What would the World be like if JESUS had never been Born?

Reply Thu 9 Oct, 2003 12:20 am
Intelligent Design...
About the "Intelligent Design" theory, I really dig monger's suggestion about the snowflakes. The point is this: every snowflake has an intricate, symmetrical design that might suggest a requisite "designer". Every raindrop assumes a lovely, elongated "teardrop"/airfoil shape on its way to the ground. People who believe in intelligent design see these, the patterns of the solar system, the entire galaxy, and sub-microscopic particles, and conclude that there must be a pattern-er.

I want to start by saying that intelligent design (ID) is one of the most well-thought-out answers to evolution (which many people don't really understand as it has taken on new meaning in our language, equivalent to the word "progress"). Like many religions, it attempts to satisfy our feeling of being alone in the universe. (When was the last time you had a debate with a non-human living organism?) It's HARD to be alone, so we look for UFOs and invisible fathers who always love us. It's HARD to imagine that life has no purpose, and a great burden on us to find it ourselves. But I digress!

As I think monger also mentioned, there are self-organizing systems in the universe. Physicists understand that gravity (and a little relativity) explains the orbits of the spheres. Even that is open to change, pending new information. Why does a design imply a designer? Does anyone know what fractals are? They are infinitely (as far as we know) complex pictures resulting from simple mathematical formulas. That's right, INFINITE... Most people are familiar with the Mandelbrot set, it comes from this formula:

Z1 = C, where C is a complex number a+bi
Zn = (Zn-1)^2 + C
(And n takes integer values=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... etc.)

Don't take the word "complex" there too seriously, although it is a bit complex to explain... erm. It's the square root of negative one, a term that often results from many practical physical calculations like population growth, and polar vectors. This may sound complicated, but compared to the formula for calculating the strength of gravity and many other equations that fit our natural world, it is very simple. Take a number, square it, and add a value to it; use the result as your original number and repeat. You can use any numbers in the formula, most all give you a fractal. (Fractint is a great program online to play with these... http://spanky.triumf.ca/www/fractint/fractint.html )

The complex formula for gravity results in (essentially) simple elliptical orbits.

The simple formula for fractals gives (essentially) infinitely complicated designs reminiscent of the things we see everyday - trees, for example. They remind many people of sea creatures, like seahorse tails and coral. To the truly devout (meaning believers in ID), this should REINFORCE your beliefs - there IS a design!

Simple repetitions of the abovementioned "self-organizing" processes result in absurdly complex results. This seems to lead to a number of conclusions. Given a long enough timeline, it makes enough sense that these processes could progress to the point of complexity that exists today, in us. And if you want to call the algebraic method used to create fractals the "design", that means that God created the universe based on a mathematical model! If you want to debate the idea of the naturalness of recursion (the process of calculating the fractal formula, and of repeating it to get the designs) then you would have to explain why the solar system "design" so closely resembles the atomic "design" which also resembles the galactic "design" - it seems a clear case of natural recursion to me! Also, the physics formulas for determining gravitational attraction AND electromagnetic force are basically IDENTICAL, more proof of natural recursion. Another example is the sphere - the list of spherical objects include: Sol (the sun), the earth, bubbles, cellular nuclei, coccal bacteria, and presumably protons and neutrons, and possibly their component parts, which of course make up all of the above.

To explain recursion to those who may not know what it means, think of a map of a continent. Looked at from space, you could measure the mathematical circumference (the "outer edge") of the continent. Go down into the atmosphere and you start to see more details, little bays and such not visible from higher up. This increases the circumference. Down lower, and you see many rivers going out into oceans. This increases the circumference a great deal because now you have to measure the lengths of the rivers, to, around, and back from their sources. Down to crop-dusting height and you see little creeks flowing into the rivers, and the circumference again must be increased. Then if you stand on the ground yourself, you see that the shores are made of various sized rocks. Go around that edge, and again the circumference increases dramatically.

The closer you get, the more complicated things seem. Obviously there is a boundary between earth and water, we know that intuitively. It is also a chemical fact that I think even the pope would agree with... or he would be using Holy Dirt. lol! Holy SH*T! ROTFL!! Anyway...! Recursion is the process of getting closer (in my analogy), following a pre-determined set of instructions that can be as simple or as complex as you wish, and doing it a LIMITED number of times. Hope y'all got that!

