Quote:Moment-in-Time wrote:
Snowden is prepared to stop leaking information under Russian orders, that is, to stop trying to harm America. That hasn't stopped the journalist, Greenwald, who works for the UK Guardian Unlimited, who was given vast amount of information; this action by Greenwald simply intensifies the fervent desire to capture Snowden more so than ever.
Quote:Engineer wrote:
I would think it's the opposite. Capturing Snowden would accelerate the leaking of information since Snowden's deadman switch would be activated and Greenwald wouldn't be stopped anyway. The only reason to capture Snowden at this point is retribution. It's not going to stop any leaks.
You're correct, of course, however, when the passions are aroused, many times caution is thrown to the winds. I believe it as exactly that infamous interview by Jeff Greenwald that triggered so much anger against the Journalist. Greenwald claims there were propaganda reports circulating that he had been caught up in a pedophilia ring.
There are two sides to this miserable tale; the psychological effect that one might be assassinated at any time and the knowledge he, a journalist, is trying to outwit the most powerful nation on earth, might be slightly intimidating in the long wrong.
I'm merely on the side line, a watcher, not a participant of this scenario in which I hold very strong views, and that is one does not take a vow of loyalty to one's country and then turn right around and do the extreme opposite.