Guns And The Laws That Govern Them

Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 03:22 pm
@Frank Apisa,
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

Federal appeals courts strikes down
California’s concealed weapons license rules

Associated Press
By Paul Elias

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A divided federal appeals court has struck down
California’s concealed weapons rules, saying they violate
the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said that California is wrong
to require applicants to show good cause to receive a license
to carry a concealed weapon.
The court ruled that all law-abiding citizens
are entitled to carry concealed weapons
outside the home for self-defense purposes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
More guns in the hands of more people.
A goal to be sought, yes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
So according to your way of thinking we should become even more peaceful
and polite than we already are!
YES; e.g., when some highway robbers took a pot shot at ME,
thay assumed that I was un-armed,
witness the fact that thay proved their desire to be ELSEWHERE fast,
when my OWN gun came out. I heard a scream.

Criminals believe that it brings bad luck
when their victims shoot back.
Thay LIKE a monopoly of power during predatory events.
Supporters of gun control; i.e., victim disarmament,
have given it to them, as a subsidy of their calling.
Frank Apisa wrote:
Like I said...we are getting even more guns into the hands of even more people...so, using your reasoning, we should soon be getting much more peaceful and polite as a society.

Considering the fact that we already have more guns in the hands of more people than any other developed country...ya gotta wonder why we are so far down on the list of peaceful, polite societies now.

But I guess if we stick around long enough...and get more and more guns out there...

...it should happen!
Yes; a good trend on that has begun already.
Crime is on the way down.
A good sized chunk of the shootings that we HAVE had
were part of gang-warfare for drug turf
; much money to be made
as the result of government's drug Prohibition.
Just speaking for myself here, I don t feel affected
by those drug war casualties.

I tried to post a story on that trend, that shows
and refers to a CHART, but I 'm not good at posting that.
I cud not post that chart, so I gave up and did not post the story.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Oh, yeah...we are a much safer, more polite society than all those foolish countries
that don't have most of their citizens armed.
Most of OUR citizens are not armed
and the criminals know it. That is the problem; (I gave my own example).

Frank, if u were driven by such desperation as to become a robber,
wud u prefer to rob a victim who was WELL ARMED,
or one who was helpless??????? Tell us that.

Frank Apisa wrote:
We have fewer shootings in schools...and in movie theaters...
and in Army bases than those people

I dunno about them. I don t care about them.
I care about us and here.
Everyone has an inalienable right to defend his life; that is non-negotiable.

Schools and (since Clinton) Army bases have been dis-armed victim zones.
During my academic experience, everything was peaceful all the time; no trouble,
but if someone had actually entered the classroom and began shooting at us,
I 'd have returned fire as fast as I possibly cud; I 'm a fairly decent shot.
All of the shooting victims in classrooms were un-armed,
in abject, docile obedience of ALL gun control laws.
Thay got killed, as a result.

Frank Apisa wrote:
But I am saying that if only we could arm everyone...
including kids in school...
Like me.
In Arizona we had gunnery teams.
Some of the teachers attended practice and gave us advice
on marksmanship. No one complained nor got even slightly harmed.
I preferred that to ball games, but I was not accurate enuf
to make a gunnery team. It was fun, tho.
I don t remember anyone being impolite.

Frank Apisa wrote:
we would, according to your thinking...become a much, much nicer place...a more peaceful place...a safer place...and definitely a more polite place.
Yes. Think of the Japanese Samurai. Thay were known for politeness.
Ever see a Japanese Katana? The Samurai used to carry them all the time.
Samurai knew that an infraction of the applicable code of courtesy
might well result in a fatal event with lethal consequences, possibly their last and most final event.

Frank Apisa wrote:
I am just mystified why, since we have so many more guns in so many more hands than any of the other industrialized countries...why we are not already leading the world in all those categories.

That's all!
I am mystified that u r mystified because
I already EXPLAINED that to u. Maybe u forgot.
OK. I am willing to be redundant. Here goes:
in order for the principle to be functionally effective,
most of the citizens need to be personally well armed,
enuf that other folks will ASSUME that thay are defensively armed,
but regardless of Constitutional Rights, many, many citizens do not
bear arms in public. Sadly, that is not a secret. Accordingly, others
(including violent predators) do not assume that their victims are defensively armed
until thay actually SEE your defensive gun. THAT changes the scene abruptly.
Take my word. Such was my experience. Many criminals dont like it
when thay think that thay are about to get shot by indignant victims.

