@cicerone imposter,
Quote:Russia is the safest place to be, because the president has the authority to use drones to kill him.
I do not think the US is seriously trying to kill Americans....they just want to imprison the informer, or whistleblower, Edward Snowden.
Look, Ci, the National Security Agency (NSA) had gotten a new technology system with which to catch those who would seek to harm the US. In the current-stage-of technology, this methodology ended up capturing almost everyone in its net; the system has to be improved, unquestionably, but concurrently, we have alerted some terrorists to our Mode Operandi i.e., method of operation.....Metadata is here to stay, but it just has to be surgically refined. It is said if such were in place at the time of 9/11 perhaps that tragedy might have been prevented......well, if Cheney had not been the de facto president of the US.....such just might have worked....but then again there were pre-9/11 warning signals all over the place but were ignored....whether from incompetence or deliberately....it's difficult to ascertain without a complete and thorough investigation of the GWB administration.
The reality is the US as well as other countries are doing the same thing as we write. When Barack first became president, his Blackberry was taken away; the reason given, people with advancing technology would be capable of listening in on the president's calls. Now I think it was
absolutely wrong to listen in on Chancellor Angela Merkel's calls and one can readily understand her still being miffed at the US president.
With our new technology, we are going places we dared not dream of before, but this technology is still in its infancy, and in time it will become a much more sophisticated industrial science. We are recorded with cameras at the bank, stores, on street corners, etc. When you apply for a credit card they know practically everything about one. There is no such thing as complete privacy anymore......
Trust me, all countries are trying to reach the precise level of savoir vivre as the US. All countries spy on other countries and are trying their level best to upgrade their systems.
The disgust I feel for Snowden is that he deliberaetly harmed his country by
BETRAYING classified information and then sneaking out of the country like a rat. A true whistle blower would have stayed and faced the music and be judged by his peers.
I am loyal to my country and its people....as most people are. I would not deliberately hurt the land of my birth by telling the world its scrects; there were serious opportunities for Snowden to report this classified information to the proper authorities in this country; why did Snowden not prevail himself of this circumstance?!
I am not the only American who feel Snowden went about this the wrong way. By telling the world he also alerted the terrorists.
There is no love or admiration for Edward Snowden for what he did to America and the American people.
P.S. Do not get me wrong.....I can respect your feeling anger at the US as well as your emotions; yet, by the same token, I would respect it if you will respect my feelings and sentiment. There is never a respectful reason to lower oneself to name calling because I harbor an opinion which is at loggerheads with yours. Thanking you in advance.