Saying someone is dissing on America continually is not saying they are anti-America. It just says that they keep carping on America as though American (or the government of America) is just horrible through and through right now and can do no right at all. I mean by all means talk about the vast spying and other actions our government is doing. I hope there is some improvements made in that regard myself. But some here act as the government just is out to get people and have no good intentions behind their actions, however wrong headed said action may be. That's what I mean by dissing on America, not talking about policies and methods that America does but its reason for doing it. (I wish I could word it better...) Furthermore, I don't think everyone here goes to that extreme who is really upset about this NSA business.
CI just annoys me by his constantly acting as though everyone else who disagrees with him "don't understand." He also has got unnecessarily rough to me so I put on ignore. He calls it calling a spade a spade, however, not only is it rude, but often he calls a regular old shovel a spade.
I think Frank and others like him (me) just look at some of this spying business as a necessary evil, however, in a lot of cases, I agree, it seems that the NSA needs to be reigned in and ,mostly when it comes to how
they use the information they get. At least so far that is my assessment. Also, this comes into another problem on this thread. Rather than getting a difference of opinion on this issue, it seems that we get back insults. So Frank has started to respond in kind (as he put it) I am simply pointing out how old it is getting. All this back and forth.