Olivier5 wrote:In other words, it seems to me (at least that's the case in French) that the terms "objective" and "subjective" apply to statements, descriptions, facts, phenomena, but not to objects per se. And thus, not to reality.
If that is correct, then both statements "reality is objective" and "reality is subjective" are meaningless.
I hear you but I disagree...it seams to me people are satisfied with some sort of both things are fundamental but they are wrong, and I am not saying this just to piss everybody else...the issue is far more important then it may seam...this is about foundation or lack of it...
If you want to prevent an infinite regression of observers needing being observed by more observers on which case you would need infinitely many steps to not even advance 1 single micron ahead as all mechanic goes to hell (Zeno's paradox) you must assert a final prime object of all objects which is not being observed created constructed or whatever the hell any other similar word you want to call it in those lines...observation being by definition a relational coinage implies an infinite regression thus it CANNOT be fundamental...
...therefore concerning reality in its entirety one must rest at a final object something that really it is without anything else to create it which itself would need exist, a contradiction...a final thing must be without anyone creating it observing it...such thing is what we define as being an object. it is what it is.
Objective is used in statement's to convey state of affairs, and yes in that sense as all objects depend on a chain of cause, all could be the result of relational processes including being the possible product /creation of minds for those who are found of the idea, and in that sense subjective, but eventually, as that same chain is pushed back and back you will need an unmoved mover...I call it reality a final set which is mindless because mind requires action and such final object would be out of time. Time would emerge inside it and not alongside with it as it immediately forms a bigger set...such thing as it cannot neither infinitely regress to exist nor can create itself because it must be itself first is not created by anything which in turn means is INDEPENDENT...which is exactly what objective means. Thus REALITY MUST HAVE a FOUNDATION, it EXISTS, IT IS WHAT IT IS !
PS - The choice of sides here either implies Zeno's paradox with infinite regressions on one side and the fall of logic, mathematics, mechanics, and any other quantifiable mean of explanation, or alternatively, ending up admitting the need for foundation. There is no alternative third path to get along.