Maybe you guys can dig up more ob this:
December 25th was the date of Saturnalia, a celebration in honor of the Roman god, Saturn, which day coincided with the winter solstice. To ancient pagan civilizations this was the birthday of the gods -- the time of year when the days began to lengthen and man was blessed with a regeneration of nature.
"December 25th was indicated on the old Roman Calendar as Dies Natalis Invicti Solis -- the Day of the Birth of the Unconquered Sun. The Roman church adopted that date as the birthday of Christ, blending their culture's pagan traditions with [so-called] Christianity as a way of 'converting' souls to Christ.
"Such celebrations were not peculiar to the Romans, however. The ancient Egyptians, perhaps the most advanced initiates into the mysteries of Babylon, had long before instituted festivals and even laws which commemorated the birth of the sun.
December 25th was the date of Saturnalia, a celebration in honor of the Roman god, Saturn, which day coincided with the winter solstice. To ancient pagan civilizations this was the birthday of the gods -- the time of year when the days began to lengthen and man was blessed with a regeneration of nature.
"December 25th was indicated on the old Roman Calendar as Dies Natalis Invicti Solis -- the Day of the Birth of the Unconquered Sun. The Roman church adopted that date as the birthday of Christ, blending their culture's pagan traditions with [so-called] Christianity as a way of 'converting' souls to Christ.
"Such celebrations were not peculiar to the Romans, however. The ancient Egyptians, perhaps the most advanced initiates into the mysteries of Babylon, had long before instituted festivals and even laws which commemorated the birth of the sun.