Guns And The Laws That Govern Them

Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 12:57 pm
@Frank Apisa,
OmSigDAVID wrote:

I dunno, but I suspect
that u have the uttermost contempt & disdain for the intelligence
of children. I don t join u in that.

Frank Apisa wrote:
I have great respect for the intelligence of children, David.
But that does not mean that I want to see grammar school kids toting
guns to school...and I think most intelligent, reasonable people feel that way.
Your choice to use the word: "toting" reflects scorn
on the concept of being prepared for self defense.
U want them to live in a state of HELPLESSNESS,
thus granting a monopoly of power to animals
or to criminals who opt to prey upon them.

EVERYONE has an equal and inalienable right
to defend his life. I take it that u DENY that, right ?
YOU prefer discrimination.

When I lived in Arizona, most of the kids in my naborhood
were better armed than I was; guns were everywhere.
We had no trouble in the 5 years that I lived there.

Your conclusions are based upon your un-founded emotions.

Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 02:49 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

I dunno, but I suspect
that u have the uttermost contempt & disdain for the intelligence
of children. I don t join u in that.

Frank Apisa wrote:
I have great respect for the intelligence of children, David.
But that does not mean that I want to see grammar school kids toting
guns to school...and I think most intelligent, reasonable people feel that way.
Your choice to use the word: "toting" reflects scorn
on the concept of being prepared for self defense.
U want them to live in a state of HELPLESSNESS,
thus granting a monopoly of power to animals
or to criminals who opt to prey upon them.

EVERYONE has an equal and inalienable right
to defend his life. I take it that u DENY that, right ?
YOU prefer discrimination.

When I lived in Arizona, most of the kids in my naborhood
were better armed than I was; guns were everywhere.
We had no trouble in the 5 years that I lived there.

Your conclusions are based upon your un-founded emotions.


Your notion sof allowing (indeed, demaning) grammar school kids to carry guns to school...are out near the planet Neptune, David.

But, you are free to voice them...and to amuse us with them.
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 03:15 pm
@Frank Apisa,
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

I dunno, but I suspect
that u have the uttermost contempt & disdain for the intelligence
of children. I don t join u in that.

Frank Apisa wrote:
I have great respect for the intelligence of children, David.
But that does not mean that I want to see grammar school kids toting
guns to school...and I think most intelligent, reasonable people feel that way.
Your choice to use the word: "toting" reflects scorn
on the concept of being prepared for self defense.
U want them to live in a state of HELPLESSNESS,
thus granting a monopoly of power to animals
or to criminals who opt to prey upon them.

EVERYONE has an equal and inalienable right
to defend his life. I take it that u DENY that, right ?
YOU prefer discrimination.

When I lived in Arizona, most of the kids in my naborhood
were better armed than I was; guns were everywhere.
We had no trouble in the 5 years that I lived there.

Your conclusions are based upon your un-founded emotions.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Your notion sof allowing (indeed, demaning) grammar school kids
to carry guns to school...are out near the planet Neptune, David.
It blows my mind that despite your allegations of respect
for the minds of children, u prove that your aggressive contempt
for their minds is so intense that its OK with u if children get killed
by criminals or by animals, as long as thay are HELPLESSLY disarmed.

When Frank Apisa reads of a child being torn apart, killed or maimed
by pit bulls, Frank says: "That 's sad, but at least the kid OBAYED the gun control laws,
so he was un-armed. THAT 's the important thing."

Presumably, if u had met me when I was a kid, u 'd have told me:
"Jee, David, because of your juvenile STUPIDITY u shud throw your guns
in the garbage, and if u get killed, well, that 's OK because of your age
and given the same message to every kid in the naborhood.

Is that accurate ?

Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 03:28 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

I dunno, but I suspect
that u have the uttermost contempt & disdain for the intelligence
of children. I don t join u in that.

Frank Apisa wrote:
I have great respect for the intelligence of children, David.
But that does not mean that I want to see grammar school kids toting
guns to school...and I think most intelligent, reasonable people feel that way.
Your choice to use the word: "toting" reflects scorn
on the concept of being prepared for self defense.
U want them to live in a state of HELPLESSNESS,
thus granting a monopoly of power to animals
or to criminals who opt to prey upon them.

EVERYONE has an equal and inalienable right
to defend his life. I take it that u DENY that, right ?
YOU prefer discrimination.

When I lived in Arizona, most of the kids in my naborhood
were better armed than I was; guns were everywhere.
We had no trouble in the 5 years that I lived there.

