Guns And The Laws That Govern Them

Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2014 10:13 pm

11 Year Old Daughter saves mother
from violent ex-boyfriend

A man, who had a protective order filed against him a week earlier,
broke into his ex-girlfriend’s home in Oklahoma City, Okla. Once inside,
the man attacked his ex-girlfriend, stabbing her.

The woman’s 11-year-old daughter responded to the attack by retrieving a pistol
and shooting the attacker twice
, ending the assault and prompting the criminal to flee.

A neighbor told reporters that the wounded woman
“just showed the girl how to use the gun last week so she could protect herself.”
(The Oklahoman, Oklahoma City, Okla. 09/24/14)

[All emfasis has been added by David.]
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2014 11:55 pm

Son Defends His Mother and Young Girls,
Shoots and Kills 1 of 3 Early Morning Home Invaders

OCTOBER 3, 2014


An early morning home invasion in Texas turned deadly,
for the perpetrators that is.

Three men burst into a home around 4:30 AM in Harris County, Texas.

According to KHOU, Family members told deputies that their mother
was in the kitchen cooking breakfast with three young granddaughters
when the armed men broke in. The woman’s son heard the commotion
from his bedroom and grabbed his gun “… and when he heard
‘please don’t hurt the girls,’ that’s when he took action,” deputies said.

The son wasted no time in shooting and killing one of the criminals.
The other two criminals escaped. There is no description of those criminals,
but they were heard speaking Spanish as they entered the home.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 09:55 pm


0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 10:16 pm


0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2014 10:32 pm


0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Oct, 2014 11:52 am



WHICH Side is Rex on ??????
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Oct, 2014 02:31 am


Reply Mon 13 Oct, 2014 07:30 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:



Who again on this forum is advocating that people not be allowed guns to protect themselves?

If you were my lawyer I would go in and just plead guilty...
Reply Mon 13 Oct, 2014 07:48 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:


RexRed wrote:
Who again on this forum is advocating that people not be allowed guns to protect themselves?
That 's your role, Rex.

RexRed wrote:
If you were my lawyer I would go in and just plead guilty...
Y ??

Am I missing something here, Rex??
Did I make a mistake ?

What 's rong ?

Reply Mon 13 Oct, 2014 08:25 pm
You just don't get it, time and again after telling you over and over, Democrats are not against guns.

We are against unfettered gun sales to felons, the mentally ill, children and criminals. We are against closing gun show and internet loop holes and expanding background checks so idiots like this guy,


can't get guns.

Do you want him at your local coffee shop with a gun!???

I don't admire your sleazy gun fetish either (stemming back to your apparently weird childhood).

This shooter went on the internet and bought all the ammo he wanted without even a single red light going off.

When I hear of friends living in crime ridden risky areas and they say they have a gun hidden in the house, they are my friend and I applaud them for taking precautions, just like I applaud the government for doing everything in their power to keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people.

Closing loopholes helps the government keep guns in the hand of "only" responsible people. It is not only about raising the profits of gun manufacturers! That should very well be considered with the public's safety in mind too. When the gun lobbies are so strong and fight even the most modest of protections, there is some ill begotten wrong in our system of checks and balances.

You just cannot see this and you fall back into your paranoid rut of "They are coming to take my guns away!" freakish lament.

You have a one track mind just like your other GOP illiterates.

And with this said, would I want your one track mind defending me in a court of law? No...

An argument needs to be reasoned from all sides and not just one freakish, fetish driven side...
Reply Mon 13 Oct, 2014 11:29 pm
OK. At first, I thought that u had detected
some egregious error of logic that I missed
regarding the 18 year old Mom defending her baby

RexRed wrote:
You just don't get it, time and again after telling you over and over, Democrats are not against guns.
Yea, I remember u saying that, Rex, but
after years, decades & centuries of directly OBSERVING Democrats-on-the-job,
we know that is not true. Republican-based legislatures enact
a lot of freedom-oriented defensive gun laws and then Democrat governors VETO
them over n over again so that we need to pass them again by a 2/3 majority
in each house, despite the Democrats' promises to the contrary, when
thay were campaigning for election; dirty tricks n lies.
I have studied what the Democrats did every day for many years.
To be fair, there have been some, not many, but some Democrats
like Congressman John Dingell, who HAVE been faithful & honest.

RexRed wrote:
We are against unfettered gun sales to felons,
the mentally ill, children and criminals.
Anyone can get a gun,
make one, if necessary, or buy from an underground gunsmith,
the same as getting marijuana (or booze in the 1920s).
Guns go back before Christopher Columbus; Happy Columbus Day, Rex!
His guns in 1492 were made by hand, with NO electric tools.

RexRed wrote:
We are against closing gun show and internet loop holes
OK. I 'm against that too. I buy guns in private sales.
We don t want any government interference.

RexRed wrote:
and expanding background checks
Citizens are all entitled to EQUAL Constitutional protection of the Bill of Rights, so its a moot point;
i.e., the results of the background check will not matter.

