My wife has feeling for another man. Please help at my wits end...

Sun 12 May, 2013 06:50 pm

I feel so completely broken I just randomly found this site while searching for possible solutions to my problem.

I have been married for near 7 years. I am 34 years old and my wife is 29. The other night she was very distant from me and I asked her what was wrong. She said she felt very diconnected from me and very unhappy lately. She then told me that she feels like we are just to buddies living together. She also told me that she has no sex drive and that "Even though this is mean to say after soo many years....I have never had an orgasim". She said she felt like she pays for most things and that I am not pitching in financially as much as I could and that it annoys her when I pay bills in the grace period instead of on time etc.

I was floored. Weeks and months before everything seems absolutely fine. She had said we were soulmates a few times over the years as well. I have gained some weight (ok quite a bit, 80 pounds) since we have been together and she said she was very concerned about my health and im sure it also doesnt help our sex life at all. I sat there on the couch with her and I started crying, I didnt know what else to do. many things she said rang true and I instantly felt like a complete failure to the one person I love the most. She comforted me and cried as well and we held each other before sitting and watching a movie.

The next 3 days she worked an opposite work shift than me so we were passing ships in the night. I would feel her come to bed during those three days (she gets home at 1:30 am and comes to bed around 5am or around there, I get up at 8am) and put her arms around me and carress me for about 20 minutes then she will turn the other direction to go to sleep.

I was absolutely destroyed and still am. I was having strange attacks at work where I starting thinking about her and I could not breath. I had to run into the bathroom and throw up and then try and breath. This happened 4 times over two days and I finally had to go see a doctor. They told me it was definately stressed induced anxiety attacks. My left eye is also now blurry from whatever happened but they said that may heal.

the 4th day I had not really seen my wife at all so I thought I would put all my thoughts down on paper. I wrote out this 2 page letter starting on remembering when we first were together and I was over at her place and she started crying. I asked her what was wrong and she looked up to me and said "Never leave me Dan." and that I fell in love with her that day and have been ever since and until I die.

I went on in the letter to appologize and take responsibility for each of the subjects she had brought up (getting fat, finances and trust).The trust issue was a misunderstanding. Basically she went out drinking with co-workers one night after work, she told me about it before hand as well. I would usually asleep but for some reason, I woke up at 4am in the morn and she was not home. I thought that was strange and said oh well and went back to sleep. I woke up again at like 6 am and started to get worried. I texted her and laid back down. I didnt hear anything. She finally got back to me at 9 am smashed after I had called her twice and never got a return call. I was furious and worried sick. I got pissed and hung up on her. She rushed home and got seriously mad at me. I asked her if she truly thought I was being unreasonable when I say I dont like my wife out getting smashed with male co-workers or really anyone when I am not there. She thought I was and that if she was out with females it would be different. I tried telling her it is more of a concern issue than anything.

Since then I gave in and decided to meet and hang out with these co-workers (2 guys) with my wife. They are both really cool and nice guys and I have become friendly with them.

My wife still thinks I have trust issues but I asked alot of people and no one said they would be fine with their significant other going out getting smashed with the opposite sex with out them there or just going out getting smashed period without them. SO anyways, thats more of a concern issue and I told her that.

So, a few days later she gets home from work and I give her the letter I wrote. I leave the room so she has time to read it by herself. She come back to me crying and asks if I want to go for a walk. We go for a walk and she tell me thanks for the letter. She tells me she feels diconnected from me and that she would be fine if we never had sex again as it is not enjoyable at all (which I really don't entirely believe and I think she is using this to justify whats coming up). She then tells me that she feels very bad because she has had a crush on a guy that works in another department at her work and thinks that if we had a happy marriage that she shouldn't be having crushes. She says they have just been picking on each other and flirting over instant messenger and then it started to become more and more. She said he told her that when he heard the vending machines make noise (both departments use the same vending machines) he would rush out there sometimes just to get a chance to talk to her and see her. Finally once both of them had told each other they thought the other was attractive, my wife called it off and the guy agreed. My wife said the guy told her that since she wanted to work on her marraige that they should stop and she was in agreement.

Again I was devestated when she told me all this in one sitting. I had a panic attack and felt like I was being split in two emotionally....never felt anything like it. She also said she has feelings for this guy that she has never felt for anyone ever.

That night she held me and was very worried about me as I was absolutely destroyed 100%.