The 'pattern' or 'design' of the universe, and living organisms seems to be recursion. Which is a mathematical process. So God must be a mathematician, and therefore we can figure out his equation. Somehow I don't think the ID people will agree with that.

WHEW! Lots of background to make that bold statement, and I got a million of 'em! Just thinking about the world around me, and how it contradicted the things I was taught as a christian.... you know? So in a roundabout way I am answering the question of what life would be like if Jesus would have never lived, we would have observed the world around us with our natural curiosity, some other 'messiah' would have come along with profound parables (and wisdom, I'll give JC that) and people would have worshipped him.

Just a few other things that make me question standard notions of religion:

1) I think I was created when my parents had sex.
2) I created my daughter by having sex.
3) If god somehow "puts" a soul into babies, would that mean a human clone had no soul?
3a) If not 3, then does god "do it" (put the soul in) while you are having sex?
3b) If not 3a, then my sperms have souls?
3c) If god created all creatures why don't plants have souls?
3d) If plants have souls, and every 'cutting' is a clone, can souls be cloned?
3e) Or are cloned plants against the will of god because they have no soul?
3f) If a human clone had no soul... and it believed in Jesus, and was faithful, would god put a soul in it so it could be saved, as per scripture?

Now you see why christians can't tolerate clones... they just eat them.

4) We seem to have been created "in the form of" monkeys. Does god have hair?
4a) If we were created in god's image... then god has to eat and take a dump just like I do. He also has sex like us, right?
4b) If not 4a, then we were created in the spiritual image of god. Wouldn't that mean that he has all of our flaws, ie greed, lust, sloth, gluttony, etc.?
5) Before Pasteur, it was commonly believed that maggots came to life spontaneously from rotten meat. I think this was called animism, and it's related to why the chemistry of carbon compounds is called "organic" chemistry. The biblical accounts of creation PREDATE this by centuries. Why aren't they outdated?
6) The pope has accepted the account of creation in Genesis as a METAPHOR (for something akin to the Big Bang). Why not the whole book? That would be fine with me.
7) Lust is the biological imperitave that allows us to "be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth". Why is it sinful?
7a) What about when the earth is overpopulated? Won't that be outdated?
8) If the meek will inherit the earth, why do the strong rule it in the name of christendom?
9) Old standby... where is heaven, again? Doesn't that word mean "sky"?

I think that's enough, I know this is not a forum for all my metaphysical questions. I don't expect answers to them, either, but any attempt do do so will be greatly enjoyed! These are the questions I ask myself over and over, and I feel that faith alone is insufficient to answer them. I don't have to get into the carbon dating problems to counter-argue ID. I even have another argument...

If god designed all the patterns we see, and remember that it SNOWS on other planets and moons too... then he's an artist. The artist is certainly 'larger' than his creation. Put it another way. If he is omniscient, then he knows everything, including the quantum state of every particle in the universe, which is actually enough to describe all of reality as we know it. In order to hold all of that information, he would have to be equal in either 1) size, or 2) energy (interchangable), to the rest of the universe. In essence, he would be an entire seperate universe to himself, possible including stars, planets, etc. Or he could BE this universe, something akin to pantheism and deism.

I actually like that last answer, because it would explain how we are all "children of god". The alternative means that he had sex with our ancestors. In other words, simply by existing, being part of the universe, we are all a part of each other. Just like we all crawled out of the water together, and probably huddled in crevices together (as some kind of rodents, no doubt) to hide while the dinosaurs died. Isn't this enough to tie us all together?

A lot of people may think this is dry and technical, but I find it VERY spiritual and rewarding. We all seem to share a common quest for meaning, for a purpose in our lives. That seems to be the point of religion to me, to offer people a pre-determined meaning and purpose, so they can get on with living instead of constantly questioning and wondering like I do! I suspect that is also why many non-believers look down on pious people, from our point of view, they took the "easy way out" and just put their faith in a book or a messiah. Why bother searching for something when you can have it spoon-fed to you? Even non-deistic (no gods, like buddhism) religions offer a path, a method to search for meaning and purpose. I can't blame anyone for that, as long as they don't try to push me onto their path, which a lot of christians have done.

