I understand what you're saying about MLK, but that was a different time and place when our government was working; we had the right people in the administration and congress who had the understanding of what civil rights was all about. This is a different time and age when the Tea Party has taken over our government, and nothing is working.
Our government can't even fund the crisis at the Mexican border - an urgent crisis about children, and the Tea Party is playing politics with this crisis.
We now have a party, the GOP, that works hard to disenfranchise voters in many states. They do everything in their power to disenfranchise women, minorities, seniors, students, the middle class and the poor, gays and lesbians, and almost everybody one can think of. Even the SCOTUS just voted to defend Hobby Lobby from providing contraception to women. The five men on the Supreme Court voted for it. Is the American people doing anything to change this? Show me? How long do you think it'll take to change this dastardly scenario? I'm a realist. At 79, there's not much more I can do for this country. I voted in all elections - both national and local, served in the military for four years, wrote to my congressmen and presidents, and none made any difference.
You can't see that difference? I can.