reasoning logic
Reply Fri 21 Jun, 2013 07:36 pm
I do believe I am an intellectually honest creationist

Do you also believe that you have been honest about Walter?
reasoning logic
Reply Fri 21 Jun, 2013 08:40 pm
No...I would consider that being an intellectually honest creationist...and something that an intellectually honest creationist would actually say and be willing to admit that...and wear their beliefs on their sleeve regardless of the persecution from others...I am not saying I am perfect...but yes, I do believe I am an intellectually honest creationist, and no I do not think it is boastful to tell the truth about it...since the truth shall set you free.

That is cool, Could you explain how this video will not set you free being you want people to be free?

0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Jun, 2013 08:41 pm
@reasoning logic,
Do you also believe that you have been honest about Walter?

Wait one second...since you keep asking me about this, after I have explained why I chose to not discuss this based upon why you say you ask me questions about that...I want to get to the bottom of why you may actually think I am not being honest about that...Let me flip this around for one second if you do not mind...

Do you think you have been intellectually honest about the questions you have asked me about "Walter"?

What about "Walter" do you honestly think I have not been intellectually honest about, with every question that you have personally asked me about that?

If you are willing to explain exactly what you believe I have been dishonest about that...I will explain exactly how I have not been...and why...

Are you honestly telling me the truth? Or do you honestly believe that I am not?

Fil Albuquerque
Reply Fri 21 Jun, 2013 08:45 pm
Are you guys play rolling a soap opera ? Can you post a resume in 3 lines ? Wink
reasoning logic
Reply Fri 21 Jun, 2013 08:46 pm
What about "Walter" do you honestly think I have not been intellectually honest about, with every question that you have personally asked me about that?

No that is the whole problem with me believing in you, Could you imagine that a simple truth could solve the problem?
reasoning logic
Reply Fri 21 Jun, 2013 08:50 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Are you guys play rolling a soap opera ? Can you post a resume in 3 lines ?

I do realize that this is some deep **** and only those who have a interest in Walter will get it. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Jun, 2013 08:53 pm
@reasoning logic,
If you honestly think I am lying, and would like to know if I truly believe that I am...and wish to keep asking me about this...because you honestly want to know...Then explain to me what you truthfully want to know...and why...and where you see the lie, and I will explain how it is not a lie...because I have explained the truth to every question you have personally asked me about that...So since more questions keep coming could only be you who is not being truthful in your own questions...not me in my own answers...
reasoning logic
Reply Fri 21 Jun, 2013 09:00 pm

If you honestly think I am lying, and would like to know if I truly believe that I am...and wish to keep asking me about this...because you honestly want to know...Then explain to me what you truthfully want to know...and why

Do you think that everyone would speak the truth and if not why would you think that others should trust you ?
Reply Fri 21 Jun, 2013 09:07 pm
@reasoning logic,
Do you think that everyone would speak the truth

I am honestly asking you because I honestly want you to explain to me what you honestly would like to know...once and for all...Is that the truth? Or a lie? (think about it carefully) And because you ask me as if you truly want to know...not everyone...because everyone are not asking me...nor do they ask me as if they truly want to know...

Do you honestly think you are being honest with me? Or that I am honestly not being honest with you? (think about that one carefully also)

What do you honestly want to know?

reasoning logic
Reply Sat 22 Jun, 2013 04:15 am
I am honestly not being honest with you?

Can a person honestly not be honest?

Why not just say, "I am a liar who is not lying to you?
Reply Sat 22 Jun, 2013 08:12 pm
@reasoning logic,
No, here is the deal...RL

Here is the full question...not what you wanted to take out of context once try to make it appear different than what my question was entirety...for whatever reason you may personally feel that that is not a dishonest thing to do...or why ever you are actually doing that...

What you have quoted myself as saying, and then the answers that you have given mean absolutely nothing...because that was not the question I had actually asked entirety...So I consider your answers to be a bogus attempt at being honest...with what I have actually asked you...and I suspect you are not even being honest with yourself...but I am not sure if you realize you are doing this...or if you honestly think you are being honest here yourself...

