OK. At first, I thought that u had detected
some egregious error of logic that I missed
regarding the 18 year old Mom defending her baby.
RexRed wrote:You just don't get it, time and again after telling you over and over, Democrats are not against guns.
Yea, I remember u saying that,
Rex, but
after years, decades & centuries of directly
OBSERVING Democrats-on-the-job,
we know that is
not true. Republican-based legislatures enact
a lot of
freedom-oriented defensive gun laws and then Democrat governors
them over n over again so that we need to pass them again by a 2/3 majority
in each house, despite the Democrats' promises to the contrary, when
thay were campaigning for election; dirty tricks n lies.
I have studied what the Democrats did every day for many years.
To be fair, there have been
some, not many, but some Democrats
like Congressman John Dingell, who
HAVE been faithful & honest.
RexRed wrote:We are against unfettered gun sales to felons,
the mentally ill, children and criminals.
Anyone can get a gun,
make one, if necessary, or buy from an underground gunsmith,
the same as getting marijuana (or booze in the 1920s).
Guns go back before Christopher Columbus; Happy Columbus Day,
His guns in 1492 were made by hand, with
NO electric tools.
RexRed wrote:We are against closing gun show and internet loop holes
OK. I 'm against that too. I buy guns in private sales.
We don t want any government interference.
RexRed wrote:and expanding background checks
Citizens are all entitled to
EQUAL Constitutional
protection of the Bill of Rights, so its a moot point;
i.e., the results of the background check will not matter.

RexRed wrote:so idiots like this guy, can't get guns.
He is a mentally
twisted homicidal maniac, not an idiot.
If he were an idiot, then he woud
not have been
able to harm anyone.
The same as no law has stopped anyone from getting marijuana, heroin or booze,
no law can prevent him from getting guns,
if that 's what he wants to do;
RexRed wrote:Do you want him at your local coffee shop with a gun!???
I don t even want him in
AMERICA without a gun.
He is intolerably
NO MATTER what, gun or no gun.
faster &
easier for him to make a
bomb, than make a gun.
Their components are everywhere, in every direction, all different chemical philosophies.
RexRed wrote:I don't admire your sleazy gun fetish either
(stemming back to your apparently weird childhood).
I dunno what u mean by "sleazy"???? (maybe u will
TELL US what u mean)
but I respect your sovereign autonomy in deciding what to admire.
RexRed wrote:This shooter went on the internet and bought all the ammo
he wanted without even a single red light going off.
There is no reason for lights of any color going off.
save money by buying in quantity; 1OOOs and 1OOOs of citizens,
or maybe
millions out of a
3OO,OOO,OOO+ population.
RexRed wrote:When I hear of friends living in crime ridden risky areas
and they say they have a gun hidden in the house,
they are my friend and I applaud them for taking precautions
Will the predators
WAIT until your friends get safely home???????
I wish your friends happiness & safety,
if thay can convince criminals or predatory animals
to leave them alone
UNTIL thay get home.
Do the predators always
co-operate with that,
Always good sports toward their prey???????
I 'll get back to u later in regard to
the rest of your post.