Iran Elects Moderate(ish) President. Will it change anything?

Reply Sun 16 Jun, 2013 02:06 pm
The victory of reformist-backed figure Hassan Rouhani in Iran's 14 June presidential election has a number of uncomfortable messages for the country's ruling right-wing establishment.

Mr Rouhani was not the reformists' first, or even the second, choice of candidate.

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The conservatives had assumed an easy ride”
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Most had pinned their hopes on former President Mohammad Khatami, but he did not put his name forward. The reformists then looked to the pragmatic veteran politician Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani, who was disqualified from standing by Iran's top election body, the Guardian Council.

And when Mohammad Reza Aref, the only reformist candidate in the running, withdrew earlier this week in favour of Mr Rouhani, the reformists reached a consensus and threw their weight behind him.

His victory in the first round - when he unexpectedly gained 50.7% of the votes in a turnout of over 72% - has certainly emboldened the reform movement.

After four years of seeing their leaders placed under house arrest, many of them imprisoned and their media outlets curtailed, they sense that voters have given them a mandate for change.


Israel doesn't seem that impressed.

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has warned that international pressure on Iran must not be loosened in the wake of the election of reformist-backed Hassan Rouhani as president.

Mr Netanyahu said Iran's nuclear programme must be stopped "by any means" and there should be no "wishful thinking" about Mr Rouhani's victory.

Reply Mon 17 Jun, 2013 11:26 pm

One of Mr Rouhani's main election pledges was to try to ease international sanctions imposed on Iran over its nuclear programme, and he has also promised greater engagement with Western powers.

Ah, Izzy, I'm delighted along with the Iranian people that the moderate Hassan Rouhani was elected president of Iran. It was indeed a welcome gesture on his part to say he wished to ease tensions with the West. This is what President Obama has been waiting for, a reaching out for dialogue. Clearly something had to be done because the sanctions were beginning to bite, at least among everyday people and if kept in place long enough even the rich would begin to feel it.

From the article:

But Mr Netanyahu said on Sunday: "The international community should not fall into wishful thinking and be tempted to ease pressure on Iran to stop its nuclear programme."

If the International community feels Mr. Rouhani is sincere in his desire to meet the West half way, there simply is nothing Israel can do about it. Israel and the neocons were in charge of the illegal invasion of Iraq and you see the money it's caused the US and Britain, not to mention how it screwed up the US economy and indirectly the world; the terrible loss of lives among US and British military and innocent Iraqis with many still crowded into Jordan. Iraq today is still fighting among itself with bombs going off all over the place; the US and its coalition broke Iraq and who knows when it will ever be right again.

President Obama is not GWB. Israel does not dictate the terms of today's middle east policy, Ovama's White House does. Obama has never intended to bomb Iran's fledgling nuclear facility. The International community is wary of Israel's continued stealing of of land from the Palestinians for settlements.
Reply Tue 18 Jun, 2013 01:18 am
There are many ways to view this, you could ignore it and call the election a sham, as only those vetted by the Guardian Council are allowed to stand. This is amplified when you consider that all real power lies in the hands of the Ayatollah.

Having said that, he is the one with a mandate, and that the Iranian people chose the most reformist candidate running. It shows that the people themselves aren't a bunch of nutters and favour dialogue over anything else.
Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2013 12:47 pm
Does the easing of sanctions have anything to with the new president. Either way it's an encouraging sign.

The US has eased sanctions on exports of medical equipment to Iran, the treasury department has said.

Electrocardiography and dialysis machines are among the items that can now be exported without prior approval.

The department said the expansion of allowed exports was intended to enable "legitimate humanitarian trade".

Iranians have suffered chronic medicine shortages amid Western sanctions aimed at pressuring Tehran to abandon its nuclear programme.

Israel and some Western powers suspect Iran's nuclear programme may be a front for making weapons, but Tehran insists it is purely peaceful.

David Cohen, the US treasury department's under-secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, said on Thursday the policy shift "reflects an important element of our sanctions policy".

"Even as we continue to implement and enforce our rigorous sanctions regime against Iran, we are committed to safeguarding legitimate humanitarian trade," he said.