She has this notion in her head that she was never physically attracted to me (which I just dont believe) and that she never had butterflies in her stomach when we started dating (which I also dont believe). I tried to tell her and give a couple explamples of back then that proove otherwise. She was not very responsive.

I asked her "If she had checked out of this relationship already" I told her to be honest about it since I am already destroyed just tell me. She said she was not and that she wasnted to work on it. However she seemed so incredibly negative about it and kept mentioning stuf like "what if you lose weight and we resolve other issues and there is still no spark" I asked her if she loved me. She said she loves me very much. I asked her "isnt that enough" she said crying "well I guess I am just selfish because I feel like I want more."

I kinda feel like she has buildt up a lot of little things over the years and has filled herself with resentment which has diconnected her from me. I have vowed to her that she is my sweetheart, the love of my life and that I am never giving up on her. I vowed to start losing weight (down about 8 pounds now in one week just by eating better and excercising). I also mentioned marraige counseling and she thought it was a good idea as well so we are going to call one of them tomorrow and schedule a session. That night while lying in bed she asked me if I wanted to come see her at work for her lunch break the next day to which I agreed.

I went and saw her for lunch and I tried to stay super positive about us and myself. I told her I need to start loving myself more and that she was right about alot of things. I told her I was positive about counseling and excited. She instantly brightened up and became positive as well.

So before all of this went down one of her co-workers had invited us out to drink the following weekend. My wife had told him that we would probably not make it. Mainly because we were both emotioanl wrecks (me much more than her). Her co-worker was very depressed, he had bought a bunch of stuff for everyone and extra furniture etc. My wife told me while we were eating that it was up to me and that she thought it may be good to have a few drinks and maybe a litle fun. I was staying with the positive train and said, sure lets go and have some fun tonight.

once we got there I instantly felt out of place for some reason. I felt like I didnt actually have my wonderful wife with me at this gathering but instead a women who no longer is interested in me. It was a strange feeling. I went along the night laughing and having a bit of fun with her wo-workers and her. We were not really lovey dovey at all during the night (mainly because after what she has said I am affraid to touch her thinking that she has no connection to me, just seems futile). We men started armwrestling at the request of the women (ugh) and I beat all the guys there very easily. One guy was joking to my wife about how buff his arms were after I handily beat him and my said "pfffftt...why would I want that when I have this?" and she pointed to me then put her arms around me and hugged me. Not sure why that bothered me. I am an emotional mess.

Anyways, she ended up not feeling good so we all went home. I went to bed right away and she went to the bathroom and then came to bed later, there was no cuddling, probably because she didnt feel amazing. She got up today and I told her that she looked amazing and she mentioned she had lost some weight. I told her I wish she could stay home because I wanted to make love to her in a smiling joke kinda way. Not sure why I did that since she isnt in to me at all...whats the fkin point. She didnt respond to it at all, she just looked at me and said "awwwwww" and carassed the side of my face.

I feel like I am appoligizing too much and kissing her ass too much. I dont know what to do, I feel so lonely. She is at work while I sit here thinking all damn day. I try to go do stuff but it doesnt help, if you have been depressed then you know it consumes everything and takes the joy out of everything in life and thats how I feel. I keep looking at my phone thinking if I should text her or call her but then I realize I have no idea what to say to her anymore after all this. Should I call her and talk to her about her day? Should I leave her alone? Should I stop saying I love you all the time?

My Mother said, well maybe you need to move out for a few days or something, but I think that would be working against trying to work it out and doubt a marraige councelor would ever suggest that as well. So here I am, destroyed, pathetic, desperately missing my wife and who she was before this all came to a head. I just dont know how to act or what to do. I made this women my life and I have known her for 12 years.

Everyone, friends and family are completely shocked as we seem so in love when they see us together. We are (were) always happy and joking around with each other.

When I went to eat lunch with my wife the day before we went and drank, she did invite me to go walk her dads dog and then go to a movie afterwards with her for a date night. So I guess thats good right?

Right before she left for work today she asked me if I wanted her to make the call for a therapy session while I am at work on Monday and I told her that would be a good idea. I hugged her but it just feels like she has no interested in me at all, she hugs back and kisses me on the neck but no mouth really. If we kiss there is no tongue and it is just a peck, which is fine I guess..

I am a wreck....if anyone can give me advice I will be in your debt. I cant stand this pain any longer and am scared of counseling and that they may just say "yeah....you two should not have gotten married". I think we are both negative about counseling and what it will do for us but we are putting on a happy face. Despression I am sure is effecting this.