When a sufficient number of citizens are known to carry defensive guns overty or covertly,
then the Samurai principle will become more evident in common human experience.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 03:44 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

Federal appeals courts strikes down
California’s concealed weapons license rules

Associated Press
By Paul Elias

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A divided federal appeals court has struck down
California’s concealed weapons rules, saying they violate
the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said that California is wrong
to require applicants to show good cause to receive a license
to carry a concealed weapon.
The court ruled that all law-abiding citizens
are entitled to carry concealed weapons
outside the home for self-defense purposes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
More guns in the hands of more people.
A goal to be sought, yes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
So according to your way of thinking we should become even more peaceful
and polite than we already are!
YES; e.g., when some highway robbers took a pot shot at ME,
thay assumed that I was un-armed,
witness the fact that thay proved their desire to be ELSEWHERE fast,
when my OWN gun came out. I heard a scream.

Criminals believe that it brings bad luck
when their victims shoot back.
Thay LIKE a monopoly of power during predatory events.
Supporters of gun control; i.e., victim disarmament,
have given it to them, as a subsidy of their calling.
Frank Apisa wrote:
Like I said...we are getting even more guns into the hands of even more people...so, using your reasoning, we should soon be getting much more peaceful and polite as a society.

Considering the fact that we already have more guns in the hands of more people than any other developed country...ya gotta wonder why we are so far down on the list of peaceful, polite societies now.

But I guess if we stick around long enough...and get more and more guns out there...

...it should happen!
Yes; a good trend on that has begun already.
Crime is on the way down.
A good sized chunk of the shootings that we HAVE had
were part of gang-warfare for drug turf
; much money to be made
as the result of government's drug Prohibition.
Just speaking for myself here, I don t feel affected
by those drug war casualties.

I tried to post a story on that trend, that shows
and refers to a CHART, but I 'm not good at posting that.
I cud not post that chart, so I gave up and did not post the story.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Oh, yeah...we are a much safer, more polite society than all those foolish countries
that don't have most of their citizens armed.
Most of OUR citizens are not armed
and the criminals know it. That is the problem; (I gave my own example).

Frank, if u were driven by such desperation as to become a robber,
wud u prefer to rob a victim who was WELL ARMED,
or one who was helpless??????? Tell us that.

Frank Apisa wrote:
We have fewer shootings in schools...and in movie theaters...
and in Army bases than those people

I dunno about them. I don t care about them.
I care about us and here.
Everyone has an inalienable right to defend his life; that is non-negotiable.

Schools and (since Clinton) Army bases have been dis-armed victim zones.
During my academic experience, everything was peaceful all the time; no trouble,
but if someone had actually entered the classroom and began shooting at us,
I 'd have returned fire as fast as I possibly cud; I 'm a fairly decent shot.
All of the shooting victims in classrooms were un-armed,
in abject, docile obedience of ALL gun control laws.
Thay got killed, as a result.

Frank Apisa wrote:
But I am saying that if only we could arm everyone...
including kids in school...
Like me.
In Arizona we had gunnery teams.
Some of the teachers attended practice and gave us advice
on marksmanship. No one complained nor got even slightly harmed.
I preferred that to ball games, but I was not accurate enuf
to make a gunnery team. It was fun, tho.
I don t remember anyone being impolite.

Frank Apisa wrote:
we would, according to your thinking...become a much, much nicer place...a more peaceful place...a safer place...and definitely a more polite place.
Yes. Think of the Japanese Samurai. Thay were known for politeness.
Ever see a Japanese Katana? The Samurai used to carry them all the time.
Samurai knew that an infraction of the applicable code of courtesy
might well result in a fatal event with lethal consequences, possibly their last and most final event.

Frank Apisa wrote:
I am just mystified why, since we have so many more guns in so many more hands than any of the other industrialized countries...why we are not already leading the world in all those categories.

That's all!
I am mystified that u r mystified because
I already EXPLAINED that to u. Maybe u forgot.
OK. I am willing to be redundant. Here goes:
in order for the principle to be functionally effective,
most of the citizens need to be personally well armed,
enuf that other folks will ASSUME that thay are defensively armed,
but regardless of Constitutional Rights, many, many citizens do not
bear arms in public. Sadly, that is not a secret. Accordingly, others
(including violent predators) do not assume that their victims are defensively armed
until thay actually SEE your defensive gun. THAT changes the scene abruptly.
Take my word. Such was my experience. Many criminals dont like it
when thay think that thay are about to get shot by indignant victims.

