Guns And The Laws That Govern Them

Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 08:58 pm
RexRed wrote:
Give and infant a loaded gun and say good luck!
I think u r exaggerating my position,
so as to make it non-viable. "Reductio ad absurdum"

Below some age,
a person is un-able to understand the concept of defense
or of using any weapon.

RexRed wrote:
Mother snakes drop their new born young from trees
so they do not sting her and kill her in birthing.

David you need to be dropped from a tree.
Dangerous mothers?? How about Andrea Yates,
who drowned her 5 children in her bathtub, one at a time.
By the time that she got to her oldest, 7 year old Noah,
he 'd discovered what she had done, and he FLED,
but Andrea dragged him back and drowned him in the same tub.

I wish that 7 year old Noah had been able to grab a weapon,
be it a knife, gun, club, iron chain, hammer to prevent his wet murder.

Do u agree with me, Rex??
or do u think that his drowning was better than his arming himself??
Please tell us what u think of that.

We await.
Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 09:38 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

RexRed wrote:
Give and infant a loaded gun and say good luck!
I think u r exaggerating my position,
so as to make it non-viable. "Reductio ad absurdum"

Below some age,
a person is un-able to understand the concept of defense
or of using any weapon.

RexRed wrote:
Mother snakes drop their new born young from trees
so they do not sting her and kill her in birthing.

David you need to be dropped from a tree.
Dangerous mothers?? How about Andrea Yates,
who drowned her 5 children in her bathtub, one at a time.
By the time that she got to her oldest, 7 year old Noah,
he 'd discovered what she had done, and he FLED,
but Andrea dragged him back and drowned him in the same tub.

I wish that 7 year old Noah had been able to grab a weapon,
be it a knife, gun, club, iron chain, hammer to prevent his wet murder.

Do u agree with me, Rex??
or do u think that his drowning was better than his arming himself??
Please tell us what u think of that.

We await.

YOU are Andrea drowning society in your muck ass ****.
Reply Mon 16 Jun, 2014 10:01 pm
However bad I may BE,
will u reply to my question, to wit:
Do u agree with me that it woud have been BETTER
IF 7 year old Noah had been able to grab a weapon,
be it a knife, gun, club, iron chain, hammer to prevent his wet murder.

TRUE or FALSE, Rex ?

0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2014 06:16 pm
When The Black Panthers started carrying guns in the sixties to protect themselves from the police, the NRA supported Ronald Reagan signing the 1967 Mulford act that restricted people carrying guns.
Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2014 06:52 pm
I remember voting for Ronald Reagan (the first time) in November 1980.
He assumed Office on January 2O, 1981.
Y shud he sign a "1967 Mulford Act"?????????
Lyndon Johnson was President in 1967; he hated guns.

Will u please answer my question to u
regarding Noah Yates (set forth hereinabove) ?????????
Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2014 11:48 pm
The goals of the NRA changed in the 1970's. You would not find the NRA supporting such a law anywhere in the US today. Race has no weight with the NRA or the laws they support or fight.


The Mulford Act was a 1967 California bill prohibiting the public carrying of loaded firearms. Named after Republican assemblyman Don Mulford, the bill garnered national attention after the Black Panthers marched on the California Capitol to protest the bill.[1][2] The bill was signed by Republican California Governor Ronald Reagan and became California penal code 12031 and 171(c).
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Jun, 2014 11:55 pm
It was a CA law. He signed it when we was Gov. of CA.
Reply Wed 18 Jun, 2014 01:20 am
Baldimo wrote:
It was a CA law. He signed it when we was Gov. of CA.
I see. Thank u.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Jun, 2014 08:52 pm



On Friday, Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed HB89, which mainly makes
clear that self-defense laws — including the Florida no-duty-to-retreat
law (often called “stand your ground”) — apply equally to defensive
threats of force, including warning shots, as they do to actual force.
This seems to me quite right: whatever one might think of the
possible scope of self-defense, and of no-duty-to-retreat laws,
if actually killing or injuring someone is justifiable self-defense,
then threatening to do so should be as well.