I dont know what to get mad at or if I should get mad. I am hoping that therapy will help us but I still feel this shadow of doubt creeping in my mind that is telling me "you need to start making arrangements to find a place to live and how to deal with the pain so you dont kill yourself in the process"

Thanks to any who can read this whole thing. I am crying while writing it. I feel so pathetic and I'm sure my wife is finding me pretty pethetic right now as well.

cicerone imposter
Sun 12 May, 2013 07:35 pm
You need professional help.
0 Replies
Sun 12 May, 2013 08:06 pm
I don't have much to offer except that there are some positives - your wife is prepared to go to counselling - which means she hasn't given up. There is no evidence that she is cheating on you... and she's been honest about what's been happening. Certainly more honest than my husband and I have been when we've had difficult times (and to be honest with you I'm not as keen on having his tongue in my mouth now as I was 20 years ago!) I think its natural that the romance wears off a little and you go through rough patches. You're both prepared to work on it which is great.
For what it's worth I don't think it was odd for you to be worried about her being out all night - whether it was with workmates or girlfriends or whoever.... I'd be getting a bit concerned for her safety apart from anything else.
Congratulations on losing weight - it's good for your self-esteem, your health and probably your marriage. In my experience - which has been pretty rocky at times - looking after yourself is a really good first step to fixing other problems in your life. But on the other hand it's good to talk to her about what's going on with her - not just in terms of your relationship. Are there other things that are affecting her - just for example, is she worried about her progress in her career, is she worried about having children - or not, about her health? etc etc.
I don't think the counsellor is going to tell you that you shouldn't have gotten married in the first place...if s/he does - find a new one!
Good luck - let us know how things go!
Sun 12 May, 2013 08:15 pm
Thank you pearl. I really appreciate you reading my post. I am excited /scared for counseling. I don't know what to do in the meantime as far as initiating physical contact or sex. I'm thinking that I just shouldn't try right now but I miss my wife so much right now.

Thanks again Smile
0 Replies
Mon 13 May, 2013 06:08 am
Clearly, she going thru some stuff - and that's reason to get to counseling.

It's not as simple as it all being your weight. There are other things going on here and they didn't happen over night. So it will take time to sort out.

She sounds like she feels sorry for you. Do you feel the pity? Because that's what I pick up from your story.

PS - Why are YOU so scared of counseling?
Mon 13 May, 2013 10:47 am
It ain't just weight. It never is.

But beyond that, certainly, doing good things for your health, there's no downside to that, right? So do the right thing for your own health.

And that means your mental health as well. Which means counseling.

The fact that there is willingness to work on things is a great sign - the fire's not completely doused. But you need to work with a counselor here, so that you listen to what is happening with her and not just make it about your sex life, etc. This needs to be a give and take and a referee helps a great deal with that.

Hang in there. And maybe bring her along the next time you go out walking. Don't talk about heavy relationship stuff. Talk about the weather, or sports, or what you want for dinner, or how work was, or some interesting plant you see out while walking. That is, connect as fellow humans and not as "a couple with problems". I think a lot of people get to problem stages in their relationships and then they think that every single interaction has to be about that. It doesn't. Sometimes, you (or she) have to chew on things. And interacting in a way that is not problem-driven and problem-focused might help. Just, be together, be cordial and enjoy the spring weather.
Mon 13 May, 2013 01:15 pm
Yes, I feel pitty and love from her. I'm scared that counseling won't
work more so than going. Thanks for your reply and positivity.
0 Replies
Mon 13 May, 2013 01:21 pm
Thanks jespah. We are calling to schedule our first session today. Then when I get home from work we are going to a movie together on a date. It's just so hard to know how to act around someone who tells you that they are no longer 'into you' emotionally. I have not changed but I think she is using a lot of this stuff as a justification for the way she acted with this other guy. Th
anks for your positive remarks as well. I am praying that counseling helps us.
Mon 13 May, 2013 02:46 pm
I agree with everything Punkey and Jespah said. Good luck with your first session.
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cicerone imposter
Mon 13 May, 2013 02:49 pm
Good on ya; that's the right thing to do.
Tue 14 May, 2013 09:08 am
@cicerone imposter,
Update on my situation. The movie was okay but we were disconnected the entire time. I was sad throughout the entire movie. Tried to hold her hand but she just wasn't into it. We got home and I could tell that she was just very disconnected and sad. I had suicidal thoughts last night so I am seeking help for myself today. Calling around to see if there is an opening somewhere for depression therapy. At this point I feel like I am living with a different person that took over my loving wife. The pain is not tolerable any longer. I am unable to work barely at all.
Tue 14 May, 2013 12:51 pm
Good for you for getting help. Suicidal ideation is serious and requires treatment. I hope you feel better soon.
0 Replies
Tue 14 May, 2013 02:14 pm
This is awful glib. Should things not work out, try to remember that the next bus will come along in 40 minutes.

