BillRM wrote:Of course Obama could have done something if only the terrorists was not been told that NSA was monitoring internet traffic and cell phone traffic.
They had no idea in the world that the US was doing any such thing until Snowden told them!!!!!!
What Snowden provided the terrorists with was not the knowledge that the NSA was listening, but rather the knowledge of the specific tactics that the NSA was using to listen, allowing the terrorists to thwart those specific tactics.
BillRM wrote:Sorry but the terrorists was not interests in the massive spying on US citizens or EU citizens that Snowden reveal
They were very interested in knowing the specific tactics used by the NSA.
BillRM wrote:and was well aware of the danger to them of the monitoring of internet and other electronic traffic by NSA long before Snowden came along.
"Knowing of the danger" does not tell them how to avoid the danger.
"Snowden telling them all of the NSA's tactics" told them how to avoid the danger.
BillRM wrote:Bin Laden compound have computers but no internet access or phone access with all information going by way of human couriers long before Snowden came onto the scene.
It was the NSA tracking the phone of one of those couriers that led us to that compound.
BillRM wrote:To sum up the only secrets that Snowden reveal was secrets being kept from the American people.
The American people also knew beforehand that the NSA listened to everything.
BillRM wrote:Footnote the government could not point to one case where their massive spying on US citizens had resulted in taking down of a terrorist cell.
There may be cases that they cannot point to because doing so would damage the NSA even more.
Or it may be that the NSA's work helps cases in small ways that, while vital, cannot readily be pointed to as the big breakthrough of a case.
At any rate, this huge setback we've just experienced in the War on Terror justifies Snowden getting the death penalty when he's convicted.