When a sufficient number of citizens are known to carry defensive guns overty or covertly,
then the Samurai principle will become more evident in common human experience.

Then I am correct.

According to your thinking...if we would just arm more people...including kids going to school...we would become a safer, more polite society.

I am still mystified by why we are not better than most...since we are further toward that goal.

Perhaps...just perhaps...the notion is an absurdity...and more guns in the hands of more people just leads to more shootings.

Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 06:14 pm
@Frank Apisa,
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

Federal appeals courts strikes down
California’s concealed weapons license rules

Associated Press
By Paul Elias

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A divided federal appeals court has struck down
California’s concealed weapons rules, saying they violate
the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said that California is wrong
to require applicants to show good cause to receive a license
to carry a concealed weapon.
The court ruled that all law-abiding citizens
are entitled to carry concealed weapons
outside the home for self-defense purposes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
More guns in the hands of more people.
A goal to be sought, yes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
So according to your way of thinking we should become even more peaceful
and polite than we already are!
YES; e.g., when some highway robbers took a pot shot at ME,
thay assumed that I was un-armed,
witness the fact that thay proved their desire to be ELSEWHERE fast,
when my OWN gun came out. I heard a scream.

Criminals believe that it brings bad luck
when their victims shoot back.
Thay LIKE a monopoly of power during predatory events.
Supporters of gun control; i.e., victim disarmament,
have given it to them, as a subsidy of their calling.
Frank Apisa wrote:
Like I said...we are getting even more guns into the hands of even more people...so, using your reasoning, we should soon be getting much more peaceful and polite as a society.

Considering the fact that we already have more guns in the hands of more people than any other developed country...ya gotta wonder why we are so far down on the list of peaceful, polite societies now.

But I guess if we stick around long enough...and get more and more guns out there...

...it should happen!
Yes; a good trend on that has begun already.
Crime is on the way down.
A good sized chunk of the shootings that we HAVE had
were part of gang-warfare for drug turf
; much money to be made
as the result of government's drug Prohibition.
Just speaking for myself here, I don t feel affected
by those drug war casualties.

I tried to post a story on that trend, that shows
and refers to a CHART, but I 'm not good at posting that.
I cud not post that chart, so I gave up and did not post the story.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Oh, yeah...we are a much safer, more polite society than all those foolish countries
that don't have most of their citizens armed.
Most of OUR citizens are not armed
and the criminals know it. That is the problem; (I gave my own example).

Frank, if u were driven by such desperation as to become a robber,
wud u prefer to rob a victim who was WELL ARMED,
or one who was helpless??????? Tell us that.

Frank Apisa wrote:
We have fewer shootings in schools...and in movie theaters...
and in Army bases than those people

I dunno about them. I don t care about them.
I care about us and here.
Everyone has an inalienable right to defend his life; that is non-negotiable.

Schools and (since Clinton) Army bases have been dis-armed victim zones.
During my academic experience, everything was peaceful all the time; no trouble,
but if someone had actually entered the classroom and began shooting at us,
I 'd have returned fire as fast as I possibly cud; I 'm a fairly decent shot.
All of the shooting victims in classrooms were un-armed,
in abject, docile obedience of ALL gun control laws.
Thay got killed, as a result.

Frank Apisa wrote:
But I am saying that if only we could arm everyone...
including kids in school...
Like me.
In Arizona we had gunnery teams.
Some of the teachers attended practice and gave us advice
on marksmanship. No one complained nor got even slightly harmed.
I preferred that to ball games, but I was not accurate enuf
to make a gunnery team. It was fun, tho.
I don t remember anyone being impolite.

Frank Apisa wrote:
we would, according to your thinking...become a much, much nicer place...a more peaceful place...a safer place...and definitely a more polite place.
Yes. Think of the Japanese Samurai. Thay were known for politeness.
Ever see a Japanese Katana? The Samurai used to carry them all the time.
Samurai knew that an infraction of the applicable code of courtesy
might well result in a fatal event with lethal consequences, possibly their last and most final event.

Frank Apisa wrote:
I am just mystified why, since we have so many more guns in so many more hands than any of the other industrialized countries...why we are not already leading the world in all those categories.