A very good percentage of male friends who have gone through divorce end up happier than ever. Thus, all is not over should your marriage not survive.
0 Replies
Thu 20 Jun, 2013 08:34 am

There are few things -

1. If you need here, stand-by her as she is going through rough patches herself and doesn't contain her emotions properly. It is very good, if she can change her work place to somewhere else where the OM doesn't exist, I mean no trace of him. This is very important for you to do. I MEAN VERY IMPORTANT. To be on softer side, try 2 talk to this om in confidentiality and tell him very nicely to be completely avoid your wife (cut the tree from other end).

2. Women generally do this 'avoiding' stuff to kill the love inside you to such an extent that they prepare to leave themselves from the relation to avoid any conflict. This kinda gives them some vent to breath air to start an alternative relationship (that seems to be already at its budding level). Remember, it has not ended completely here, and still 2 of them see each other. Be soft with her, as its not her mistake, and not yours...but you need to prevent the things from getting worse.

3. The last one, which I do not recommend 'BE A MAN' and get the things straight ELSE save your relationship in a HARD WAY. Both of you move out of the current place else where........Trust me it sometimes works.

Remember....Do everything with brains...........no emotions and no anger please.
0 Replies
Thu 20 Jun, 2013 09:56 am
To me, it's not whether or not one has feelings for someone else. It's how you act when you have those feelings.

Do you ignore your vows and go have a fling?

Or do you stay faithful and distance yourself from the object of attraction?

Sounds like she made the right choice, even if she was tempted.

Over time, it's inevitable that you and she will meet people to whom you're attracted.
cicerone imposter
Thu 20 Jun, 2013 10:01 am
danbmoore, How are you doing? I hope there's been some improvement in your mental state.

Don't forget, your health is the most important asset you have.
0 Replies
Tue 20 May, 2014 06:55 am
I think your wife is being a bit unfair! I'm sure she can see how is this whole thing affecting you. Try to sit down and have a talk (without tears) and tell her how much is this whole thing affecting you and that you don't think you can continute if things stay this way and don't change! I know you love your wife and you are afraid of saying something that might make you loose her, but you have to stay true to yourself and from my point of view you are on the edge to become an emotional wreck! You sound like a nice man and I'm sure no one deserves to go through things like this! If your wife is having a hard time stay by her side, tell her you will be here for her when she feels like she needs you again. But in case there is something else (someone else) involved she needs to show her cards and tell you what's really happening!
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Tue 27 May, 2014 04:07 pm

I know this is an old post, but one I just have to respond to. First I want to say...trust your instincts. You are not crazy. And you are not to blame. Or I should say you are not totally to blame. We all have to take responsibility for our part in the messes that happen around us.

BUT, if you feel your wife is drifting away, then she is. And anyway it doesn't seem like much is hidden. It seems all of this information is just out in the open. So what you worry about is can the problem be solved?

Any problem can be solved if all parties involved are willing and able. I believe that. Once a person's emotional loyalty and desires shift in another direction though it is hard to get back on the right path. That is where the professional help becomes a must. And even then if you both aren't willing to accept what is discovered about the relationship and each of you then it won't work. The first step to solving any problem is identifying the problem and owning up to it and admiting it. Then you move into solutions. In this case it sounds like there are many problems to identify. Some of these are going to be directly linked to the relationship and any problems it has had. Some others are going to be from past baggage issues and hang ups. There will be personality clashes and differences in thinking and thought processes.

All kinds of things can or will be 'wrong'. It's up to you guys to face that (listen to the counselors) and find a way to UNITE and be on the same team.

And I hate to say it my friend there is always a point of no return...where you work as hard as you can....sweat, bleed, cry, beg, stand strong, whatever....and if things aren't better or getting better after all of that you have to say that it's time to let go. No one wants to face that moment. But sometimes the hardest thing to face is the right thing. I hope that is not the case for your marriage. I hope things can be made better for both of you.