BTW, carbon dating can be adjusted to fit new data about the earth and the universe, even a decaying speed of light. That's what science is all about! It provides a model that we can use to predict and understand the world. When the model gets outdated, it has to be adjusted. This happened when quantum physics superceded Newtonian physics, which still applies to things on a human scale. In fact, a sort of "rule" of quantum physics calculations is that if they are carried through to the human scale, the answers need to come out the same as (reduce to) the Newtonian calculations. In common terms, the new rules have to be AT LEAST as good as the old rules.

That doesn't happen in religion. New methods are typically rejected. New information is not absorbed into the system, it is rejected. Anyone familiar with thermodynamics should know what happens to a completely closed system, eventually...

and charity is most important, so send me yer money!!! (JOKE!!)
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Steve 41oo
Reply Thu 9 Oct, 2003 04:34 am

and welcome to A2K. Well that was quite a tour de forece for an opening shot!

You know I worry about the Mandelbrot set, and entropy nearly every day, but thanks for reminding me.

Actually I don't think Intelligent Design explains much, its a nice sounding theory but its got a long way to go before it challenges Darwinism.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 9 Oct, 2003 05:42 am

Welcome to A2K. Interesting post.

There is one thought you shared that I would like to comment on -- just a fragment of one sentence actually.

You wrote:

It's HARD to imagine that life has no purpose...

The question that remark provokes in me is:

Is a God -- or Intelligent Design -- necessary in order for life to have purpose?

If there is no God -- does that mean that life has no purpose -- and can have no purpose?

Frankly, I don't know that there is "purpose" to life -- but I fail to see why it would be necessary for there to be a Higher Power in order for life to have a purpose.

And when this notion is proposed by theists -- or casually inferred as you just did -- I wonder what kind of thinking goes into its formation.

Do you answer my question "YES?"

If so -- would you be willing to share a bit about why you think that.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Thu 9 Oct, 2003 06:51 am
The purpose of life is life itself in my opinion.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 9 Oct, 2003 07:33 am
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
The purpose of life is life itself in my opinion.

Could be!

And "the purpose of life"...if there is one...can be independent of any deities.

That's my point.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Thu 9 Oct, 2003 08:06 am
And "the purpose of life"...if there is one...can be independent of any deities.

Well it certainly could be, but if you acknowledge the existence of a Deity or Deities, it makes you wonder how they spend their day. Arguing I guess, like everyone else. Probably about the existence of the Super Deity.
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Reply Thu 9 Oct, 2003 08:19 am
lol! Laughing
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Reply Thu 9 Oct, 2003 09:46 am
Let's explore some positives...No Jerry Falwell...Pat Robertson....Jehovahs Witness'....Jimmy Swaggarts'.......

Of course some guy named Morty in a polyester suit and a cheap toupee would be outside the temple exchanging money for .50 on the dollar and hustling "unblemished lambs" but that's more of a PT Barnum thing than a God thing...........
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Reply Sat 11 Oct, 2003 03:44 pm
Hey frank... GOOD QUESTION:

"It's HARD to imagine that life has no purpose..."

Why don't we each find that purpose for ourselves? What I was trying to say is that maybe we make up our own purpose, aka "meaning of life". Even WITH god, maybe he put us here to find our own meaning.

Monger: Awesome avatar!!! And a fellow discordian! I will *always* remember that idolatrous cow's answer to the ultimate question. (mu)

Steve (as 41oo): If recursion is a model for reality, it could apply to the deities, too. IE, what do the super-dieties do all day? = Discuss the existence of super^2-dieties, what do they do all day... And does that mean we are at the bottom of the chain?

I just thought of another cloning thought... Many religions claim that we are 'destined' to ascend that chain, up the ladder of godliness. Won't cloning do that? It will make US creators, even more certainly than we already are. In a way, that seems to fulfill "prophecy"... so why do they resist it? (Again, aside from the practical dangers) Seems a bit hypocritical to me. I know the LDS church has a belief like this, that its members are destined for some 'godliness' by progressing up the chain, and I *think* catholicism has similar tenets.

