@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
You wrote,
Quote:No, I do not speak from ignorance...although I will acknowledge that it is a guess. But it is a guess based on what I see you write day after day in this forum...and I do not see it as an unreasonable guesss.
Yes, it's ignorance.
NO...it is not ignorance, ci.
You apparently feel a compulsion to use words like "ignorant", "stupid", "idiot" and the like on anyone who is of a different opinion from you.
It is a habit you ought really to break...if y0u can.
Quote:What you have failed to see and read are all the positives I've written about Obama...
I read every word you write, ci...and I do not pull this "on ignore" nonsense on you.
Quote:...his saving the auto industry, his ability to keep our economy growing even as the Tea Party attempts to destroy his administration, and the ACA, although it's not the best health care system that could have involved more savings (of which I've detailed early on), and my support when posters wrote negative opinions about Obama that I found to be outright lies or not true.
Fine...perhaps you have. And nowhere have I minimized that.
But your constant harping about the government has been ceaseless...and your contempt and scorn for the things that almost of necessity must happen in a democratic government has been relentless.
And if you cannot see that...that is a problem with you, not with me.
Quote:Yes, he lost my respect when he lied once too often, and responded to my letter about lifting the embargo against Cuba.
You have, in my opinion, a naive understanding of letters to elected officials...and about the nature of their responses. And you are, once again in my opinion, way, way too black and white in your approach to how things get done in a complicated world...where politicians are seeking to meet the requests, demands, and sensibilities of people who are 180 degrees out of synch with each other.
Democracy is NOT an easy thing...and governing in a democracy is one of the most difficult undertakings imaginable. And when it is attempted in a society as polarized as ours...with people who have become virtually ungovernable...it is going to move at a glacial pace.
You apparently cannot take that into reasonable consideration in your condemnations.
In any case, if you fill a need in your life by calling me ignorant...or by the regular insulting posts you make to others about me...by all means, ci...do it. That is your right...and I would fight anyone who would seek to limit your right to do so.
But you have done it so often and regularly...that I will respond in kind.
So knock yourself out.