That's all!
I am mystified that u r mystified because
I already EXPLAINED that to u. Maybe u forgot.
OK. I am willing to be redundant. Here goes:
in order for the principle to be functionally effective,
most of the citizens need to be personally well armed,
enuf that other folks will ASSUME that thay are defensively armed,
but regardless of Constitutional Rights, many, many citizens do not
bear arms in public. Sadly, that is not a secret. Accordingly, others
(including violent predators) do not assume that their victims are defensively armed
until thay actually SEE your defensive gun. THAT changes the scene abruptly.
Take my word. Such was my experience. Many criminals dont like it
when thay think that thay are about to get shot by indignant victims.

When a sufficient number of citizens are known to carry defensive guns overty or covertly,
then the Samurai principle will become more evident in common human experience.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Then I am correct.

According to your thinking...if we would just arm more people...including kids going to school...we would become a safer, more polite society.

I am still mystified by why we are not better than most...since we are further toward that goal.
Lemme remind u that much of the shooting casualty statistic results from criminal gang warfare.
I don t think that u can convince them to throw their guns in the garbage.
Only those who have an interest in being law-abiding care about gun control laws.

Incidentally, as I have pointed out before,
I did not recommend that we arm anyone,
the same as we don t give them free pens or newspapers.
Let them use their OWN guns.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Perhaps...just perhaps...the notion is an absurdity...
and more guns in the hands of more people just leads to more shootings.

1. More shootings are GOOD,
when the victims are not helpless,
but rather defeat the predators, be thay animal or human.
Fewer shootings are BAD, when the victims are slaughtered
because of their abject obedience to gun control laws.
If a wolf or a bobcat were chewing on your leg, then
maybe u 'd think its a good time for a shooting, yes ????
Remember the coyote who killed the (un-armed) 19 year old Canadian girl singer?

2. What 's the difference in regard to the statistics,
unless u intend to argue for repealing our Constitutional Right to fight back?

Do u intend to amend the Bill of Rights?
Wud u like to call it the Bill of Repressions ?
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 07:17 pm
Instead of educating children how to load a gun, how about we teach them manners?
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 07:20 pm
Manner number 1

Smile at people

2 given them trust

3 shake hands

4 be nice

5 be friendly

6 be kind

7 be helpful

8 be rational


not sure where "show them your gun" fits into this picture.
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 08:03 pm
RexRed wrote:
Instead of educating children how to load a gun,
how about we teach them manners?
Rationally, we shud do BOTH, Rex.
Children learn many things, which shud include good manners
and effective techniques of self defense. Thay are compatible.

Thay were with me.

The most FUNDAMENTAL Right that anyone has
is the right to defend his life from predatory violence.
Without THAT, nothing is secure.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 08:43 pm
I agree with a lot of this post.
RexRed wrote:
Manner number 1

Smile at people
I 've never been good at that.
I 'm under 2 orders of the NY Supreme Court to smile.

RexRed wrote:
2 given them trust
No, no, no, no, no; that 's a huge mistake.
Its better to remember the teaching point of Samson & Deliah.
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst n watch your back.

RexRed wrote:
3 shake hands
Yes, if appropriate.

RexRed wrote:
4 be nice
YES; that is an outstandingly good idea, most of the time.
It can be fun, too. Sometimes, I give away $1OO.OO bills
to people who don 't expect it. That can be enjoyable; try it. See what u think.

RexRed wrote:
5 be friendly
Yes; that 's a good social lubricant.

RexRed wrote:
6 be kind
I agree, most of the time.
That can be fun, depending on the circumstances.

RexRed wrote:
7 be helpful
Maybe, not necessarily.
(That might even be un-lawful.)

RexRed wrote:
8 be rational etc...
Yes; always.

RexRed wrote:
not sure where "show them your gun" fits into this picture.
I did it after someone put a bullethole into my driver's door window, on the road,
about 3 inches in front of my face. I was not BRANDISHING. I was going to engage him,
or them, but thay departed hence when my .44 caliber revolver in stainless steel mirror
made its appearance on the scene, before I cud line up a shot.

The US 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago adjudicated your question
of where "show them your gun" fits in MOORE v. MADIGAN when it said
that the place where you have the right to defend yourself
is the place where you are attacked.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 02:05 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

Federal appeals courts strikes down
California’s concealed weapons license rules

Associated Press
By Paul Elias

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A divided federal appeals court has struck down
California’s concealed weapons rules, saying they violate
the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said that California is wrong
to require applicants to show good cause to receive a license
to carry a concealed weapon.
The court ruled that all law-abiding citizens
are entitled to carry concealed weapons
outside the home for self-defense purposes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
More guns in the hands of more people.
A goal to be sought, yes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
So according to your way of thinking we should become even more peaceful
and polite than we already are!
YES; e.g., when some highway robbers took a pot shot at ME,
thay assumed that I was un-armed,
witness the fact that thay proved their desire to be ELSEWHERE fast,
when my OWN gun came out. I heard a scream.