Full question I have asked you...

Do you honestly think you are being honest with me? Or (do you think) that I am honestly not being honest with you? (think about that one carefully also)

Now, if you would like to answer either of those exact questions, and everything that I have actually said, or have asked you...then I will be willing to listen, and give you my response to your answers of the entire question I am actually asking you...

I am not interested in answering an answer you have given me regarding a fabricated position that you are trying to portray me as claiming to you...

Just to try to portray me as something that I am not...for whatever personal reason you actually desire to do this...

Can a person honestly not be honest?

Do you think that they can? Why would you think that this could be true yourself? 2 Cents Get it now? Sheesh...

0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Jun, 2013 08:19 pm
@reasoning logic,
And in case you still do not get it...

With your quote of my question...I am not asking you why you think I am being dishonest with you...Which is what you quoted, and tried to pass off as an answer to what I had asked you...I am asking you if you honestly think that I am being dishonest with you and why? That is the question I had asked in the entire original question itself...because I would like to hear what you think about me yourself...with your own free will....and stop that garbage from happening of whoever tried to trap you all up, and strip your free will away from you...

There is a huge difference...

Once we both understand exactly what you may actually think I am lying to you about...directly, and personally...If you honestly believe that I am, and explain why...freely...I can freely explain how I agree or do not...and why...

I am not going to be trapped up like someone had done to you...but I can help you break out of that trap, if you are willing to take back your own free will...because it is yours, and no one else's...and you want it back...

You must first acknowledge that your own free will is yours, and not anyone else's...and your thinking is freely yours because it comes from you...and what you actually freely think and believe or freely choose not too...and why...but because this is what you freely want yourself...
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 06:27 am
.I am asking you if you honestly think that I am being dishonest with you and why? That is the question I had asked in the entire original question itself.

Yes I do think you have been dishonest. For starters you have out right lied about waltbingley in your email.

You continue to dodge "sharing" all truth about him.
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 11:15 am
@reasoning logic,
Yes I do think you have been dishonest. For starters you have out right lied about waltbingley in your email.

You continue to dodge "sharing" all truth about him.

And my answer to you is that I have not outright lied...and if I ever feel that I can trust the bond we have had, once again...I will explain it all in a P.M. for you...if you honestly can not understand that...then that is what shows me that you are not ready...whichever way you choose to continue to bring that you it is about that, for me it goes even deeper...

I am going to take what you have said about defiling at face value, and sit back and listen for a bit...and not speak...I have spoken to you what I have been commanded to say...and God says that that is what sets one free...even if they defile themselves...I truly hope that you take into account what you preach to others...and I truly hope you sit back and listen to what others have to say themselves...and what others are actually saying to you...for one, and only if this reason alone...because you have asked them to answer questions for you...
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 11:49 am
I will explain it all in a P.M. for you.

OK mate if it is a secret that you only want me to know I can deal with that. Cool
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 12:17 pm
@reasoning logic,
No offense to you RL...but I am sure that you would...but that is simply not what I have just said...not in its just is not...

I said if I find that that bond is there again, I will...

I did not say anything about it being secretive, nor that you are the only one I feel I can offense...but those words are just not there, they simply aren't...and I think you should start listening to what others are actually saying to you, if you choose to ask them questions...and would like to hear their answers...because you are the one who makes it appear that you would like to know these things...since you are the one who is thinking about them...and asking, because it is your own thinking that they are trying to comprehend...since you do not take the time to actually explain why you feel compelled to say what you do to each person you engage with...whether words, or videos...people have to try to do your thinking for you, which they ultimately can not do...

I am gone now, but will be back...please listen to what others have to say, and please listen to what others tell you when you ask them something...because whether you realize this or not...based upon the ways you interact on here...their answers directly to you, are what your thoughts happen to be...and they are nice enough to explain this is kind ways for you...that you do not appreciate...
reasoning logic
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 12:29 pm
I said if I find that that bond is there again, I will...

