Maintaining high security is never trivial as one moment of carelessness can undo years and reveal you to a high power enemy such as NSA but it is no more trivial now then before snowden.
All the techniques to have hidden and secure communications was in the public domain decades before snowden.
Let see I wish to tell Izzy when our next terrorist attacks will happen and some of the details.
I take the message and using any number of programs encrypted it beyond the known ability of anyone to break including the NSA and then turning to another program I hide the message in the lower bits of a jpg file.
The computer I used to do this is never connected to the internet.
After transfering the file to a netbook, I travel to a public hot spot and on top of that I boot the tor network and upload the picture to any picture sharing website using a one time throw away account.
Izzy take similar steps when downloading the picture and reading the message.e
It is surely a pain but doable and you are as safe from the NSA or anyone else as you can be.