@Frank Apisa,
What I see in this thread is a bunch of bright people asserting positions that are to them self-evident. This includes me. The wonderful thing about the philosophical life is that it is not as public in nature as are the theses and countertheses in Science. It has a very strong deliciously subjective, even psycho-spiritual or artistic, basis. Indeed, as I susggested earlier, it's foundation is intuitive.
For this reason we have here a situation where intelligent people cannot pursuade other intelligent people, and they cannot be pursuaded away from their fondest metaphysical assumptions. What we CAN do it seems is to refine the terms of our competing arguments. And that is constructive.
One of my fundamental (perhaps delusionally self-evident) theses, not too different from the objectivism of Frank, is that I don't have to worry about being wrong. Reality, Truth, Dharma, whatever, will not be harmed or in any way affected by my efforts. In that sense it is independent of me--but I am not independent of It. And I repeat Frank again: I do not hava a confident cognitive grasp of what it is; I only "know" (my central presupposition) that I am intrinsic to it; it
is me (and you). This is what I think I share most with Cryacuz and Fresco.