RexRed wrote:
so idiots like this guy, can't get guns.
He is a mentally twisted homicidal maniac, not an idiot.
If he were an idiot, then he woud not have been able to harm anyone.
The same as no law has stopped anyone from getting marijuana, heroin or booze,
no law can prevent him from getting guns,
if that 's what he wants to do; its IMPOSSIBLE.

RexRed wrote:
Do you want him at your local coffee shop with a gun!???
I don t even want him in AMERICA without a gun.
He is intolerably dangerous, NO MATTER what, gun or no gun.
Its faster & easier for him to make a bomb, than make a gun.
Their components are everywhere, in every direction, all different chemical philosophies.

RexRed wrote:
I don't admire your sleazy gun fetish either
(stemming back to your apparently weird childhood).
I dunno what u mean by "sleazy"???? (maybe u will TELL US what u mean)
but I respect your sovereign autonomy in deciding what to admire.

RexRed wrote:
This shooter went on the internet and bought all the ammo
he wanted without even a single red light going off.
There is no reason for lights of any color going off.
Guys save money by buying in quantity; 1OOOs and 1OOOs of citizens,
or maybe millions out of a 3OO,OOO,OOO+ population.

RexRed wrote:
When I hear of friends living in crime ridden risky areas
and they say they have a gun hidden in the house,
they are my friend and I applaud them for taking precautions
Will the predators WAIT until your friends get safely home???????

I wish your friends happiness & safety,
if thay can convince criminals or predatory animals
to leave them alone UNTIL thay get home.

Do the predators always co-operate with that, Rex??
Always good sports toward their prey???????

I 'll get back to u later in regard to
the rest of your post.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Oct, 2014 10:08 am
This is a very well written article:


By Cory D.

I often try my best to see all sides to an argument. And I have tried to understand the anti-gun mind set as best as I could, if only to be able to better explain my side to them. In reality anti-gun and pro-gun people are fighting for the same thing; a safer world for our families. The difference, obviously, is that we have two drastically divergent ways of achieving that goal. As all pro-gunners know, firearms aren’t going anywhere. I don’t mean that in a sense that the certain members of our elected government won’t try their very best to make that happen, but that guns on the streets and guns in the wrong hands will always be prevalent. Only good guys bother to comply with the law. I’m preaching to the choir here, I know. But my hope is that someone on the other side may read this and just maybe it will explain a viewpoint they haven’t heard . . .

If in fact groups like Moms Demand Action’s real intentions are to create a world that is safer for their children, I can respect that. Who wouldn’t? What I don’t respect is their lack of any real effort at attaining that goal. If they want to be taken seriously, they should target their approach toward areas where actual gun violence is prevalent. I would love to see MDA protesting in the streets of Chicago or Baltimore. Or posting photos of criminals using their guns illegally on their Facebook page.

There are plenty of opportunities to do that, but they don’t because they really don’t care about “gun violence” as a whole. They only care about guns within their little box. For the most part the areas they are targeting — coffee houses, grocery stores, chain restaurants — don’t have gun violence problems. The moms just want guns gone from their isolated world. They stay in their safe zones and “demand action” from folks who they know aren’t putting them in any real danger.

Do you really think the MDA mom who tried to present the anti-gun petition at Kroger was worried about her own safety while shopping in that store? If there was an actual concern about open carrying firearms at Kroger and she was really scared, would that protester risk life and limb to take her petition there? What if one of these “crazy gun-toting” open carry folks had been at Kroger that day and saw her pushing that petition in the manager’s face? Of course, she didn’t really feel she was in any danger at all or she wouldn’t have been there.

Would the bare-chested women in Austin have confronted the open carry demonstrators if they really thought those guys were psychotic murderers ready to shoot up the streets? Again, the answer is “no.” In none of these examples did the anti-gun side have any real fear of the folks carrying their firearms, nor should they. If you are honestly afraid to shop in store where someone might be carrying a gun, why would you go to that store, even to demonstrate against it?

The “Take Action” section of MDA’s website explains, “Join the tens of thousands of American moms who are saying ENOUGH to gun violence. Help us fight the epidemic that is killing nearly 8 kids and teens every day.” However, if you go to MDA’s website right now the top three headlines are about Kroger, Panera Bread and Target. How many kids and teens have been shot at any of those chains’ hundreds of retail stores across the country? And if any have, how many of those were killed by people legally able to own and carry those weapons?

The point is that MDA and other similar groups are fighting the wrong battle. They’re protesting against law abiding citizens in safe suburban retail stores while thieves, murderers and rapists laugh at them. Ask a law abiding gun owner what MDA is and he or she will say something like, “Moms Demand Action is an anti-gun group fighting to make it illegal to carry guns.” Ask the same question to a drug dealer, car jacker, or rapist and they’ll get a puzzled look on their face and ask, “Who?” They’re not concerned with MDA and they couldn’t care less what the “moms” say or do. If any of them are actually paying attention, it’s certainly with a grin on their face as they realize that MDA’s only taking the focus off of them.

As much as it pains me to say it, though, MDA aren’t the bad guys. They aren’t my friends, but in the grand scheme of things they too are law abiding citizens who want a safer world for their children. So are we, but we go about it differently and, in my opinion, much more effectively.

