Approved by Alabama voters, was NRA-backed Amendment 3 to its State Constitution,
to strengthen the state’s existing Right to Keep and Bear Arms amendment.
The words “fundamental right” and “strict scrutiny” will now be added
to that amendment in Alabama’s state constitution.
“Strict scrutiny” is a standard of judicial review,
which provides the highest level of protection for constitutional rights.
Thank you to all NRA members who voted on Election Day
[ALL emfasis has been added by David.]
Today, state Senator Mike Green (SD-31) received
the Defender of Freedom Award from the National Rifle Association
Institute for Legislative Action in recognition of his tireless efforts
to defend liberty and protect the interests of gun owners and
sportsmen in Michigan.
During his tenure in the Michigan Legislature, Mike Green has been
a proven and consistent advocate of your Right to Keep and Bear Arms
and has fought to protect Michigan's rich hunting heritage.
Senator Green was the primary sponsor and vocal advocate for some
of the most significant firearm-related bills to pass in the Michigan
Legislature over the past two decades. Mike Green's first service in
the Michigan Senate was most significantly marked by the passage and
enactment of "shall issue" concealed carry legislation that he sponsored.
More recently, Senator Green has sponsored bills to expand
concealed carry rights, streamline Michigan's concealed carry
licensing process and repeal Michigan's ban on short-barreled rifles
and short-barreled shotguns.
Senator Green is "A+" rated by the NRA-PVF and is co-chairman of
the Michigan Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus. As a recipient of the
NRA-ILA Defender of Freedom Award, Senator Mike Green joins an
esteemed list of individuals who have gone "above and beyond" in
the fight to defend the Second Amendment.
Please join us in congratulating state Senator Mike Green
for receiving NRA-ILA's Defender of Freedom Award.
Even assuming that were true,
everyone still has the moral right and the Constitutional Right
to defend himself from the violence of animals or of criminals.
The Republic was
FOUNDED upon that principle,
in addition to all the others in the Bill of Rights.
I 'm
not waiving
MY rights,
Rex. U can waive yours, if u want.
Woud u advise gays to walk thru the world
"Woud u advise gays to walk thru the world un-armed?????"
Why should gays be any different to anyone else when it comes to guns. Do they need extra protection? Do they suffer from homophobic attacks on a regular basis over there?
that why you are so pro guns, Omsig?
Lordyaswas wrote:"Woud u advise gays to walk thru the world un-armed?????"
Why should gays be any different to anyone else when it comes to guns.
Do they need extra protection?
I imagine that thay probably
I 've heard that thay 've had more than their share of violence.
Lordyaswas wrote:Do they suffer from homophobic attacks on a regular basis over there?
On an irregular basis,
but it dramatically makes the news sometimes,
like when thay get beaten to death.
Lordyaswas wrote:Is that why you are so pro guns, Omsig?
No, but
Rex is gay.
I was having a little fun with him about it.
Last century, my girlfriend in NY (at the time), Medea,
asked me to contribute some money to The Pink Pistols.
I did, in the assumption that it was her ladies' gun club.
I later found out that it was a nationwide gay gun club.
Armed woman says
'It's about protecting yourself'
The Herald-Times | November 15, 2014
| Updated: November 15, 2014 11:59am
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (AP) — Being attacked by four men while working
as an unarmed security guard, spending years in an abusive marriage,
and then a burglary at her home taught Kim Bartlett a thing or two
about staying safe.
A gun, and knowing how to use it, is the answer for her.
She has a concealed carry permit and most often has a gun within reach.
She packs a 9mm handgun, and owns more than 20 pistols and long guns.
Other women share her belief, and dozens are expected to show up
at today's inaugural meeting of Monroe County's Well Armed Woman
Shooting Chapter, "Where the Feminine and Firearms Meet."
It's the eighth chapter to be established in Indiana - there are two others
in Indianapolis, one in Avon, one in Westfield, one in Columbus,
one in LaPorte, and one in Brown County.
Diana Biddle, just elected as a county commissioner in Brown County,
started the Well Armed Woman Shooting Chapter there in April.
Fifty women attended that first meeting, and about 25 have
continued to attend the two-hour gatherings at the Hoosier Hills
Rifle and Pistol Club's outdoor range in Gnaw Bone the first Sunday
of every month.
Biddle has a permit to carry a handgun, and keeps a Beretta
Nano 9mm — it's pink — holstered to her body. Until a few months ago,
she owned and worked at the grocery store in rural Bean Blossom,
and leaving late at night in the dark left her feeling uncomfortable.
"As a matter of safety, a couple of years ago I got a concealed carry license," she said.