The law also waives the statutory mandatory minimum sentence for
what is often called “imperfect self-defense” — a situation where a
person sincerely but unreasonably believed that he or she was being
threatened. In such a situation, the person would still be guilty,
because the self-defense defense wouldn’t apply; but the statutory
minimum sentence, which can sometimes be 20 years, wouldn’t apply,
and the court would be free to sentence using the more usual
sentencing considerations. (This waiver only applies if the court finds
that the attack didn’t take place in the course of the defendant’s
committing another crime, and the defendant doesn’t pose a threat
to public safety.)

The statute was apparently motivated in part by the Marissa Alexander
case, in which the jury was (among other things) instructed that self-defense
“is a defense to the offense with which [defendant] is charged if the
injury to Rico Gray Sr. resulted from the justifiable use of deadly force”
(emphasis added); the instruction implies that, in the absence of
injury — i.e., where there’s just a threat or perhaps just an attempted
injury — there might be no self-defense defense. Indeed, four years
ago a Kansas court held that Kansas self-defense law doesn’t apply
to brandishing, threats, or even unsuccessful attempts to use force.

As it turns out, Alexander’s conviction was overturned last year by the
Florida Court of Appeal, and that court held that Florida law already
did allow self-defense as a defense even in the absence of injury
inflicted by the allegedly defensive act. Nonetheless, this statute
makes that clearer. (The contrary Kansas decision I mentioned above
was also overturned by statute.)

0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jun, 2014 01:40 am


Owner Sharon Doyle was working the counter of Stan’s Health Foods
in Philadelphia, Pa. when a knife-wielding man entered the store and
broke into the cash register. Doyle, a former police officer, responded
to the threat by drawing a gun and firing at the criminal. The robber
was struck in the chest, and died a short time later.
(The Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia, Pa. 06/23/14)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2014 01:17 pm


An armed citizen was outside a Motel 6 in Jackson, Miss. when a man
approached and asked for a cigarette. When the armed citizen declined,
the man drew a gun and stated “Betcha ain’t got one of these.”
The armed citizen responded by drawing his own gun and firing
at the robber, striking him in the chest and causing him to flee.

The criminal was discovered a short time later while seeking medical attention.
(The Clarion Ledger, Jackson, Miss. 06/20/14)
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 08:47 am
Kinda hard to claim this was self defense, David. Just plain old murder due to WAY too many guns and WAY too free access to them and WAY too many idiots with free access to them.

Pedestrian Blocking Traffic Shot in Road Rage: Policeadvertisement
advertisement By NBC PHILADELPHIA

A man is dead and police are looking for the person that gunned him down in a road rage attack on a Kensington street Friday night.

•Brutal Beating Caught on Camera
The shooting happened around 9 p.m. outside of his home on the 2800 block of North 5th Street, police said.

Officials tell NBC10 that the 32-year-old victim was shot in the head and stomach during an alleged road rage attack.

"Our shooting victim was on foot, just blocking traffic while arguing with his girlfriend causing people to back up in traffic, not being able to get around him," said Philadelphia Chief Inspector Scott Small. "For some reason our 32-year-old victim, just standing in the street, and the shooter in this green minivan got in some sort of argument with him. It appears that the motive in this case is just road rage and it resulted in a homicide.

They say the shooter fled the scene in that minivan.

The getaway vehicle was found on Indiana Street around 11 p.m. The suspect is still on the run.

Detectives are pulling surveillance video from two nearby businesses.

Anyone with information is urged to call Philadelphia Police.

Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 10:26 am

Ignite Church, in Joplin, is catching serious heat for giving away two Black Rain AR-15s on Father’s Day in a bid to connect with 18 to 35-year-olds in the area.

Critics said the initiative was “seriously messed up,” could “give way to new violence” and questioned what the reaction would be if a mosque held a similar give-away.

