Guns And The Laws That Govern Them

Reply Fri 19 Sep, 2014 10:27 pm

Colorado: Recount Finalized
on Castle Rock Open Carry Vote

Posted on September 19, 2014

Yesterday, the official results were released following a recount
of the Castle Rock special election. Last month, your NRA reported
on the unofficial results here. Both Referendum A, which prohibits
the town manager from banning the open carrying of firearms in
public parks
, and Referendum B, which requires a town vote before
local officials are allowed to alter gun laws in Castle Rock,
were confirmed as passed.

Now that the vote counts have been certified and the recount is complete,
citizens are legally permitted to carry visible firearms into public facilities
in the town
, with the exception of courts and schools.

Thank you to all NRA members and supporters of the Second Amendment
who made this effort possible.
[All emfasis has been added by David.]

Note that when the electorate votes of freedom of the citizenry,
liberty usually wins, at the expense of authority.

0 Replies
One Eyed Mind
Reply Fri 19 Sep, 2014 11:11 pm
People who cannot control their emotions enough to understand that guns do not kill people - people kill people - are harboring the same emotions that people kill people for.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Sep, 2014 03:45 pm
Reply Sun 21 Sep, 2014 04:07 pm
RexRed wrote:
Many of those "gun deaths" were only intentional SUICIDES
and gang warfare among rival criminal gangs over drug turf.
Hopefully, many criminals were among those "gun deaths".

I have had enuf guns for security for a long time,
but I get another one occasionally, when a cute one catches my eye.

MINE are more charming and alluring than the machines
that u show in your picture.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Sep, 2014 04:21 pm
I bet that for every argument that Rex can raise
for oppression and discrimination,
I have better counter-arguments for LIBERTY and for EQUAL protection of the laws.

Reply Mon 22 Sep, 2014 09:55 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

I bet that for every argument that Rex can raise
for oppression and discrimination,
I have better counter-arguments for LIBERTY and for EQUAL protection of the laws.

I bet that Rex is not accepting
my bet, judging from his lack of response.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 Sep, 2014 09:57 pm

Good Guy Defensively Kills Robber
World Is SAFER

0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 Sep, 2014 10:05 pm

Customer Bravely Kills Robber With Gunfire,
Defends Helpless Liquor Store

0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Sep, 2014 04:28 am

Will u bless us with the benefit of your opinion on this ABC NEWS Video, Rex ?
( or anyone ) ?

Reply Sat 27 Sep, 2014 04:35 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Will u bless us with the benefit of your opinion on this ABC NEWS Video, Rex ?
( or anyone ) ?

It does not look too good for our getting Rex's impressions of this video. O, well.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Sep, 2014 04:37 pm

72 Year Old Lady Uses .357 Magnum to Shoot Burglar:

Reply Sun 28 Sep, 2014 08:53 am

".5O Magnum is For Girls" By Destinee


( Note that, for sure, I 'm not gonna start carrying a .5O caliber anything. )

0 Replies
Reply Sun 28 Sep, 2014 09:00 am
It's funny you can't find current stories every week David but have to rely on stories over a year old.
Reply Sun 28 Sep, 2014 10:53 am

The real story behind the 2nd amendment.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 28 Sep, 2014 04:52 pm
RexRed wrote:
Another thing David, you have indicated you were a trial lawyer and were paid 500 dollars an hour.
The most I have ever been paid is 75 dollars an hour for singing.
U mis-represent what I said.
Before I retired from the practice of law, I did not charge more than $4OO an hour.

RexRed wrote:
Yet you did not know that a police officer's word
is worth that of two citizens?
Is that in the Pattern Jury Instructions??
I did not see it there.
The finder of fact is free to believe any witness
and to discredit any witness. Its choice is subjective.

RexRed wrote:
I have really never studied law but I do know
it takes two citizens to make a citizen's arrest...
Really? In which jurisdiction is that, Rex ?
I am only admitted to practice in NY.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 28 Sep, 2014 05:02 pm
parados wrote:
It's funny you can't find current stories every week David but have to rely on stories over a year old.
Its not a question of HAVING TO, Mr. Parados;
its just that the principle remains intact, un-disturbed and exactly the same,
today, tomorrow and last year.

Maybe u think that the lives that were sacrificed by gun control last year
are worth LESS than those that gun control will slaughter next week,
by convincing people to be helpless in the face of violent predation????

I shud add, Mr. Parados, that some of them
are BEAUTIFUL examples of the value of defensively bearing arms,
as the Founders desired and thay shud not be wasted.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 28 Sep, 2014 06:26 pm



Even after having been shot,
the boy bravely grabbed his gun and shot back,
defending his mom and their home.