Sorry for the loooooong post... been thinking a lot about ID lately, the whole "design requires designer" thing. It seems funny that the proponents of religious mumbo-jumbo like that reject any information that counters their argument, as well as info that SUPPORTS their argument, like the fractal thing. Every 7th grader has had the "what if an atom is a tiny little solar system with its own moons and people etc" thought. I see that as a natural example (of many) of recursive symmetry. I would really like to hear a response about that from jahis4us, he sounds smart!

Let me take a clue from bipolar bear... some positives:

Without a saviour, we would all be responsible for our own morality, accountable to OURSELVES. (sounds like karma... hmm) Without someone to "give" us free will... we wouldn't have it? That doesn't sound right! Without someone to open the Gates of Heaven, according to myth, our 'souls' would all end up in hell... with ALL of the other souls. PAR-TAY!!! I think a lot of us would learn to enjoy the fire, brimstone, and eternal nature of soul-ness! Living forever without the needs of the body... *sigh*

Oh, yeah. We would probably still be living with "eye for an eye" rules instead of "turning the other cheek". Waitaminute! What about King Duby... I mean president Bush? Hmm, sounds like he forgot about the saviour's messages.

One last thought, scattered like always... and a bit trivial... faith healing WORKS! (Not always, and I don't mean the evangelical tent kind of healing...) The problem is this - it works in EVERY culture, in EVERY religion. If god is so adamant that Christianity is the only true religion, why does "He" heal those heathen pagan idolators?

Never underestimate the POWER of belief. It'll getcha!
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Reply Sat 11 Oct, 2003 03:47 pm
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
The purpose of life is life itself in my opinion.

The purpose of life, in a biological sense, is to live, make more life, and DIE.

That is the natural order of things... _some_ religions accept that.
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Reply Sat 11 Oct, 2003 04:12 pm
The purpose of life doesn't require an intelligent designer -- Proust's philosphy is that we are creatures moving through time and our course through life is a purpose onto itself. That from a sick man who was bed ridden most of his life.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Fri 24 Oct, 2003 01:50 pm
And someone said, I can assure you it was not me, except in this post, maybe it was Leo Strauss, that:

The ultimate truth is that there is no truth.

I am puzzled and somewhat disturbed that I find comfort in that statement.
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Reply Fri 24 Oct, 2003 01:56 pm
I am reminded of Samuel Clemens' The Mysterious Stranger. As you are all simply figments of my imagination, and your purpose is the gratification of my ego, i get very angry when you don't play along.
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Reply Thu 27 Nov, 2003 11:47 pm
Bib, I read the first 4 posted threads. Lots of silly answers. But then it started to get good.
If Jesus had not been born people would still be worshipping what they do today. Such as money, sex, made up gods that don't see or hear or speak.
If Jesus was not born, there would be no salvation for mankind.
There would have been no pupose for God to give the 10 commandments to Moses and the Hebrews. We would still be animals going on animal instinct. (Not literal animals.)
I will scroll and try to read the good answers.

"De paschæ computus", written in 243 and falsely ascribed to Cyprian (P.L., IV, 963 sqq.), which places Christ's birth on 28 March, because on that day the material sun was created.

Are you stating here the day the sun in the sky was created literally?

I don't know if it was answered what Monger asked on thread 8, way back but that is as far as I have gotten on this interesting thread.
Asking if the Bible mentions anything else besides male homosexuality. The Merriam Dictionary gives the definition of homosexuality:

1 : the quality or state of being homosexual
2 : erotic activity with another of the same sex

Homosexuality in the Bible is also referring to lesbianism.

Monger asked another good Q:
and even the Bible says God doesn't allow some people free will & that they were predestinated to heaven or hell (Jude 1:4, Rom. 8:29-30),

It is not humans who are predestined at birth for Heaven or Hell. It is the promise or Word of God that is predestined. His word tells the future as a promise to those who accept Jesus or deny him as the Son of God. I hope I have spoken right. If a person accepts Jesus and lives in his Word then that Christian has the "predestined" promise of eternal life which is the words that Jesus spoke. This is how people are "predestined". No one is born predestined to Hell. It is the choices they make and Jesus has said those who practice wickedness will be "predestined" to Hell.

