Re: What are your pet peeves re English usage?
Grand Duke wrote:ailsagirl wrote:2) Saying, "Sam gave the coin to Jeff and I."
4) Not using the serial comma (Ex. "The red, white and blue")
I'm not sure whether I am remembering incorrectly, or if it is due to cultural differences, but (as a Briton) I would say that both of these are correct. Anyone care to agree/disagree? I'm confused!
I realize that a bit of time has gone by since you wrote this, but in case you're still around, I thought I'd reply to this.
No. 2 is absolutely incorrect. Here's how you can tell. Drop "Jeff and." Now you're left with "Sam gave the coin to I."
No. 4 is fine. Since the list and its components are very short, it looks neater to omit the last comma, but it would be equally correct to include it.