgment comes from experience and a lot of that comes from bad
judgment (Will Rogers)." I've already been there and done that, or would you
rather hire someone who will do that on your dime?
20. Energy? Yeah, I still have lots of that.
21. My eyesight may be going, but I have some pretty clear long-range vision.
22. I may miss a day or two of work from time to time but not
because...like...dude... I'm so NOT in the mood.
23. All in all, older workers have lower absenteeism than younger workers.
24. We have fewer injuries, too.
25. I've developed expertise that takes this long to develop. There are no
26. I've had my resume redone. Please read all of it. It's really impressive.
27. My work experience is varied, which means I bring perspective and dimension.
28. And resourcefulness.
29. Because of all my experience, I can hit the ground running. My learning
curve will be short.
30. One out of every three workers in the civilian labor force is 50 or older.
You don't have much choice anymore.
31. In five years, nearly 40 percent of your candidates will be over 50. You'll
have even less choice, so why not get with the program starting right now?
32. And while we're on that subject, why don't you think about what it will be
like when you get to 50? One day, you will. No getting around it.
33. I won't be on my Blackberry during meetings.
34. No, I don't multitask. I pay attention instead. I can multitask as well as
anyone, but I won't.
35. However, I am multi-talented. After all these years, there are a lot of
different things I've learned to do.
36. I won't be on Facebook on your computer at work. I'm here to work.
37. If I tell you that even though I've had higher-level positions in my career
but my career goals have changed and that I really do want this job you think
I'm "overqualified" for...I'm telling you the truth.
38. I'm not after your job.
39. I'm a natural mentor for your younger workers.
40. It's not important or cool or necessary for me to come to work in a T-shirt.
I could care less.
41. My age group has proven to be dedicated. Dedicated workers are more
productive and efficient, and that leads to cost savings for you.
42. And talking about cost savings, many of us 50-somethings have health
benefits from our spouses. I won't need it from you.
43. I'm a lifelong learner and I'll be happy to take all the professional
development courses you want me to.
44. Older workers are loyal. We appreciate our jobs and will prove it by the way
we work.
45. Older workers are far less political. Our agenda is taking pride in our
46. I am detail-oriented, as many of us boomers are. It's how we were brought
47. I will set a good example for all your employees, young and old(er).
48. I know what customer service is. I was at it when it was more than just
800-numbers and
www.dontbotherme. com. (Read that one slowly.)
49. I can think on my feet. How do you think I got to be this age anyway?
50. Grey hair is actually beautiful.
Got it?