Snowden Has a Job In Russia, Lawyer Says
Yes, I read that article some time ago, but if it's a website job one can be sure Russian security will be painstaking as regards the informer. It's difficult to believe Snowden would have a financial problem even without a job; the former Guardian reporter, Glenn Greenwald (his new book "Nowhere to Hide" based on Snowden's revelations, and a huge international success) has made lots of money and surely the *whistleblower* would have been or will be compensated financially in some manner...and we must not forget the monetary value of selling US classified documents to various newspapers here and abroad.
I watched the Brian Williams interview with Snowden....for the second time...it preempted my regular MSNBC Rachel Maddow show. The camera caught Snowden surreptitiously coming up the back way, peering cautiously around the next corner before making his grand entrance....the informer continues to be nervous that he might be entering a trap at any time.
Snowden stated he "missed his work, his colleagues, his family." Given his high energetic mental status, any prolonged stay in Russia will depress him something awful, especially with Vladimir Putin turning Russia into a giant police state. Given time, it would not surprise me if some deal was worked out with the US allowing Snowden to return from the hell net he's currently caught in.