Your conclusions are based upon your un-founded emotions.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Your notion sof allowing (indeed, demaning) grammar school kids
to carry guns to school...are out near the planet Neptune, David.
It blows my mind that despite your allegations of respect
for the minds of children, u prove that your aggressive contempt
for their minds is so intense that its OK with u if children get killed
by criminals or by animals, as long as thay are HELPLESSLY disarmed.

Come back to Earth, David. Neptune is too far away for anything resembling a decent look at Earthly problems.

I am MUCH more worried that children will be killed by other children if all are required to carry guns to school. Kids squabble...and often fights break out. If they had guns, they would use them.

You are being so unrealistic, motivation for it defies imagination.

Come back to Earth. All is forgiven.

Presumably, if u had met me when I was a kid, u 'd have told me:
"Jee, David, because of your juvenile STUPIDITY u shud throw your guns
in the garbage, and if u get killed, well, that 's OK because of your age

Probably I would have suggested that the police (and maybe a psychiatrist) look into the fact that an 8 year old kid was walking around with a gun.

I think any reasonable adult would do that.

(Reasonable, being the operative word, David.)

and given the same message to every kid in the naborhood.[/b] Yes?????

Is that accurate ?


I would have reacted the same way to any 8 year old kid toting a gun the same way.
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 03:34 pm
@Frank Apisa,
That was the extant social paradigm before I arrived.
I did not start it, tho I approved and I approve.

It saddens me to believe that u can only be addressed
in this concept of defense thru your emotions, to wit:
IF it became necessary for u to actively defend your life.

I have been in that position (tho long after I was a kid).
I was ready.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 05:26 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

That was the extant social paradigm before I arrived.
I did not start it, tho I approved and I approve.

It saddens me to believe that u can only be addressed
in this concept of defense thru your emotions, to wit:
IF it became necessary for u to actively defend your life.

You seem to be the one arguing from "emotions", David. Your arguments make no sense, except from the standpoint of an emotional outburst in favor of your favorite Constitutional amendment.

There is no logic to your position...and your calls for allowing grammar school kids all to be armed with guns must sicken even the most ardent NRA members.

You ought really to try to get that organization to publicly call for such. I doubt you'd get far.

I have been in that position (tho long after I was a kid).
I was ready.

IF you needed to defend your life with a gun...you needed to. I have never even come close to such a need.
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 06:46 pm
@Frank Apisa,
OmSigDAVID wrote:

That was the extant social paradigm before I arrived.
I did not start it, tho I approved and I approve.

It saddens me to believe that u can only be addressed
in this concept of defense thru your emotions, to wit:
IF it became necessary for u to actively defend your life.
Frank Apisa wrote:

You seem to be the one arguing from "emotions", David.
Your arguments make no sense, except from the standpoint
of an emotional outburst in favor of your favorite Constitutional amendment.

There is no logic to your position...and your calls for allowing grammar school kids
all to be armed with guns must sicken
even the most ardent NRA.
Y shud anyone be SICK???
Please explain. I 've lived thru it for many years, as a student.
I did not get sick. No one got sick. Please explain, Frank.

I wish that the students had been well armed when Cho opened up on them;
same for the Columbine victims, who were un-armed for NO REASON except the gun control laws.

DAVID wrote:
I have been in that position (tho long after I was a kid).
I was ready.

Frank Apisa wrote:
IF you needed to defend your life with a gun...you needed to.
I have never even come close to such a need.
Frank Apisa chooses to avoid LEARNING from my experience.
That 's like saying that u never had a flat tire; therefore, u never will.
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 07:53 pm
9 Don't discuss politics or religion.

(Just kidding! Mr. Green )
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 09:22 pm
Discussing politics is part of the electioneering process
to affect the result. That is an indispensable part of democracy.
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 10:29 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:
Re: RexRed (Post 5692048)
I didn 't post this,
but I had been thinking: "what 'll u do if u get attacked,
hit him with your guitar ?"


The Creeping Terror (1964)
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 10:31 pm
Dat be true.

Was speaking of only a personal preference in interpersonal relations. Mr. Green
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 10:38 pm
wmwcjr wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:
Re: RexRed (Post 5692048)
I didn 't post this,
but I had been thinking: "what 'll u do if u get attacked,
hit him with your guitar ?"


The Creeping Terror (1964)
Maybe he can get a guitar
with a lot of gnarly defensive spikes in it.
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 10:48 pm
Here it is. Smile


Good-night. Smile
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 11:04 pm
wmwcjr wrote:

Here it is. Smile


Good-night. Smile
An attack guitar. I hope that Rex will like it.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 02:39 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

That was the extant social paradigm before I arrived.
I did not start it, tho I approved and I approve.

