Quote:After all God hates sex, that is why he forbid Adam and Eve to do it.
You have it all wrong Rex. You will read the Bible literally won't you?
God knew they couldn't keep their hands off each other with nothing to do in a scented garden. God had fixed it that way. He wanted an excuse to throw them out so that just like all the creatures in evolution He wanted to cover the earth with his most perfect yet creation. Eve I mean.
When Adam so yearned for a helpmeet it is obvious the God would have asked him how he would like it to be. And there you are. Walking by you in the street. Every one a daughter of Eve.
As daughters of monkeys, or things lower down on Darwin's Tree, they can hardly look dignified. So we start with Eve. Adam's choice. Gave up a rib for it. His Achilles Heel.
A makeover sort of thing. To put us to work on the mission when everybody knows how lazy men are when left to their own devices. That's why the Noah story is so funny.
How do you think we are doing? Exterminating everything else except what we can turn to account.