Criminals believe that it brings bad luck
when their victims shoot back.
Thay LIKE a monopoly of power during predatory events.
Supporters of gun control; i.e., victim disarmament,
have given it to them, as a subsidy of their calling.
Frank Apisa wrote:
Like I said...we are getting even more guns into the hands of even more people...so, using your reasoning, we should soon be getting much more peaceful and polite as a society.

Considering the fact that we already have more guns in the hands of more people than any other developed country...ya gotta wonder why we are so far down on the list of peaceful, polite societies now.

But I guess if we stick around long enough...and get more and more guns out there...

...it should happen!
Yes; a good trend on that has begun already.
Crime is on the way down.
A good sized chunk of the shootings that we HAVE had
were part of gang-warfare for drug turf
; much money to be made
as the result of government's drug Prohibition.
Just speaking for myself here, I don t feel affected
by those drug war casualties.

I tried to post a story on that trend, that shows
and refers to a CHART, but I 'm not good at posting that.
I cud not post that chart, so I gave up and did not post the story.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Oh, yeah...we are a much safer, more polite society than all those foolish countries
that don't have most of their citizens armed.
Most of OUR citizens are not armed
and the criminals know it. That is the problem; (I gave my own example).

Frank, if u were driven by such desperation as to become a robber,
wud u prefer to rob a victim who was WELL ARMED,
or one who was helpless??????? Tell us that.

Frank Apisa wrote:
We have fewer shootings in schools...and in movie theaters...
and in Army bases than those people

I dunno about them. I don t care about them.
I care about us and here.
Everyone has an inalienable right to defend his life; that is non-negotiable.

Schools and (since Clinton) Army bases have been dis-armed victim zones.
During my academic experience, everything was peaceful all the time; no trouble,
but if someone had actually entered the classroom and began shooting at us,
I 'd have returned fire as fast as I possibly cud; I 'm a fairly decent shot.
All of the shooting victims in classrooms were un-armed,
in abject, docile obedience of ALL gun control laws.
Thay got killed, as a result.

Frank Apisa wrote:
But I am saying that if only we could arm everyone...
including kids in school...
Like me.
In Arizona we had gunnery teams.
Some of the teachers attended practice and gave us advice
on marksmanship. No one complained nor got even slightly harmed.
I preferred that to ball games, but I was not accurate enuf
to make a gunnery team. It was fun, tho.
I don t remember anyone being impolite.

Frank Apisa wrote:
we would, according to your thinking...become a much, much nicer place...a more peaceful place...a safer place...and definitely a more polite place.
Yes. Think of the Japanese Samurai. Thay were known for politeness.
Ever see a Japanese Katana? The Samurai used to carry them all the time.
Samurai knew that an infraction of the applicable code of courtesy
might well result in a fatal event with lethal consequences, possibly their last and most final event.

Frank Apisa wrote:
I am just mystified why, since we have so many more guns in so many more hands than any of the other industrialized countries...why we are not already leading the world in all those categories.

That's all!
I am mystified that u r mystified because
I already EXPLAINED that to u. Maybe u forgot.
OK. I am willing to be redundant. Here goes:
in order for the principle to be functionally effective,
most of the citizens need to be personally well armed,
enuf that other folks will ASSUME that thay are defensively armed,
but regardless of Constitutional Rights, many, many citizens do not
bear arms in public. Sadly, that is not a secret. Accordingly, others
(including violent predators) do not assume that their victims are defensively armed
until thay actually SEE your defensive gun. THAT changes the scene abruptly.
Take my word. Such was my experience. Many criminals dont like it
when thay think that thay are about to get shot by indignant victims.

When a sufficient number of citizens are known to carry defensive guns overty or covertly,
then the Samurai principle will become more evident in common human experience.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Then I am correct.

According to your thinking...if we would just arm more people...including kids going to school...we would become a safer, more polite society.

I am still mystified by why we are not better than most...since we are further toward that goal.
Lemme remind u that much of the shooting casualty statistic results from criminal gang warfare.
I don t think that u can convince them to throw their guns in the garbage.
Only those who have an interest in being law-abiding care about gun control laws.