Biddle grew up around guns and lives in a community with a high per-capita
number of concealed carry licenses. She said about half of them have
been issued to women, and she's not surprised. "We are a rural community,
and law enforcement is pretty spread out and response times are long.
People here are a pretty self-reliant bunch, and we depend on ourselves
to take care of our safety."
She said the well-armed women's organization's goals are simple:
to educate, equip and empower women.
"Education is probably 90 percent of what I do," she told The Herald-Times
( ).
During the upcoming cold weather months, the club will move indoors
from the shooting range and have session on gun cleaning and mechanics,
how to not become a victim, and also an informal holster fashion show.
"You can get a holster in 48 different colors," Biddle said.
Female gun owners also can choose compression undershorts with
a sewn-in holster, a concealment midriff tank top, a FlashBang bra
holster or a thigh holster that sells for $49.99, with a garter belt
available for an extra charge.
Members, who pay $50 in annual dues, are diverse. "I have a 21-year-old
who's a new mom and a lady in her mid-80s whose husband died and
she lives in the middle of nowhere. She knew how to shoot, but had
not done it in a long time."
Biddle and Bartlett both know women who own guns but want an
opportunity to practice to become proficient in their shooting skills.
"Gun clubs and gun ranges are dominated by men, and some women
are intimidated, and this puts the whole firearms education scenario
into a more friendly environment," Biddle said. "It's just girls."
Bartlett was surprised to learn about the nationwide shooting organization
solely for women. She has heard from more than 200 wanting to learn more.
"There are a lot of women with guns that need to learn more about
using them, and others who don't have a gun but want to invest in
one and learn to shoot," she said.
Bartlett was in her 40s when she bought her first firearm, a .38 special
revolver from a gun dealer in Texas. Her collection has grown since.
On Friday, she and her husband drove to a Terre Haute gun shop to
buy her a new 9mm Kimber Sapphire.
Today's event is from 2 until 4 p.m. at the Liberty Bail Bond office
at 410 N. Morton Ave. in downtown Bloomington. The meetings will
move to the Precision Shooting Range now under construction on
Ind. 43 in Owen County.
"It's not about hurting someone else," Bartlett said. "It's about protecting yourself."
Because you might bet your life on it,
I do NOT suggest that anyone buy a 9mm pistol (or ANY pistol)
for security purposes.
For serious defensive fire power,
I suggest a heavy caliber revolver, e.g., a .44 special revolver
or a .45 long Colt revolver, ideally loaded with hollowpointed slugs,
for optimal STOPPING POWER.
Its not enuf merely to kill him; u need to STOP him, for the sake of safety.
Additionally, its necessary to work out with your favorite
defensive gun to get comfortable with it, accurate with it.
FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) — Some suburban St. Louis gun dealers have
been doing brisk business, particularly among first-time buyers,
as fearful residents await a grand jury's decision on whether
to indict the police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown.
Metro Shooting Supplies, in an area near the city's main airport,
reports selling two to three times more weapons than usual in recent
weeks — an average of 30 to 50 guns each day — while the jury
prepares to conclude its three-month review of the case that sparked
looting and weeks of sometimes-violent protests in August.
"We're selling everything that's not nailed down," owner Steven King said.
"Police aren't going to be able to protect every single individual.
If you don't prepare yourself and get ready for the worst,
you have no one to blame but yourself."
The store's waiting list for private lessons and concealed-carry
training classes extends into 2015.
Protest leaders say they are preparing for non-violent demonstrations
after the grand jury's decision is announced, but they also acknowledge
the risk of more unrest if the panel decides not to issue criminal charges
against Darren Wilson, the white officer who shot Brown,
who was black and unarmed.
Other gun dealers say their sales spikes are comparable
to the increases seen soon after Brown's death on Aug. 9.
"I've probably sold more guns this past month than all of last year,"
said County Guns owner Adam Weinstein, who fended off looters last
summer at his storefront on West Florissant Avenue, the roadway that
was the scene of many nightly protests. Weinstein stood guard over
his business with an assault rifle and pistol.
The store has since moved out of Ferguson — in part because of
concerns about potential further violence.
First-time gun owners account for about 60 percent of his recent
customers, King said. Among them is Dave Benne, who on Saturday
purchased a Smith & Wesson handgun as shoppers swarmed the
8,600-square-foot showroom.
Benne said he's considered buying a gun for some time, but the
events in Ferguson, a town that borders his community of Florissant
and shares a school district with its neighbor, were the decisive factor.
"Everyone else has one," he said. "I figured I'd better too."
The St. Louis County Police Department reports a sharp increase
in the number of concealed-carry permits issued since Brown's death
compared with a year ago.