Biblio, I do not believe Jesus was just a man. I believe he is God himself.
I and the Father are one.
If you have seen me you have seen the Father.
Genesis 1... the Word is Jesus, all things were made through him and the Word was made Flesh.
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Reply Fri 28 Nov, 2003 09:02 am
I Jesus had not been borned, then another Messiah would have been choosen.....................
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Reply Fri 28 Nov, 2003 09:37 am
BillW wrote:
I Jesus had not been borned, then another Messiah would have been choosen.....................

and subsequently nailed to a tree no doubt.....
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Reply Fri 28 Nov, 2003 09:55 am
a rocket ship, or maybe set sail on a three hour tour, three hour tour!
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Reply Sat 29 Nov, 2003 01:25 am
Ruach wrote:
Bib, I read the first 4 posted threads. Lots of silly answers. But then it started to get good.
If Jesus had not been born people would still be worshipping what they do today. Such as money, sex, made up gods that don't see or hear or speak.
If Jesus was not born, there would be no salvation for mankind.
There would have been no pupose for God to give the 10 commandments to Moses and the Hebrews. We would still be animals going on animal instinct. (Not literal animals.)
I will scroll and try to read the good answers.

"De paschæ computus", written in 243 and falsely ascribed to Cyprian (P.L., IV, 963 sqq.), which places Christ's birth on 28 March, because on that day the material sun was created.

Are you stating here the day the sun in the sky was created literally?

I don't know if it was answered what Monger asked on thread 8, way back but that is as far as I have gotten on this interesting thread.
Asking if the Bible mentions anything else besides male homosexuality. The Merriam Dictionary gives the definition of homosexuality:

1 : the quality or state of being homosexual
2 : erotic activity with another of the same sex

Homosexuality in the Bible is also referring to lesbianism.

Monger asked another good Q:
and even the Bible says God doesn't allow some people free will & that they were predestinated to heaven or hell (Jude 1:4, Rom. 8:29-30),

It is not humans who are predestined at birth for Heaven or Hell. It is the promise or Word of God that is predestined. His word tells the future as a promise to those who accept Jesus or deny him as the Son of God. I hope I have spoken right. If a person accepts Jesus and lives in his Word then that Christian has the "predestined" promise of eternal life which is the words that Jesus spoke. This is how people are "predestined". No one is born predestined to Hell. It is the choices they make and Jesus has said those who practice wickedness will be "predestined" to Hell.

Biblio, I do not believe Jesus was just a man. I believe he is God himself.
I and the Father are one.
If you have seen me you have seen the Father.
Genesis 1... the Word is Jesus, all things were made through him and the Word was made Flesh.

You should meet my father. You could have hot wild christian sex under your god that is a man, and worship other men who preach mythology instead of worshiping the mythology itself. I worship nothing, and give no credit where credit is not due. I do give jesus credit for some things, both good and bad. He was a real man, and I could prove that. However why dont you prove to me that he is a real god. Keep in mind that the bible is as good as the koran, and any other monotheisistic texts. I dont wish to offent you,but rather, I wish to make a point. Now these points probally cannot be seen by the blind eyes of religion, but by the open eyes of the truthful.
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Reply Sat 29 Nov, 2003 01:42 am
I do wish that I had all the age, and readings of philosiphy and such that the rest of you have. Ah, but I will. I will be amongst the greats in my later years, and I will die a man of my own mind. Not a man of another mans mind.

The purpose of life is to live and let live, while at the same time live and let die. We have disrupeted the balance of life and its cycles. Really things were not ment to be like it is today obviously. Stuff is just too messed up, and the USA's most popular form of monothesim makes us feel better about our wrongdoings. Gasoline is neseccary, but morally wrong. It kills. Since when has killing the planet been ok. Well its been ok since the world was going to be destroyed anyways, by a god. What a lame god, youd think that it could have done a better job than it. And if you think that it was in the pursuit of money that gave way to the rise of petroleum then your right. But that same god is on our money. God on money, is god money. Or is money god. But there is so much yet so little. My god is that of none, I am happy in my unknowingness. I will not suffer because I dont follow your god/s no matter what they are. The fact of the matter is that I am on the pathway of reality and truth. But I am the blind, disalusioned, fool who thinks for themself. thankyou
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 29 Nov, 2003 08:06 pm
Here's an interesting article for the faithful.
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