The US has imposed as many as nine sets of sanctions aimed at isolating the Iranian oil and gas, financial and automotive industries from international money and markets.

The international sanctions have contributed to economic hardship in Iran, which is suffering from rising unemployment, a devalued currency and soaring inflation. Analysts say exceptions for food, agricultural commodities, medicine and medical equipment in the sanctions programmes have not been effective, with many banks still worried they could be penalised for processing such export transactions.

The US has said that even as it imposes sanctions, it remains open to a diplomatic solution with Iran.

Last month, US President Barack Obama said the US had "cautious optimism" it would be able to work with newly elected Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

"We may be able to move forward on a dialogue that allows us to resolve the problems with Iran's nuclear programme," Mr Obama said.

Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2013 01:45 pm
David Cohen, the US treasury department's under-secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, said on Thursday the policy shift "reflects an important element of our sanctions policy".

"Even as we continue to implement and enforce our rigorous sanctions regime against Iran, we are committed to safeguarding legitimate humanitarian trade," he said.

Why even quote these extraordinary liars? These are the guys who, in concert with the UK government, killed half a million Iraqi children. And then the US verily bragged about it!

Consider what they are doing to Cuba.

Evil evil people. Look at the historical record. That's been the case from the get go and it hasn't ever let up.
Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2013 01:48 pm
Clearly something had to be done because the sanctions were beginning to bite, at least among everyday people and if kept in place long enough even the rich would begin to feel it.

Where are the sanctions against the top terrorist nation on the planet, MiT?

Oh, I forgot, you're an American academic. You don't do discussion on topics that you find mentally and emotionally troubling.
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Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2013 02:02 pm
You can just be negative, or you can welcome a tentative mood in the right direction.
Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2013 02:12 pm
It's not negativity, Izzy. It's pointing up who are the real criminals in this situation. Stop talking about the Iranians and focus on which countries have been the true criminals in the Middle East for the past 70 or more years.
Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2013 02:27 pm
Don't tell me what to do. I don't dance to your tune.
Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2013 02:33 pm
Don't tell me what to do. I don't dance to your tune.

Come on, Izzy, right after you tell me what to do.

There's this constant running thru all these threads that the US and the UK are trying to do the right thing and it's Iran that's the big culprit.

Look at your silly thread title.

Iran never invaded the UK or the US and turfed out their governments, installing a brutal dictator. Iran never stole the wealth from the UK or the US. Iran doesn't have war ships sitting offshore of the UK/US.
Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2013 02:50 pm
I never told you what to do I pointed out what you're doing.

I think a war with Iran would be a disaster, that posting this thread may help persuade some American that Iran isn't the great big bogie man they think it is.

On this you and I differ. I think you'd relish a confrontation between Iran and America just so you could wag your finger a bit more. That's why you're doing your upmost to show that only vitriolic anti-Americans would oppose a strike against Iran.

Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2013 03:03 pm
I never told you what to do I pointed out what you're doing.

You're trying to make a distinction that has no difference. But that's not important.

I think a war with Iran would be a disaster, that posting this thread may help persuade some American that Iran isn't the great big bogie man they think it is.

That's good. But avoiding the truth never helps. The US is bullying Iran just as it bullies everyone around the globe.

A war with Iran would be a disaster, but only for the people of Iran. But if it came to that the propaganda then would be "Oh me oh my, how many US soldiers have we lost defending democracy around the world".

On this you and I differ. I think you'd relish a confrontation between Iran and America just so you could wag your finger a bit more.

We only differ in that you seem happy to spread lies about me.

That's why you're doing your utmost to show that only vitriolic anti-Americans would oppose a strike against Iran.


Again, come on, Izzy. You're normally much more normal than this.
Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2013 03:51 pm
Why do you think it is, Izzy, that the US doesn't have an embargo on the portion of its "aid" to Israel that goes to the Communist kibbutzes?
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Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2013 04:56 pm
I'm an internationalist, and a socialist. I don't think you are, I think your motives are less than pure.

Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2013 05:08 pm
I'm an internationalist, and a socialist. I don't think you are, I think your motives are less than pure.