What MDA needs to realilze is that we aren’t the bad guys either. We have common goals with different approaches. We are similar in that both gun owners and MDA’s moms are afraid of the real bad guys. The difference is MDA chooses to direct their actions towards people they know are law abiding citizens while the pro-gun side choses to confront our fears in the form of armed self defense. We will defend ourselves and our families and won’t be easy victims. Gun owners, open carriers and concealed carriers recognize that despite government’s best efforts, guns aren’t going anywhere. And we will be responsible for our own protection in a society that will always include dangerous people.

So MDA, I see your side. I get what you are saying. You want a safer environment for your families. We agree and we’ve got your back. We want the same thing. But if your efforts eliminate guns from suburban strip centers is successful, the people who see the “no guns allowed” signs and leave their firearms in their cars aren’t the people you need to worry about. So ultimately, what have you won? It’s those who don’t care about your sign or your petitions — or you life — that you need to worry about. They’re the ones who should concern you and that’s why we are here, to protect all of us from them.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Oct, 2014 03:07 am
Reply Sat 18 Oct, 2014 03:42 am
RexRed wrote:
Then SHE has 5 hours to equip herself with a good gun
BEFORE the next time that she is murdered.

Will u guard her, Rex ?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Oct, 2014 07:52 am

The New York Daily News

A Phoenix businessman squashed two serial bank robbers' latest heist
when he took the keys out of their getaway car and fatally shot one
of the robbers, police said.

Lyndell Cherry, 29, died at the scene Wednesday while his partner in crime,
21-year-old Vincent Jones, fled. He was arrested shortly after his escape
and told police the duo were involved in a slew of previous bank robberies,
the Arizona Republic reported.

The chaotic crime started around 2 p.m. when Cherry and Jones
barged into Desert Schools Federal Credit Union and demanded money.

The two armed men left their car parked outside with the key still
in the ignition, police said.

During the stick up, a credit union worker was able to call Sean Quaid,
who owns a shop next door to the bank, and tell him what was going on.
He grabbed his gun, ran outside, spotted the car and took the keys
out of it, police said.

Cherry and Jones ran back to their car ready to drive away, but when
they couldn't find the key, they went back into the bank to look for it.
They searched the building and even dug through a woman's purse,
believing she might have stolen it, police said.

Frustrated, they ran back outside and stole a 2001 Chevy Silverado truck,
whose driver had just gotten out. They pointed a gun at him and
demanded his keys.

That's when Quaid decided to use his own weapon to stop the madness.

The Phoenix businessman pointed his gun at Cherry.

Fearing the armed robber would fire back, he shot the 29-year-old.
Cherry later died from his wounds at a nearby hospital.

Meanwhile, Jones jumped into the stolen getaway truck and sped off.

During the manic getaway, he hit several cars in the parking lot
before he got onto the road.

Police said Jones hit several cars in the lot before fleeing the scene.
Police finally arrested Jones after he slammed into a minivan and
tried to run away on foot.

Then he blew through a red light and plowed into a minivan, sending
both of the cars flying into a brick wall, police said.

He got out of the car and started running, but police quickly tracked
him down.

Other than Cherry, no one was hurt during the robbery or the
attempted getaway.

Jones was booked on a slew of charges, including first-degree murder
for Cherry's death.

He told police he and his partner had been involved in previous bank robberies.
Police are investigating those claims.

[All emfasis has been added by David.]
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Oct, 2014 09:59 pm

More Freedom for Citizens of Pa.

In the final minutes of the legislative session, the House on Monday
approved a bill clearing the way for the National Rifle Association
and other groups to sue local municipalities, among them Philadelphia,
that enact ordinances more severe than state firearms laws.

The bill, approved by a 138-56 vote, will grant legal standing to
"membership organizations" to sue over local gun laws, and collect
legal fees and other costs
if they win.

Mayor Nutter said Monday before the vote that he was "profoundly opposed"
to the bill, which he said increases the vulnerability of municipalities
trying to combat gun violence to lawsuits by pro-gun advocates.

Gov. Corbett will sign the bill, said spokesman Jay Pagni.
The Senate approved it Thursday.

[All emfasis has been joyfully added by David.]
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Oct, 2014 12:42 am

A pair of armed robbers entered the Pajarito Corner Store in
Albuquerque, N.M., and demanded cash. As the pair were leaving,
the clerk went to lock the store’s door, at which point one of the
criminals leveled a gun at him. The clerk responded by firing at the robbers,
striking one and causing both to flee.

The criminals fled in a vehicle, but were involved in an accident.
Police caught up with the criminals, finding one dead and arranging
for the other to be taken to a hospital. The surviving robber will be
charged with murder in the death of his accomplice. (KBOB, Albuquerque, N.M. 10/21/14)

Robbery can be DANGEROUS,
IF the victims r as well armed as the predators!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Oct, 2014 03:58 am



0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Oct, 2014 07:13 pm

This baby need a gun of his own, huh David?

Never mind disarming the parent, huh? (cynical)
Reply Thu 23 Oct, 2014 07:36 pm
Disarming the parent would violate his second amendment rights and that would be WRONG huh David? (sarcasm)
0 Replies

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