Are you suggesting that if I do not conform to your thoughts that there is no bond?

I did not say anything about it being secretive, nor that you are the only one I feel I can offense...but those words are just not there, they simply aren't..

Then what is the need for a PM? A light that shines in truth should not be hidden from others should it?

I think you should start listening to what others are actually saying to you, if you choose to ask them questions.

I do listen to what they have to say and I also listen to the videos that they share without having them explain them to me.

you do not take the time to actually explain why you feel compelled to say what you do to each person you engage with...whether words, or videos...

Of course I take the time with people who take the time with me but if they do not show the courtesy to view something that I share, "why should I make an extra effort to explain it to them?
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 12:55 pm
@reasoning logic,
Are you suggesting that if I do not conform to your thoughts that there is no bond?

Nope...I am suggesting you must try to stop making others conform to your very own thoughts...while they are not aware of this...unless you are willing to acknowledge that you do this, but have no desire to stop doing it...Or understand that you are, but do not want too...and you will be free yourself...then they are free regardless...and so are explaining what you are freely thinking and why when you freely choose to engage someone else...and you have to be willing to ask them because you want to hear their answers, and that includes explaining to them what your thoughts about them are when you choose to engage word, or with that they are not doing the thinking for you, and then you will see their actual answers or thoughts at face value, because you are being honest when you say you would like to hear them...not their answers to how they perceive you are looking for and why... and if you truly do that, you can not make it look anyway you wish from a deceptive point of view, since they are trying to empathetically understand what you would like to know, and give you an answer...which you are doing right now...being deceptive...because it is easy for you to fall back on the ignorance card and then claim that you have never actually made such claims...which is the truth...but you are also not being truthful up front...and others are only trying to understand you...and what they think you would like to know...and then have conversations with you based upon their perceptions of your thinking...which is not their own thinking...and you should be willing to be honest with others..not deceptive....since you are not explaining your thoughts up front with them...other members here are not your lab rats...they are human beings just like you...stop it...or I will command in the name of Jesus that that evil **** will not be allowed to happen anymore...anyways...choice is yours...

Remember the golden rule...succeeds all rules, except love God above all things...and that includes defiling of oneself...

reasoning logic
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 01:09 pm
I am suggesting you must try to stop making others conform to your very own thoughts.

What are the thoughts that I have and that I think you should conform to?

you will see their actual answers or thoughts at face value,

If I want to see their thoughts at face value I think that I should allow them to view something without my thoughts or influence on the matter.

If they would like to discus things after the matter I would be willing.

they are trying to empathetically understand what you would like to know, and give you an answer

Do you think that everyone is trying to empathetically understand what I would like to know, and give me an answer?

Remember the golden rule...succeeds all rules

Do you find value in the golden rule and if so what is the golden rule to you?
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 01:45 pm
@reasoning logic,
What are the thoughts that I have and that I think you should conform to?

Only you would know what these thoughts are yourself, RL...So what are they?

If I want to see their thoughts at face value I think that I should allow them to view something without my thoughts or influence on the matter.

I am glad to hear you say this...So what are your own thoughts about me? So that I can tell you what I think, about anything you wish to discuss, without your own influence over me...

If they would like to discus things after the matter I would be willing.

I am willing...

Do you think that everyone is trying to empathetically understand what I would like to know, and give me an answer?

Do I think everyone who engages with you is? Yes...Do I think that everyone freely wants to do this? No...

Do you find value in the golden rule and if so what is the golden rule to you?

Yes, I find value in the golden rule because it does not do away with all of the laws of the prophets like many claim...but by Jesus instituting that one law, and making it second most important...he kept all of the physical laws, all of the moral laws...etc...and made the second most important law of all one that now requires one to have wisdom, and prudence and make good choices in everything that they do, preserving the law of the prophets, like he said he was going to do...and putting a new law in place that is infinite...


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