You admit to being a socialist and then have the temerity to question whether my motives are pure??!!!

Reply Fri 26 Jul, 2013 06:03 am
That's a very American response to socialism JTT. No other country produces people with such a Pavlovian reflex. I guess old habits die hard.

Do you speak so passionately about American war crimes because you participated in them? No amount of scolding other people will wash away your guilt.

You need to take responsibility, like Oliver Stone did, educate, speak with a quiet voice, don't scold or proselytise. That way people might stop putting you on ignore.
Reply Fri 26 Jul, 2013 10:33 am
That's a very American response to socialism JTT. No other country produces people with such a Pavlovian reflex. I guess old habits die hard.

You failed to detect the deep tongue in cheek, the heavy sarcasm, Izzy. You're usually brighter than that.

Do you speak so passionately about American war crimes because you participated in them? No amount of scolding other people will wash away your guilt.

Now that is really lame, Izzy. That's oralloyian.

You need to take responsibility, like Oliver Stone did, educate, speak with a quiet voice, don't scold or proselytise. That way people might stop putting you on ignore.

And you need to stop stroking those who rely on lies and propaganda. You're the one who keeps using euphemisms to describe war crimes and terrorism. You're one of the ones who downplays the evil that was Iraq and Afghanistan.

If Walter tried to whitewash Nazi war crimes the way you and others try to whitewash UK and US war crimes and terrorism, you and a whole bunch of USians would be all over him like a cheap suit.

You're all over Advocate like a cheap suit over the Israelis and though they're bad they are pikers compared to the US and the UK.
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Reply Fri 26 Jul, 2013 11:04 pm
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Reply Sat 3 Aug, 2013 07:26 am
Iran’s President-Elect Provokes Furor Abroad With Remarks on Israel

Attending an annual pro-Palestinian holiday in Iran known as Al Quds Day, a reference to the Arabic name for Jerusalem and an occasion in which Iranians march and shout “Death to Israel,” Mr. Rouhani told state television that “a sore has been sitting on the body of the Islamic world for many years,” a reference to Israel.

At least three Iranian news agencies appeared to misquote him as saying: the “Zionist regime is a sore which must be removed.” Later in the day they posted corrections.

Mr. Rouhani, who has sought to portray himself as a moderate, did not use the most inflammatory anti-Israeli invective sometimes heard from other Iranian leaders, most notably Mr. Rouhani’s predecessor, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has called Israel a cancerous tumor, a virus and an aberration that should be expunged from history.

Nevertheless, the initial news agency translation of Mr. Rouhani’s comments from the state television videotape infuriated Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. He has previously described Mr. Rouhani as a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” whose surprising June 14 election victory was unlikely to change Iran’s policies, particularly regarding what Israel views as an Iranian determination to become a nuclear weapons power.

“Rouhani’s true face has been revealed earlier than expected,” Mr. Netanyahu said in a statement. “Even if they will now rush to deny his remarks, this is what the man thinks and this is the plan of the Iranian regime. These remarks by President Rouhani must rouse the world from the illusion that part of it has been caught up in since the Iranian elections.

“The president there has changed, but the goal of the regime has not: to achieve nuclear weapons in order to threaten Israel, the Middle East and the peace and security of the entire world. A country that threatens the destruction of the state of Israel must not be allowed to possess weapons of mass destruction.”

When told later that the original translation had been wrong, and that the videotape showed Mr. Rouhani had in fact not referred directly to Israel or said anything about removing the “sore,” Mr. Netanyahu’s office was unmoved and seemingly uninterested in nuance. “We stand by what we say,” said his spokesman, Mark Regev. “The remarks attributed to him we think, we are sure, that represents his true outlook.”

(more at the source, both before and after the section above)
Reply Sat 3 Aug, 2013 09:33 pm
He has previously described Mr. Rouhani as a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” whose surprising June 14 election victory was unlikely to change Iran’s policies, particularly regarding what Israel views as an Iranian determination to become a nuclear weapons power.

And Netanyahu is a wolf in wolf's clothing. Who is it that has nuclear weapons in the Middle East - ISRAEL!!
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