@Fatal Freedoms,
poverty isn't the problem... i know plenty of people who are poor and are good people. There's a guy in town who lives on the railroad tracks. everyday, he's on his bike collecting cans from the side of the road and at the car washes..
if he makes 10 bucks a day, i'd be impressed. he's ultimate poverty, but ya know what, he's out there EARNING a living... even if it isn't much.
he's not on welfare. he's not popping out kids. he's not on drugs/albohol (at least i've never seen him look impaired).
just a guy who fell on hard times years ago, and got to where he is... and ended up either enjoying the lifestyle, or had some mental issues with things.. who knows.
you can't get much poorer than that.
it's kids born into lazy shits/drug addicts/hookers/ etc etc houses who never learn any better and turn out to be bigger pieces of **** than their parents.
so once again it falls back on.............. yup, the parents.
which goes back to my pro-abortion campaign

and my sterlize dumb people campaign