Setanta wrote:To tell someone that their opinions are errant does not constitute having impeached someone for presenting anecdotal evidence, nor is it anything more than asserting that you speak from authority with regard to what is in error and what is not. You assailed me for offering opinion rather than a
"study." All i have seen you offer is your own opinion, and the implication that you speak from an authority which no other here possesses.
You are a great, puling hypocrite.
You never stay around long enough to find out, Set. Your arguments on any language issue drop precipitously with each word you write, 'til we're left with this, again.
That has always astonished me, how someone can be so stridently opposed to "errors in history", but yet that same person is content to fully, and enthusiastically, support falsehoods in other areas of study.
You constantly assail others for perceived errors in history and then proceed to lay out the "truth".
If that is not hypocrisy, then you're a monkey's uncle.