It saddens me to believe that u can only be addressed
in this concept of defense thru your emotions, to wit:
IF it became necessary for u to actively defend your life.
Frank Apisa wrote:

You seem to be the one arguing from "emotions", David.
Your arguments make no sense, except from the standpoint
of an emotional outburst in favor of your favorite Constitutional amendment.

There is no logic to your position...and your calls for allowing grammar school kids
all to be armed with guns must sicken
even the most ardent NRA.
Y shud anyone be SICK???
Please explain. I 've lived thru it for many years, as a student.
I did not get sick. No one got sick. Please explain, Frank.

I wish that the students had been well armed when Cho opened up on them;
same for the Columbine victims, who were un-armed for NO REASON except the gun control laws.

DAVID wrote:
I have been in that position (tho long after I was a kid).
I was ready.

Frank Apisa wrote:
IF you needed to defend your life with a gun...you needed to.
I have never even come close to such a need.
Frank Apisa chooses to avoid LEARNING from my experience.
That 's like saying that u never had a flat tire; therefore, u never will.

Why don't you take your notions on this public, David?

Why not start a movement to allow (or require) all grammar school kids to be armed with revolvers...so as to make the grammar school experience safer...and more polite?

I, for one, would be interested in how many people express support for the idea...and how many people call it "sick."

Then you would have your answer.
Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 06:16 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
Why don't you take your notions on this public, David?

Why not start a movement to allow (or require) all grammar school kids
to be armed with revolvers...so as to make the grammar school experience safer...
and more polite?

I, for one, would be interested in how many people express support for the idea...
and how many people call it "sick."

Then you would have your answer.
I WISH that I cud provide a link to this, but that 's beyond my modest ability:
it was on the ABC WORLD NEWS, with Peter Jennings, probably in the 1990s.
Thay showed a story qua a school in one of the Northwestern States.
I don t remember which one. The story was described as: the school
where the students MUST take guns to school.
The local fauna had been inflicting some casualties among children
on their way to school, in consequence whereof, the school rules
required them to bring loaded rifles to school. Thay had an interview
of the fair-haired lads n lasses, aged 8 to 12, as I remember.
Thay indicated that each day thay arrived in school, put their hats
on the hatrack, put their coats on the coatrack, put their guns
on the gunrack, studied arithmetic & geografy, and at day 's end,
thay took their stuff and went home, harmlessly.
Frank Apisa obsessively believes that, because of their age,
kids are depraved and must shoot up the town. That did not prove
to be the case; not in the Northwest, nor in Arizona in my observation.
Many schools had gunnery teams, encouraged by the Civilian Marksmanship Program
of the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice (NBPRP), which sold me
a .30 caliber M-1 Carbine, brand new in its original cosmolene, for $2O and a
1911 Colt .45 automatic pistol. Was that $12?? I 'm not sure. Its been a while.

Anyway, Frank Apisa argues that as long as his philosophy of repression IS POPULAR,
its perfectly all right for defenseless kids to get killed,
so long as thay all obay the gun control laws.

However, if a kid SURVIVES attack because he had the presence of mind
to violate the gun control law (in fulfillment of his Constitutional Rights),
then the vengeance of the State shud fall upon the survivor, right, Frank?????

Frank speaks for authoritarianism. I speak for liberty.

Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 11:22 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
Why don't you take your notions on this public, David?

Why not start a movement to allow (or require) all grammar school kids
to be armed with revolvers...so as to make the grammar school experience safer...
and more polite?

I, for one, would be interested in how many people express support for the idea...
and how many people call it "sick."

Then you would have your answer.
I WISH that I cud provide a link to this, but that 's beyond my modest ability:
it was on the ABC WORLD NEWS, with Peter Jennings, probably in the 1990s.
Thay showed a story qua a school in one of the Northwestern States.
I don t remember which one. The story was described as: the school
where the students MUST take guns to school.
The local fauna had been inflicting some casualties among children
on their way to school, in consequence whereof, the school rules
required them to bring loaded rifles to school. Thay had an interview
of the fair-haired lads n lasses, aged 8 to 12, as I remember.
Thay indicated that each day thay arrived in school, put their hats
on the hatrack, put their coats on the coatrack, put their guns
on the gunrack, studied arithmetic & geografy, and at day 's end,
thay took their stuff and went home, harmlessly.
Frank Apisa obsessively believes that, because of their age,
kids are depraved and must shoot up the town. That did not prove
to be the case; not in the Northwest, nor in Arizona in my observation.
Many schools had gunnery teams, encouraged by the Civilian Marksmanship Program
of the National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice (NBPRP), which sold me
a .30 caliber M-1 Carbine, brand new in its original cosmolene, for $2O and a
1911 Colt .45 automatic pistol. Was that $12?? I 'm not sure. Its been a while.

