rosborne979 wrote:neologist wrote:According to o Paul at 2 Timothy 3:16 ". . . All Scripture is inspired of God . . ."
And you find that convincing?
The entire Bible depends on it being a unified whole. For example, the Law was written to lead the Jews to the Messiah. If the Bible is not internally consistent, then, among other things, we are left to determine moral issues according to our own perception of what is good and what is bad, an issue first raised in Genesis 2:17.
So, why does there seem to be so much confusion about what the Bible actually says? For one thing, issues raised in the Garden of Eden have yet to be resolved. For the thousands of years since, God's adversary has been given opportunity to demonstrate his point. The entire world has been under his authority. In proof of this, consider the offer he made to Jesus at Matthew 4:9, offering him the kingdoms of the world. He could not offer what he did not control. The only thing he has not been able to control is Jesus' message at John 18:37. :For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth." Should this message be corrupted, Paul's statement could not be true. So, all the resistor of Genesis needs to accomplish is to obfuscate the message.
I wish I could demonstrate with empirical certainty that I have stumbled upon the correct interpretation(s). I have no authority to make any claims other than what I find in the Bible. And, I'm just an ordinary schluck. I'm from New Jersey, for goodness sake . . .