No, because the question is itself unfair. I ask that the US be held to the conventional standard for countries engaged in warfare. By your apparent logic, every modern war, e.g. WW 2, would have been unjust too.
War is always unjust Brandon--- on which planet do you live?
Let me end my communication on all these subjects by saying:
I have read the Blogs posted by Gelisgesti many times, in the topic, The U.S., the U.N., and Iraq.
Today, he posted another one-- and since reading it,
compounded by the article
day before yesterday in Al Jazeera's news -- with all the pictures of the dead and dying babies and children, and old people--
And learning the U.S. Military was ordered to seal Fallujah off from the rest of the country, because of the four men killed and mutilated...
I feel there is nothing more for me to say about "targetting". This ENTIRE city is targetted. I heard Bush say it, did you? Did you Brandon?
My countrymen, ladies/men---old/young--- all who took an oath to serve the military without question--- are required to do what they are told. While they are doing it, roads to food are blocked, hospitals are unavailable, death and flies are smelling on the floors of buildings, and a people who had little hope, finally have just about given up.
NO wonder they sit hungrily and broken and say, 'Death to America'