Anyway, Frank Apisa argues that as long as his philosophy of repression IS POPULAR,
its perfectly all right for defenseless kids to get killed,
so long as thay all obay the gun control laws.

However, if a kid SURVIVES attack because he had the presence of mind
to violate the gun control law (in fulfillment of his Constitutional Rights),
then the vengeance of the State shud fall upon the survivor, right, Frank?????

Frank speaks for authoritarianism. I speak for liberty.


I've tried to handle this in a nice way, David...respectfully and with a touch of irony and humor.

But...sometimes one has to put the enchilada on the table for inspection.

The notion that grammar school kids should be allowed to (or required to) carry guns to school to protect themselves...and that our nation would be the better for such a move...

...is not just dumb...it is insane.

I like you, David...I simply cannot understand why you are interested in advocating a position that is both stupid and crazy.
Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 12:13 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
I've tried to handle this in a nice way, David...
respectfully and with a touch of irony and humor.

But...sometimes one has to put the enchilada on the table for inspection.

The notion that grammar school kids should be allowed to (or required to) carry guns to school to protect themselves...and that our nation would be the better for such a move...

...is not just dumb...it is insane.

I like you, David...I simply cannot understand why you are interested in advocating a position that is both stupid and crazy.
U cannot, u dare not address my individual arguments
because if u do, then u will lose. Anyone can describe ANYTHING,
no matter how great its Value, as being "insane" or "sick" or "stupid".
There 's no trick to that; ez.

Let 's try it one step at a time, for clear analysis:
Frank, do u admit that when pit bulls in the street
have attacked an adult, he had the natural, moral right to fight back??

When the same misfortune has befallen a young kid,
do u admit that HE has had an equal right to fight back, in defense of his life????

or do u allege that a kid has a duty
to offer himself up freely to be eaten by the dogs, while he lives ?
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 04:32 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
I've tried to handle this in a nice way, David...
respectfully and with a touch of irony and humor.

But...sometimes one has to put the enchilada on the table for inspection.

The notion that grammar school kids should be allowed to (or required to) carry guns to school to protect themselves...and that our nation would be the better for such a move...

...is not just dumb...it is insane.

I like you, David...I simply cannot understand why you are interested in advocating a position that is both stupid and crazy.
U cannot, u dare not address my individual arguments
because if u do, then u will lose. Anyone can describe ANYTHING,
no matter how great its Value, as being "insane" or "sick" or "stupid".
There 's no trick to that; ez.

Let 's try it one step at a time, for clear analysis:
Frank, do u admit that when pit bulls in the street
have attacked an adult, he had the natural, moral right to fight back??

When the same misfortune has befallen a young kid,
do u admit that HE has had an equal right to fight back, in defense of his life????

or do u allege that a kid has a duty
to offer himself up freely to be eaten by the dogs, while he lives ?

David...the notion you are advocating to allow grammar school kids to carry guns to school...is not stupid...IT IS VERY, VERY stupid. And it is close to insane. It is nutty.

I have no problem with you presenting it, because it shows just how far over the line some of the people on your side of this issue have gotten.

And I see that as a good thing.

Please continue.
Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 08:18 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
I've tried to handle this in a nice way, David...
respectfully and with a touch of irony and humor.

But...sometimes one has to put the enchilada on the table for inspection.

The notion that grammar school kids should be allowed to (or required to) carry guns to school to protect themselves...and that our nation would be the better for such a move...

...is not just dumb...it is insane.

I like you, David...I simply cannot understand why you are interested in advocating a position that is both stupid and crazy.
U cannot, u dare not address my individual arguments
because if u do, then u will lose. Anyone can describe ANYTHING,
no matter how great its Value, as being "insane" or "sick" or "stupid".
There 's no trick to that; ez.

Let 's try it one step at a time, for clear analysis:
Frank, do u admit that when pit bulls in the street
have attacked an adult, he had the natural, moral right to fight back??

When the same misfortune has befallen a young kid,
do u admit that HE has had an equal right to fight back, in defense of his life????

or do u allege that a kid has a duty
to offer himself up freely to be eaten by the dogs, while he lives ?

David...the notion you are advocating to allow grammar school kids to carry guns to school...is not stupid...IT IS VERY, VERY stupid. And it is close to insane. It is nutty.

I have no problem with you presenting it, because it shows just how far over the line some of the people on your side of this issue have gotten.

And I see that as a good thing.

Please continue.

Give and infant a loaded gun and say good luck!

Mother snakes drop their new born young from trees so they do not sting her and kill her in birthing.

David you need to be dropped from a tree.

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