Incidentally, as I have pointed out before,
I did not recommend that we arm anyone,
the same as we don t give them free pens or newspapers.
Let them use their OWN guns.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Perhaps...just perhaps...the notion is an absurdity...
and more guns in the hands of more people just leads to more shootings.

1. More shootings are GOOD,
when the victims are not helpless,
but rather defeat the predators, be thay animal or human.
Fewer shootings are BAD, when the victims are slaughtered
because of their abject obedience to gun control laws.
If a wolf or a bobcat were chewing on your leg, then
maybe u 'd think its a good time for a shooting, yes ????
Remember the coyote who killed the (un-armed) 19 year old Canadian girl singer?

2. What 's the difference in regard to the statistics,
unless u intend to argue for repealing our Constitutional Right to fight back?

Do u intend to amend the Bill of Rights?
Wud u like to call it the Bill of Repressions ?

So you are sticking with: If we only had more guns in the hands of more people...including kids in schools...we would become a more polite, safer nation.

Hey...some people stick with the notion that the Earth is flat.
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 09:17 am
@Frank Apisa,
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

Federal appeals courts strikes down
California’s concealed weapons license rules

Associated Press
By Paul Elias

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A divided federal appeals court has struck down
California’s concealed weapons rules, saying they violate
the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said that California is wrong
to require applicants to show good cause to receive a license
to carry a concealed weapon.
The court ruled that all law-abiding citizens
are entitled to carry concealed weapons
outside the home for self-defense purposes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
More guns in the hands of more people.
A goal to be sought, yes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
So according to your way of thinking we should become even more peaceful
and polite than we already are!
YES; e.g., when some highway robbers took a pot shot at ME,
thay assumed that I was un-armed,
witness the fact that thay proved their desire to be ELSEWHERE fast,
when my OWN gun came out. I heard a scream.

Criminals believe that it brings bad luck
when their victims shoot back.
Thay LIKE a monopoly of power during predatory events.
Supporters of gun control; i.e., victim disarmament,
have given it to them, as a subsidy of their calling.
Frank Apisa wrote:
Like I said...we are getting even more guns into the hands of even more people...so, using your reasoning, we should soon be getting much more peaceful and polite as a society.

Considering the fact that we already have more guns in the hands of more people than any other developed country...ya gotta wonder why we are so far down on the list of peaceful, polite societies now.

But I guess if we stick around long enough...and get more and more guns out there...

...it should happen!
Yes; a good trend on that has begun already.
Crime is on the way down.
A good sized chunk of the shootings that we HAVE had
were part of gang-warfare for drug turf
; much money to be made
as the result of government's drug Prohibition.
Just speaking for myself here, I don t feel affected
by those drug war casualties.

I tried to post a story on that trend, that shows
and refers to a CHART, but I 'm not good at posting that.
I cud not post that chart, so I gave up and did not post the story.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Oh, yeah...we are a much safer, more polite society than all those foolish countries
that don't have most of their citizens armed.
Most of OUR citizens are not armed
and the criminals know it. That is the problem; (I gave my own example).

Frank, if u were driven by such desperation as to become a robber,
wud u prefer to rob a victim who was WELL ARMED,
or one who was helpless??????? Tell us that.

Frank Apisa wrote:
We have fewer shootings in schools...and in movie theaters...
and in Army bases than those people

I dunno about them. I don t care about them.
I care about us and here.
Everyone has an inalienable right to defend his life; that is non-negotiable.

Schools and (since Clinton) Army bases have been dis-armed victim zones.
During my academic experience, everything was peaceful all the time; no trouble,
but if someone had actually entered the classroom and began shooting at us,
I 'd have returned fire as fast as I possibly cud; I 'm a fairly decent shot.
All of the shooting victims in classrooms were un-armed,
in abject, docile obedience of ALL gun control laws.
Thay got killed, as a result.

Frank Apisa wrote:
But I am saying that if only we could arm everyone...
including kids in school...
Like me.
In Arizona we had gunnery teams.
Some of the teachers attended practice and gave us advice
on marksmanship. No one complained nor got even slightly harmed.
I preferred that to ball games, but I was not accurate enuf
to make a gunnery team. It was fun, tho.
I don t remember anyone being impolite.

