@Fil Albuquerque,
But minds do exist. That's the reason humans perceive their environment subjectively. That's the reason why we are the product of our genes and our environment, and that includes culture, religion, politics, education, family and friends, good and bad, and all the values humans applies to their lives.
We direct our lives differently - because we are subjective living animals.
An individual living in dark Africa sees his world much differently than an individual who lives in New York City. Their choices are different by many degrees, but they are still subjective as to how they live those lives - up to the limits as I've described above - on my list that begins with "culture."
The environment does change, and we who live on this planet are impacted by them. The choices we make to where we decide to live is a subjective choice.
Humans have the ability to migrate to most parts of this planet. That's subjective.