Olivier5 wrote:
Did you manage to spend a few days without insulting anyone, by the way? How did that feel?
Most of the time I am not insulting anyone, Olivier.
I am not interested in the petty nonsense that seems to be such a big part of A2K. Even with you, I would rather have a cyber-friendship develop...rather than this constant sniping that YOU initiate so often.
There are interesting things to discuss...matters that are complex and nuanced to the point where very differing opinions can exist.
The topic at hand (one you seldom address) is a case in point. Some people y think Snowden is a traitor. (He is being charged under the Espionage Act...but I think that is almost an accident of laws meant to keep classified documents safe.)
I honestly do not see him as a traitor...not even considering the implications of the charges against him.
Some people consider him a hero! That baffles me...he is so far from being heroic, in my opinion, that suggestions in that direction appall me.
But I am willing to acknowledge that some people feel that way...and to discuss the issue.
You seem to want to scorn, Olivier...not to discuss...at least not here.
I will acknowledge that your comments over in the "Atheist" thread, by the way, are some of the best in that thread...although the atheists have made it abundantly clear that they do not want non-atheists there, so except for minor exceptions, I stay away. I do follow it very closely...and your comments really do stand out in my opinion.
My question to you would be: Why all this petty nonsense with me? What is the basis for you hostility?
By the way, I think some deference ought be paid to each thread's subject during a post...even if in passing. It is the right thing to do. So I am trying to include a comment germane to the topic in each post.
I do not think Snowden is a dummy. I think he may have violated some significant laws...and I want to see him get a fair trial in an attempt to clear his name.