He acted like George Patton,
whose pride in the boy woud have exceeded ineffability.

Supporters of gun control woud have demanded of the boy
that he get away from his guns (on the grounds that 11 year old boys
are too stupid to be ABLE to defend themselves)
and that he ALLOW the invaders to sodomize him, to murder him
(thus avoiding complaints to police & un-friendly testimony in court),
and to rape and murder his mom, at their pleasure, at their discretion,
and at their convenience, but he was un-willing to co-operate with that.

This incident shows forth the fundamental difference in principle between
the defensive freedom movement and the supporters of victim disarmament:
one is intensely AMERICAN and the other entails a degradation of American character into craven cowardice,
which is the innermost essence of the gun control movement, which woud prefer that the child limit his defenses
to grovelling and begging for the criminals' mercy for his mom and himself and that he abandon their fate
to the capricious discretion of the predators.

BEHOLD the dichotomy!

What do u think of THAT, Rex ??
Please reveal your opinions unto us!

0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Oct, 2014 09:28 pm

Second Amendment v. Islamic State In Oklahoma

Posted 09/29/2014 06:41 PM ET

War On Terror:
The Islamic State's call for "lone wolf" attacks on Western infidels
might have met its match in the Second Amendment, as
an armed man saves lives by shooting a jihadist wannabe
bent on heeding that call

Vaughan Foods employee Traci Johnson is alive today because the
business she works for is not a gun-free zone at a time when the
Islamic State is encouraging attacks on infidels in the West like the one
in Moore, Okla., where co-worker Colleen Hufford was stabbed and beheaded.

The alleged attacker, 30-year-old Alton Nolen, was stopped as he
was stabbing and preparing to behead Johnson by Mark Vaughan,
the food distributor's chief operating officer. Vaughn, who is also a
reserve county deputy, drew the gun he was carrying and stopped
, police say, before he could claim more victims.

"This was not going to stop if he [Vaughan] did not stop it," Moore
Police Sgt. Jeremy Lewis told the media.

Some will claim this is more "workplace violence" — a phrase used by
the Obama administration to describe the carnage left by Maj. Nidal
Hassan at Ft. Hood — the work of a disgruntled ex-employee with no
significance beyond that, but the similarities are eerie and may
indicate the shape of a new threat we face.

Nolen was a recent convert to Islam and while still an employee at
Vaughan tried to convert his co-workers, they said. He was convicted
in 2011 of multiple felony drug offenses, assault and battery on a
police officer and escaping from detention.

He was released from prison in March 2013. It is suspected that much
of his Islamic conversion occurred while he was in prison, an
increasingly common phenomenon among African-American inmates.

Nolen's Facebook page contains such items as a burning lower
Manhattan after the 9/11 attacks and a photo of the pope with the
caption "Sharia Law is coming!"

In March, Nolen posted a gruesome photo of a beheading with the
explanation that "Islamic terrorists behead their victims" because of
a precedent bestowed by their prophet, a reference to the Prophet
Mohammed's frequent beheadings of those he considered infidels.

Nolen might be a lone wolf, but he's just the type the Islamic State
is looking for: individuals angry at a society and culture they see as
victimizing and oppressing them.

They don't need to sneak across the border — they're already here.
They don't even need passports, which many have, such as the
Minneapolis airport worker who fought and died for IS in Syria.

[All emfasis has been added by David.]

Everyone shud be prepared to defend himself or herself.
Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Oct, 2014 10:17 pm

This one is dedicated to U, Rex:

Gay gun activists:
Growing LGBT push to support the Second Amendment

By Hollie McKayPublished October 01, 2014

LOS ANGELES – Two years ago Chris Cheng came out of nowhere
to beat seasoned marksmen, police officers and veterans to win
History Channel’s reality shooting competition show “Top Shot.”

“When I auditioned, I was openly gay,
but I was surprised as nobody cared.
They only cared how well I could shoot and represent our season,”
said Cheng, who quit his job at Google after the show and is now
an NRA news commentator and is releasing his first book “Shoot to Win.”

“There is this stereotypical view of the gun community as anti-gay rednecks,
but nothing could be further from the truth. It was interesting as the
History Channel never ‘outed’ me on the show even though they had
hours of footage. I asked why and they said simply that it just wasn’t relevant.”

Indeed gay rights and gun rights often go hand in hand says Gwen Patton,
the rep for gay gun rights organization Pink Pistols National.

“We don’t want people to hurt us, we want people to run away from us,
and the best way we have found to do that is to be armed,” Patton said.
“Now if someone tries to attack us, we can defend ourselves.
Ideally we don’t want any altercation at all, but if there is a perception
that the gay person on the street could have a concealed gun,
it might make the perpetrator think twice.”

