....Wowee zillickers!..

.I see after I made an appearance last night, I missed the linquistical rumble, that later ensued between Setana & Jtt. So , albeit a little late, I have a coupla' points, that nevertheless should be addressed.
.....First point: A peeve of mine I didn't mention is making language a mandate rather than a tool. Please remember that the position of lanquage is as a TOOL OF COMMUNICATION

...Tools don't use men,men use tools. If you have a nail to drive in and the closest thing to you is a monkey wrench, you shouldn't be ostracized, for using it. If you succeed in getting your point across, my "pet peeves" are just that, nothing more. My concern is mainly when someone in the position of say, a newscaster, misuses the language, without explanation. A youngster or newcomer should have a chance to learn proper english, before learning improvisations, malaprops, etc..
....Second point:Mssrs. Setana and JTT

A debate is best utilized when the participonts priority is Seeking the truth, not winning the argument at all costs. This is done by arguing your position to the best of your ability, NOT ....contesting the right of your adversaries to have a different point of view. Now you guys shake hands, and get on with your lifses...hee,hee
