@Fil Albuquerque,
For instance in a horse race an "informed guess" will guess on a narrow field from the probability of whining to actually whining even if the scope of the result is exactly the same as guessing is concerned...both informed and blind guessing guess at the result of the races but they don't guess from the same amount of risk. Nevertheless the problem of being at guess work is not resolved, as case by case, the impact of guessing wrong when you guess wrong is 100% the same...while statistically informed guesses in repeatable low risk activities are useful, in one shot high risk gambles, the usefulness of informed guesses is almost null...in terms of evolution guessing by default the worst case scenario, guessing "agenticity", harmful intention, has proven the lowest risk taking option...as an example, informed guessing that, lets say 80% of the time is the wind rustling in the high grass instead of a Lion trying to snag you would result in a far less committed effort to run for you life...