Religion , Mans creation.
Jesus .. born.... hmmmmm....... Who saw this ? I dont see ANYONE on this earth who is old enough to honestly say ...." yeah I was there.. hell i cut his cord"

Given the fact that noone on this earth NOW was alive THEN .. why do people insist that it really happened? Why do people remain so insecure in thier religions that they can not accept the fact that noone really KNOWS anything. If you didnt see it , participate in it or touch it , you have NO proof it happened. Correct? I think so . And.. who wrote the bible? HAHAH! Man. People. Humans. Humans all have thier own opinions and ideas and translations. Nothing is ever handed down word for word. Never. Not in a million years. Dont belive that? Look into the catholic church . Ya know that they are editing the bible to include Mary's life? Right now?!

Hmm... catholic church isnt god.. but yet, they are writting the bible as we speak. You still think the bible was written by jesus? You still think jesus was "born"? Who wrote THAT inturpurtation? So what would the world be like if jesus wasnt born? What about.. what would the world be like if we could prove he was/was not born? Then it wouldnt be a global question, it would still be a personal one.