The reason I wanted to respond to this is I am going through something almost identical. The words you use and the way you phrase them are identical in so many ways to the way I feel.

My significant other used to talk to me in great detail. And used to be so sexual and open with her thoughts. And over time she got more and more distant and cold. And recently an old 'friend' contacted her and she gravitated toward this 'feeling of peace' that he gave her. She wrote him an incredibly long email about her feelings. It was hard to see the person I love, who rarely emails me anymore, put so much energy into another man.

It is hard to feel that change in direction, as if her thoughts and feelings and even sexuality have gone to someone else.

Pathetic was the word that got me, Dan. Because I feel pathetic. I feel worthless. It seems our relationship wasn't worth protecting. And it seems I wasn't worth protecting. I often think of my significant other as selfish and cruel. I am trying to understand that she must be going through something to do this to us. But my feelings are hurt. And I am depressed. And I feel like giving up.

The emotional/mental pain is so intense and a unique experience for those of us who have been made to feel unworthy. As if we are expendable. And can be replaced. It makes me sad. It depresses me. And finally it makes me furious.

The problem is I really love her. And I don't want us to be over. But I am in the middle of packing my things up right now because I reached my limit, Dan. Where I have concluded that I can and will go on without her. If she no longer is able to focus on me and be loyal to me and forsake all others and find her joy and peace and happiness in me, then it is time to let it go.

What I learned is you can't MAKE someone feel something for you. If you want her to have a crush on you. Or find you attractive again. Or flirt with you and not her co-workers. You can't MAKE it happen. Hopefully you would find ways to seduce your wife again, but if her heart is set against it, it will be difficult.

And I don't think it is appropriate at all for her to have male co-worker drinking buddies. It seems too that she has some NPD/BPD personality conflict issues. This will manifest itself as her seeming really selfish and self centered and an attention seeker. Where it turns into the personality disorder is where she will seek what she is missing to the point of destroying her marriage or anything or anyone in her way. That is where it gets really nasty for your relationship. When you see her practically obssessed with getting what she wants. The big problem is when what she wants is no longer you. It's so hard to steer her attention back to you.

I am not suggesting that it is time for you to let it go, Dan. I just wanted you to know that you weren't alone. That when you cry there are millions of us out there who are crying too. This is a common problem for marriages and all kinds of relationships.

And it is not reserved for just us 'out of work fatties'. (Which I am one because I changed my career and gained weight too, which means I can't contrinbute as much AND I am probably physically hideous to her.) But I didn't deserve to be treated like I was second best or less than human. I hit a rought patch and that is the point where the ones we love are supposed to help us and protect us.

I too am working out now and trying to get my life back on track. But I am also trying to get it back on track without her in the picture. The feeling of betrayal and humiliation is too strong to want to go through again. I am simply afraid that it is a pattern that will repeat in the future.

I have had all of your symptoms from panic attacks to extreme depression. I have had eye twitches and leg spasms. I even once collapsed while trying to tell her how I feel. My knees buckled and I hit the floor. Which is a scary experience that I never had before.

Just remember to STOP it when you are doubting yourself. Or hating yourself. Or feeling like there is no hope. STOP IT! Because you are a human being and you deserve to be treated with respect and love. And if she can't do it then do it for yourself. Which may involve letting it all go and moving out and moving on. I know that we don't know all the facts. You may have something going on in your life that makes you think you would not make it or literally die if you left that situation. That is a hard edge to peer over. Where you say 'F**K it, even if I die, I have to move on from this.'

That is the point where I am. It's like a leap of faith out into the nothing and hoping you land on your feet and survive.

The two hardest parts, Dan, are trying to fix it. Or letting go. I hope you figure out which one is right for you.

Please remember you are not alone.

0 Replies
Wed 28 May, 2014 10:46 am
And is there a CHARGE for this call?
Tue 5 Aug, 2014 03:39 am
can someone give the difference between feelings and love. i am not proffessional, but when someone develop feelings, strong feeling for someone, i gues non of us can avoid that. remember no one can change nature no matter how smart or clever are we. on my side for that faithfull woman to open and tell her husband the trueth, to me that is owesome. give that women a bells and it also shows that she is willing to get over that feelings. indeed she a honesty women. may god help her and fight that feeling outside marriage. however, if that how god wants it non of us can change that.
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