From May through July, the county issued fewer licenses compared
with 2013, records show. But from Aug. 1 through Nov. 12, officials
issued 600 more license, including more than twice as many in
October as a year earlier. Fifty-three more licenses were issued in
the first eight business days of November than in all of November 2013.
Police spokesman Brian Schellman said "it would be naive" to say the
increase has not been driven by concern over the grand jury decision.
[All emfasis has been added by David.]
Its better to HAVE a gun and not need it
than it is to NEED a gun and not have it.
A violent husband in New Orleans, Louisiana, identified as Steven Swanson,
tried to run down his family with his truck following a domestic dispute late last week.
Fortunately, his wife was armed and was able to fire several shots into the cab of the truck,
striking the man multiple times and stopping him.
NOPD spokesman Officer Frank Robertson said Saturday the incident
remained under investigation as detectives work to determine whether
the homicide would be ruled justified. No arrests have been made,
and Robertson said Swanson’s wife was cooperating with investigators.
According to police, Swanson and his wife were arguing and the man
refused to let the woman leave. She told police that as she and her
children moved to get into her car, Swanson “tried to hit them with his truck.”
She told police she pulled a gun and fired at her husband in self defense.
The man was shot multiple times and was transported to an area hospital
where he died of his injuries.
We don’t have any information on the type of firearm used in this case.
[All emfasis herein has been added by David.]
She shud be safe until next Halloween, anyway.
I feel SAFER, having no wives nor children!
Why halloween? ... Its rather simplistic from any world-view to believe that a corpse will reanimate itself to wreak vengeance on those who did it in.
If we were to follow that superstition, all you would have to do is slit your wrists over a crude pentagram and utter the name of the deceased while staring into a candle's flame under a full moon to regain peace.
Oh, by the way kids, don't do this at home. Slitting your wrists can lead to bleeding and/or pain, and in severe cases, lead to premature death.
Then again, your death may be timely, depending on who's corpse is after you.
I'm way too serious at Midnight - Apologies
Black Friday’s Boost to Firearm Ownership
Michael Schaus | Nov 29, 2014
Bad news for Michael Bloomberg: It turns out that Americans really like guns.
While most of the focus for Black Friday is on the half-priced TVs,
and Victoria Secret sales, a sizeable portion of Americans decided
to head to their local gun store and pick up a new firearm. After all,
nothing says “Merry Christmas” quite like an AK47 with
a red and green bow on it. (Hint, hint, wink, wink.)
Black Friday is known for being the biggest domestic shopping day
of the year – and the firearm industry doesn’t generally miss out.
On a typical day, the National Instant Criminal Background Check
System processes about 58,000 background checks for firearm transfers.
Last year, Black Friday surged to 145,000 checks and this year is
expected match or exceed last year’s numbers. According to CNN,
that’s roughly three gun purchases every second. (God, I love America.)
While this news is undoubtedly driving Bloomberg & Co into
a state of deep depression, advocates of gun-ownership should be encouraged.
The greatest way to preserve the freedoms enumerated in the Second Amendment
is to expand the culture of firearm ownership; and that seems to be
exactly what is happening across the nation.
During the gun-boom years of Obama’s reelection, the target market
for firearms grew substantially. The ocean of gun enthusiasts, hobbyists,
and casual owners has been permanently expanded over the course
of the last few years. Concealed carry has grown in popularity, and a
number of states have been forced to reform their laws to be more
tolerant of the firearm ownership. The market for concealed carry firearms,
and firearms with a greater emphasis on self-defense, has been
expanded greatly, providing massive opportunity for corporate
growth within the industry.
While diamonds might be “a girl’s best friend”, she probably
wouldn’t mind having the tools necessary to protect her new jewelry
this December. Women have been a sizeable portion of the “new customers”.
This largely ignored sector of the gun-owning public is growing exponentially;
and will provide savvy businesses with endless opportunities
to cash in on a niche market, but most importantly,
gun ownership seems to be contagious. People who have firearms
often tend to be evangelical about their rights. This means that
as new gun control schemes are pushed (and they will be) more
booms can be expected, and an expansion of the market will be inevitable.
After all, let’s not forget that Obama has promised to “do what he can”
without Congress to erode Second Amendment rights; and Michael
“Nanny” Bloomberg has promised to spend tens of millions of dollars
to help elect anti-gun politicians. Unfortunately for these
Hoplophobes, the number of gun owners is set to tick upward after Christmas of this year.
So the Christmas Season is officially underway now that Black
Friday madness has come and gone… Enjoy the season; and keep an
eye open for that next big sale at the gun store!
[All emfasis has been added by David.]

What the hell did he take the gun out there for if he was just going to drop it and get the **** stomped out of him?