According to FBI Hate Crime Statistics, sexual orientation is the
second largest motivator for bias crimes in the United States,
second to racial bias, and far exceeding the number of religious
or ethnically-spurred hate crimes.

Patton said while she has never had to use her firearm in defense,
another gay member of a local Philadelphia chapter recently did.

“All he had to do was display it; no bullets were fired,” she said.
“Guns can be a very useful tool, but society has turned them into
something they are not. They aren’t the boogeyman.”

There are now more than 45 Pink Pistols chapters nationwide.
With its slogan “pick on someone your own caliber,” members
get together at least once a month at local ranges to practice their
shooting skills, share self-defense tips and talk about gun safety.
According to Cheng, bringing gays and guns together serves as
an important conversation starter.

“Many in the LGBT community simply have never seriously entertained
the notion of owning a firearm, or thought whether they want to be
a victim or if they want to survive an attack,” he said, while Patton
says it's false that the right is all about keeping firearms, while the
left pushes gay rights.

“So some think of us as traitors,” she explained “but at the end of the day,
it’s about recognizing that the government shouldn’t be taking our
rights away – our rights to be armed, and our rights to be happy
and with the person we love.”

Of course the push for concealed carry has many opponents. Ladd Everitt,
communications director for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence,
said that hate crime is an issue our federal government has taken
very seriously, pointing out the Hate Crimes Prevention Act passed
by Congress and signed into law by President Obama in 2009.

“The law contains explicit protections for members of the LGBT community,"
he said. "If groups like Pink Pistols are feeling targeted or under threat,
it might be from members of their own community in the pro-gun movement."

Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2014 10:08 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

This one is dedicated to U, Rex:

Gay gun activists:
Growing LGBT push to support the Second Amendment

By Hollie McKayPublished October 01, 2014

LOS ANGELES – Two years ago Chris Cheng came out of nowhere
to beat seasoned marksmen, police officers and veterans to win
History Channel’s reality shooting competition show “Top Shot.”

“When I auditioned, I was openly gay,
but I was surprised as nobody cared.
They only cared how well I could shoot and represent our season,”
said Cheng, who quit his job at Google after the show and is now
an NRA news commentator and is releasing his first book “Shoot to Win.”

“There is this stereotypical view of the gun community as anti-gay rednecks,
but nothing could be further from the truth. It was interesting as the
History Channel never ‘outed’ me on the show even though they had
hours of footage. I asked why and they said simply that it just wasn’t relevant.”

Indeed gay rights and gun rights often go hand in hand says Gwen Patton,
the rep for gay gun rights organization Pink Pistols National.

“We don’t want people to hurt us, we want people to run away from us,
and the best way we have found to do that is to be armed,” Patton said.
“Now if someone tries to attack us, we can defend ourselves.
Ideally we don’t want any altercation at all, but if there is a perception
that the gay person on the street could have a concealed gun,
it might make the perpetrator think twice.”

According to FBI Hate Crime Statistics, sexual orientation is the
second largest motivator for bias crimes in the United States,
second to racial bias, and far exceeding the number of religious
or ethnically-spurred hate crimes.

Patton said while she has never had to use her firearm in defense,
another gay member of a local Philadelphia chapter recently did.

“All he had to do was display it; no bullets were fired,” she said.
“Guns can be a very useful tool, but society has turned them into
something they are not. They aren’t the boogeyman.”

There are now more than 45 Pink Pistols chapters nationwide.
With its slogan “pick on someone your own caliber,” members
get together at least once a month at local ranges to practice their
shooting skills, share self-defense tips and talk about gun safety.
According to Cheng, bringing gays and guns together serves as
an important conversation starter.

“Many in the LGBT community simply have never seriously entertained
the notion of owning a firearm, or thought whether they want to be
a victim or if they want to survive an attack,” he said, while Patton
says it's false that the right is all about keeping firearms, while the
left pushes gay rights.

“So some think of us as traitors,” she explained “but at the end of the day,
it’s about recognizing that the government shouldn’t be taking our
rights away – our rights to be armed, and our rights to be happy
and with the person we love.”

Of course the push for concealed carry has many opponents. Ladd Everitt,
communications director for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence,
said that hate crime is an issue our federal government has taken
very seriously, pointing out the Hate Crimes Prevention Act passed
by Congress and signed into law by President Obama in 2009.

“The law contains explicit protections for members of the LGBT community,"
he said. "If groups like Pink Pistols are feeling targeted or under threat,
it might be from members of their own community in the pro-gun movement."

Did u see this one, Rex????
0 Replies

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