Frank Apisa wrote:
we would, according to your thinking...become a much, much nicer place...a more peaceful place...a safer place...and definitely a more polite place.
Yes. Think of the Japanese Samurai. Thay were known for politeness.
Ever see a Japanese Katana? The Samurai used to carry them all the time.
Samurai knew that an infraction of the applicable code of courtesy
might well result in a fatal event with lethal consequences, possibly their last and most final event.

Frank Apisa wrote:
I am just mystified why, since we have so many more guns in so many more hands than any of the other industrialized countries...why we are not already leading the world in all those categories.

That's all!
I am mystified that u r mystified because
I already EXPLAINED that to u. Maybe u forgot.
OK. I am willing to be redundant. Here goes:
in order for the principle to be functionally effective,
most of the citizens need to be personally well armed,
enuf that other folks will ASSUME that thay are defensively armed,
but regardless of Constitutional Rights, many, many citizens do not
bear arms in public. Sadly, that is not a secret. Accordingly, others
(including violent predators) do not assume that their victims are defensively armed
until thay actually SEE your defensive gun. THAT changes the scene abruptly.
Take my word. Such was my experience. Many criminals dont like it
when thay think that thay are about to get shot by indignant victims.

When a sufficient number of citizens are known to carry defensive guns overty or covertly,
then the Samurai principle will become more evident in common human experience.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Then I am correct.

According to your thinking...if we would just arm more people...including kids going to school...we would become a safer, more polite society.

I am still mystified by why we are not better than most...since we are further toward that goal.
Lemme remind u that much of the shooting casualty statistic results from criminal gang warfare.
I don t think that u can convince them to throw their guns in the garbage.
Only those who have an interest in being law-abiding care about gun control laws.

Incidentally, as I have pointed out before,
I did not recommend that we arm anyone,
the same as we don t give them free pens or newspapers.
Let them use their OWN guns.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Perhaps...just perhaps...the notion is an absurdity...
and more guns in the hands of more people just leads to more shootings.

1. More shootings are GOOD,
when the victims are not helpless,
but rather defeat the predators, be thay animal or human.
Fewer shootings are BAD, when the victims are slaughtered
because of their abject obedience to gun control laws.
If a wolf or a bobcat were chewing on your leg, then
maybe u 'd think its a good time for a shooting, yes ????
Remember the coyote who killed the (un-armed) 19 year old Canadian girl singer?

2. What 's the difference in regard to the statistics,
unless u intend to argue for repealing our Constitutional Right to fight back?

Do u intend to amend the Bill of Rights?
Wud u like to call it the Bill of Repressions ?

Frank Apisa wrote:
So you are sticking with: If we only had more guns in the hands of more people...including kids in schools...we would become a more polite, safer nation.
Not "only", as u put it; I advocate weapons and tactical training
from and including the earliest years of school, along with fonetic spelling.

Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 09:21 am
@Frank Apisa,
I dunno, but I suspect
that u have the uttermost contempt & disdain for the intelligence
of children. I don t join u in that.

Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 09:32 am
Many years ago I used to be a missionary, I would knock on doors, converse in laundry mats, city parks, universities, alleyways... armed only with a book.
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 10:03 am
Many years ago, before age 8,
I was armed only with knives.
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 10:38 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Many years ago, before age 8,
I was armed only with knives.

The closest thing to me arming myself today is with my wits and my guitar.
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 11:37 am
I didn 't post this,
but I had been thinking: "what 'll u do if u get attacked,
hit him with your guitar ?"
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 11:39 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

I didn 't post this,
but I had been thinking: "what 'll u do if u get attacked,
hit him with your guitar ?"

I would probably benefit more by playing my guitar for them. Smile
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 11:46 am

OmSigDAVID wrote:

I didn 't post this,
but I had been thinking: "what 'll u do if u get attacked,
hit him with your guitar ?"
RexRed wrote:
I would probably benefit more by playing my guitar for them. Smile
depending on the good taste
of the predators who attack u
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 11:48 am

but if thay think that u taste too good,
then . . . I dunno how long u will last
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 12:38 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

but if thay think that u taste too good,
then . . . I dunno how long u will last

51 years and counting.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 12:41 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

Federal appeals courts strikes down
California’s concealed weapons license rules

Associated Press
By Paul Elias

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A divided federal appeals court has struck down
California’s concealed weapons rules, saying they violate
the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said that California is wrong
to require applicants to show good cause to receive a license
to carry a concealed weapon.
The court ruled that all law-abiding citizens
are entitled to carry concealed weapons
outside the home for self-defense purposes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
More guns in the hands of more people.
A goal to be sought, yes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
So according to your way of thinking we should become even more peaceful
and polite than we already are!
YES; e.g., when some highway robbers took a pot shot at ME,
thay assumed that I was un-armed,
witness the fact that thay proved their desire to be ELSEWHERE fast,
when my OWN gun came out. I heard a scream.

