@Frank Apisa,
Quote:In any case...since you apparently are a genius...or have a crystal ball...why the "you are so easily confused?"
I'm not a genius and I do not have a crystal ball.
If I were to allow neo, an ab. of neologist, the benefit of the doubt I might say that he was using a short-hand for saying that the corny and cliched burlesques you employ are contradictory and they have rendered you confused.
You would not be confused, of course, if you had no contact with the real world or no experience of the burlesques of others and thus cannot have taken the trouble to compare the two with reference to their likeliest outcomes.
Here is Wiki's, that's an ab. of Wikipedia, definition of burlesque.
Quote:Burlesque is a literary, dramatic or musical work intended to cause laughter by caricaturing the manner or spirit of serious works, or by ludicrous treatment of their subjects. The word derives from the Italian burlesco, which, in turn, is derived from the Italian burla – a joke, ridicule or mockery.
Laughing something off, the bustle for example, is just as good as hunting down all references to it and burning them and stringing up those who make them. It is actually better at getting rid of it.
The western world has proved that the Bible is a serious work although there are some who are not entirely convinced. It was the first ever book printed on the first ever printing press. It has since sold more than any other book printed since, the bulk of which are worthless, and it has been used as the source of quotations and plots more times than any other work of art.
Children's names. It's a serious work.
Laughing that off is not going to be easy and if you were not so confused you would be campaigning to use the other method to get rid of it instead of regaling us with these washed-out, simple, burlesques of yours which only serve the purpose of making you look ridiculous. As they do Setanta.
Somebody is certainly confused if they continually bang their head against a thick wall. In the real world no amount of cheapskate burlesques will shift the Bible or prevent it being treated as a serious work.
There are too many people who have restrained their sexual urges for too many years to have them accept that they did so for nothing. Or, worse, for a sack of bullshit. For something ludicrous. Fools. Had the wool pulled over and missed all the fun.
That those who have allowed their sexual urges a freer run might take a different view is not at all surprising. But why they feel they cannot allow their sexual urges a free run and keep quiet about it, as many politicians have self-evidently managed to do, (i.e. all the ones not in disgrace I mean---well, the men--I wouldn't wish to seem ungallant), rather than flagging it up in public, with pride, is a complete mystery to me unless they believe, and it would be a belief, that everybody having the same fun will cause no harmful effects. Some, not a few, believe there will be benefits and make us more ready and fit to fight our enemies. And in view of the fact that they would have to introduce draconian measures fairly soon after trying the experiment, property taking on the look of a transit camp in fairly short order, as just one example, I dare say they might well take advantage of the regimentation required to get us lean and fit as we would soon be with 6am PT, jogging to our workstations, a Vegan meat and potato pie and a card to watch the Big Mon explain how grateful we ought to be to him for bringing us this paradise.
That's a twee burlesque. The serious work being ridiculed is the regime which does without the Bible.
There are two types of burlesque. One that ridicules something that should be ridiculed, totalitarianism, and one that ridicules something that doesn't deserve to be. Ridiculing the latter something in order to introduce the former something entails a duty to defend the former something. ( I think Mr Heller would have preferred "latter" instead of my last "former" but I prefer to express myself in a way that doesn't require the reader to make any undue effort.)
So basically you are a Christian attacking Christianity out of felt guilt at your past, I assume, infringements of the Christian sexual morality unless you mount a defence of totalitarianism.
Which, of course, I can easily do using evolution theory.