But tattooed mohawked pastor Heath Mooneyham defended the scheme – telling the Joplin Globe that “if we get people in the door, we get to preach the gospel.”

The church’s Facebook page featured some lively discussion, including one person who asked, “What if a mosque did this – how would that be perceived?”
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 11:35 am
The same person who had a case of road rage is going to be the same type of person who asked the other person if they had one of these as they stuck the gun in their face.

The majority of gun owners are more like the guy who responded with his own legal gun. Any bets both of the illegal use people have records? Didn't get their guns legally? You can't say all use of guns is the same. There are legitimate uses of self-defense as the case above that David posted.
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 12:08 pm
The majority of gun owners are more like the guy who responded with his own legal gun

More than 100,000 of them every year are more like the road rage murderer. That's the simple fact.
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 03:45 pm
100,000 of of 100,000,000 million? I'd say the #'s are in my favor and not yours.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 06:19 pm
100 quadrillion? What planet do you live on?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 08:05 pm
MontereyJack wrote:
Kinda hard to claim this was self defense, David.
Given the facts alleged in your example,
we can agree that was probably not self defense.
I have no interest in the weapon of choice in dispatching
the recalcitrant pedestrian, be it a rock, a knife, the car,
a gun or a tire iron; your ad does not reveal
whether the other motorists cheered the removal of that obstruction.

MontereyJack wrote:
Just plain old murder due to WAY too many guns
No. That 's like saying that if people have traffic accidents,
thay result from a motorist having TOO MANY cars in his garage
and that government shud rob Jay Leno of his car collection.
A man (of either gender) shud have plenty of guns,
like having plenty of health insurance. Guns are health insurance.
If the pedestrian had believed that he was in danger of getting shot,
I bet that he 'd have been more careful where he stood while arguing.
An Armed Society is a Polite Society; think of the Samurai.
I bet that the motorist did not believe that the motorist
1. was armed with a gun, and
2. did not believe that he 'd shoot him.

MontereyJack wrote:
and WAY too free access to them
No one, especially not government, has any authority
to interfere in any citizen 's access to defensive weaponry,
the same way that no one has authority to interfere
with any citizen having access to Bibles or to the Wall Street Journal.

MontereyJack wrote:
and WAY too many idiots with free access to them.
This Republic is not
so elitist that only members Mensa have the right to defend their lives.
In America, we have EQUAL PROTECTION of the laws.
An elderly banker has no better right to defend his life
than does a young shoeshine boy.

MontereyJack wrote:

Pedestrian Blocking Traffic Shot in Road Rage: Police advertisement
advertisement By NBC PHILADELPHIA

A man is dead and police are looking for the person that gunned him down in a road rage attack on a Kensington street Friday night.

•Brutal Beating Caught on Camera
The shooting happened around 9 p.m. outside of his home on the 2800 block of North 5th Street, police said.

Officials tell NBC10 that the 32-year-old victim was shot in the head and stomach during an alleged road rage attack.

"Our shooting victim was on foot, just blocking traffic while arguing with his girlfriend causing people to back up in traffic, not being able to get around him," said Philadelphia Chief Inspector Scott Small. "For some reason our 32-year-old victim, just standing in the street, and the shooter in this green minivan got in some sort of argument with him. It appears that the motive in this case is just road rage and it resulted in a homicide.

They say the shooter fled the scene in that minivan.

The getaway vehicle was found on Indiana Street around 11 p.m. The suspect is still on the run.

Detectives are pulling surveillance video from two nearby businesses.

Anyone with information is urged to call Philadelphia Police.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 08:08 pm
The majority of gun owners are more like the guy who responded with his own legal gun
MontereyJack wrote:
More than 100,000 of them every year are more like the road rage murderer.
That's the simple fact.
No: that is simple factual error,
the same as falsely alleging that Ben Franklin
was the first President of the USA.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Jun, 2014 08:09 pm

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