What are your pet peeves re English usage?

Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 12:22 am
Very Happy Very good, Francis. Very Happy
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Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 12:49 am
Just couldn't help yourself could you, McTag? Got bored so you thought you'd bait the troll for a bit of cheap amusement. Well, let me oblige.

So it's not just me who has objected to egregious racist rants.

That sounds very much like a statement made by a well-trained minion of multicultural policy who would rather stand and watch in polite silence as his homeland is swamped by immigrant foreigners who bear absolutely no resemblance to his countrymen - than dare to utter a word in protest lest he be accused of being a 'bigot' and a 'racist'.

If and when you should at last decide to shed your pretentious funk and come join the Real World you will let us know won't you, McTag... ? One only has to look at France to see the sort of 'multicultural' Islamic bedlam which lies ahead for the rest of us if we continue to play the 'polite gentleman' over racial and religious issues.
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Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 01:00 am
Yes, quite excellent Francis. Loaded with deep-and-meaningful symbolism like some of the stuff I draw on public sh*thouse walls...

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Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 02:02 am
herberts wrote:
Just couldn't help yourself could you, McTag? Got bored so you thought you'd bait the troll for a bit of cheap amusement. Well, let me oblige.

So it's not just me who has objected to egregious racist rants.

That sounds very much like a statement made by a well-trained minion of multicultural policy who would rather stand and watch in polite silence as his homeland is swamped by immigrant foreigners who bear absolutely no resemblance to his countrymen - than dare to utter a word in protest lest he be accused of being a 'bigot' and a 'racist'.

If and when you should at last decide to shed your pretentious funk and come join the Real World you will let us know won't you, McTag... ? One only has to look at France to see the sort of 'multicultural' Islamic bedlam which lies ahead for the rest of us if we continue to play the 'polite gentleman' over racial and religious issues.

Well, I'm a Briton, and a Scot.
What sort of Britain would I like to live in? The one inhabited by the Celts and Britons before the Romans came? Followed by the Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Scots (from Ireland, by the way)? Vikings, Norman French? Hugenots? Jewish diaspora? Asians from India, Pakistan, Hong Kong? Asians from Uganda? Irish from Eire? Caucasians from former Rhodesia, Kenya and South Africa? Poles from the aftermath of WWII, of from the EU now?

I think this is a natural and continuous process. We only ask of our immigrants that they refrain from blowing us up, and that they pay taxes. This is a police matter only, part of the regulation of any western society. We are a "broad church", and I am glad of it.
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Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 02:10 am
This deserves a thread to itself.

I'll have a go at starting one.

(but fearing it might soon be overheated and then get blocked- so keep it measured, please, if you go there)

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Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 02:54 am
herberts wrote:
Yes, quite excellent Francis. Loaded with deep-and-meaningful symbolism like some of the stuff I draw on public sh*thouse walls...


Being much more respectful of the public utilities, I will not compete with you on these matters, Herb...

I was talking about irony on another thread and someone complained about the lack of thereof.. I can see why..
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Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 03:25 am
herberts wrote:
McTag... the simple answer is that it's in anticipation of being banned for the third time in 6 months from an English forum site. It's a bit like the kamikaze pilots who used to wear a bandana around their head upon which was written a prayer for their soon-to-be-departed souls...

Forum sites that are administered by the English are by far and away the most sensitive to any transgressions against PC ideology. They have absolutely no balls at all when it comes to allowing for a free exchange of opinion and criticism of racial minority ghetto culture and the shenanigans of the Muslim communities in Western societies.

To be a member of a boots-and-all debating forum where the administration staff is not in the least bit intimidated by prissy little PC Rules of Conduct you would have to register with my Home Page forum site.

Whenever someone goes beyond the boundaries of good taste it's not the administration who need to scramble to hit the Censorship Button - but instead, it's the membership itself which lambastes that errant poster. Everything is left on the board... no lock-downs, no lock-outs, no censorship.

And if it's too hot for you in the kitchen - then stay away!


This site isn't English.
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Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 03:28 am
Francis wrote:
High hop,


Wee can,


This whole post is a filthy canard directed at ME!!!!

"High Hop"...clearly a rabbit, right? Who hops higher?

"Wee can"....Wiccan!

He is saying I am a witch!

The beast.
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Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 03:49 am
You are one of the few that understand irony, Deb...
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Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 05:57 am
My apologies, Francis. Your subtle humour is on occasion a little too obtuse and arcane for my crude perceptive abilities to appreciate.

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Wolf ODonnell
Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 06:46 am
My pet peeve is the recent street slang or any slang come to think of it. Even as a kid, I knew very little slang. I hate it when people speak in so much slang, it's as if they're speaking in a foreign language.
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 06:49 am
Would you Adam an' Eve it. I was just about to write the very same thing.
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Wolf ODonnell
Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 07:51 am
I mean, I can understand if they use technical jargon where there is no real laymen alternative but using slang, most of which doesn't appear in the English dictionaries just peeves me off.
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Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 12:09 pm
herberts wrote:
My apologies, Francis. Your subtle humour is on occasion a little too obtuse and arcane for my crude perceptive abilities to appreciate.


As we are not sharing the same human values, your perceptive abilities are indeed very "different"...
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Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 12:11 pm
Bravo, Francis!

Tres drole, mon vieux! Laughing
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Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 12:38 pm
Hi, Pierre de la Cuisine!

How are you doing with "les belles étrangères" in Prague?
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Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 03:18 pm
Wolf -- a valiant effort to drag the posts back to the topic! I'll try to help.

I wholeheartedly agree, unless all involved in the conversation know the slang. And by the time it shows up in the media, it's out of date. Slang is a way groups differentiate themselves from others, and it's fine in its place. We have some household slang that marks the members of our family as different from others. We use it in public to identify ourselves as members of a special group, and when we do that we don't care if you understand or not. When we communicate with others outside that family group, we use standard English.

By the way, is "peeves me off" BritSlang for the US version, "ticks me off"?
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Steve 41oo
Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 03:40 pm
Francis wrote:
herberts wrote:
My apologies, Francis. Your subtle humour is on occasion a little too obtuse and arcane for my crude perceptive abilities to appreciate.


As we are not sharing the same human values, your perceptive abilities are indeed very "different"...
as they would be, being an orangutang.
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Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 04:03 pm
Wy wrote:
Wolf -- a valiant effort to drag the posts back to the topic! I'll try to help.


By the way, is "peeves me off" BritSlang for the US version, "ticks me off"?

No it isn't. I believe that to be a misquote/ misnomer.

We normally say "it pisses me off"

Hey let's make a list- slang UK expressions for this: I'll start

It gets my goat
it gets right up my nose
it gets right on my tits
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Reply Thu 27 Apr, 2006 06:03 pm
Yoo-hooo... ? Anybody hoooome... ?

McTag's Little Helper...
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