Criminals believe that it brings bad luck
when their victims shoot back.
Thay LIKE a monopoly of power during predatory events.
Supporters of gun control; i.e., victim disarmament,
have given it to them, as a subsidy of their calling.
Frank Apisa wrote:
Like I said...we are getting even more guns into the hands of even more people...so, using your reasoning, we should soon be getting much more peaceful and polite as a society.

Considering the fact that we already have more guns in the hands of more people than any other developed country...ya gotta wonder why we are so far down on the list of peaceful, polite societies now.

But I guess if we stick around long enough...and get more and more guns out there...

...it should happen!
Yes; a good trend on that has begun already.
Crime is on the way down.
A good sized chunk of the shootings that we HAVE had
were part of gang-warfare for drug turf
; much money to be made
as the result of government's drug Prohibition.
Just speaking for myself here, I don t feel affected
by those drug war casualties.

I tried to post a story on that trend, that shows
and refers to a CHART, but I 'm not good at posting that.
I cud not post that chart, so I gave up and did not post the story.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Oh, yeah...we are a much safer, more polite society than all those foolish countries
that don't have most of their citizens armed.
Most of OUR citizens are not armed
and the criminals know it. That is the problem; (I gave my own example).

Frank, if u were driven by such desperation as to become a robber,
wud u prefer to rob a victim who was WELL ARMED,
or one who was helpless??????? Tell us that.

Frank Apisa wrote:
We have fewer shootings in schools...and in movie theaters...
and in Army bases than those people

I dunno about them. I don t care about them.
I care about us and here.
Everyone has an inalienable right to defend his life; that is non-negotiable.

Schools and (since Clinton) Army bases have been dis-armed victim zones.
During my academic experience, everything was peaceful all the time; no trouble,
but if someone had actually entered the classroom and began shooting at us,
I 'd have returned fire as fast as I possibly cud; I 'm a fairly decent shot.
All of the shooting victims in classrooms were un-armed,
in abject, docile obedience of ALL gun control laws.
Thay got killed, as a result.

Frank Apisa wrote:
But I am saying that if only we could arm everyone...
including kids in school...
Like me.
In Arizona we had gunnery teams.
Some of the teachers attended practice and gave us advice
on marksmanship. No one complained nor got even slightly harmed.
I preferred that to ball games, but I was not accurate enuf
to make a gunnery team. It was fun, tho.
I don t remember anyone being impolite.

Frank Apisa wrote:
we would, according to your thinking...become a much, much nicer place...a more peaceful place...a safer place...and definitely a more polite place.
Yes. Think of the Japanese Samurai. Thay were known for politeness.
Ever see a Japanese Katana? The Samurai used to carry them all the time.
Samurai knew that an infraction of the applicable code of courtesy
might well result in a fatal event with lethal consequences, possibly their last and most final event.

Frank Apisa wrote:
I am just mystified why, since we have so many more guns in so many more hands than any of the other industrialized countries...why we are not already leading the world in all those categories.

That's all!
I am mystified that u r mystified because
I already EXPLAINED that to u. Maybe u forgot.
OK. I am willing to be redundant. Here goes:
in order for the principle to be functionally effective,
most of the citizens need to be personally well armed,
enuf that other folks will ASSUME that thay are defensively armed,
but regardless of Constitutional Rights, many, many citizens do not
bear arms in public. Sadly, that is not a secret. Accordingly, others
(including violent predators) do not assume that their victims are defensively armed
until thay actually SEE your defensive gun. THAT changes the scene abruptly.
Take my word. Such was my experience. Many criminals dont like it
when thay think that thay are about to get shot by indignant victims.

When a sufficient number of citizens are known to carry defensive guns overty or covertly,
then the Samurai principle will become more evident in common human experience.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Then I am correct.

According to your thinking...if we would just arm more people...including kids going to school...we would become a safer, more polite society.

I am still mystified by why we are not better than most...since we are further toward that goal.
Lemme remind u that much of the shooting casualty statistic results from criminal gang warfare.
I don t think that u can convince them to throw their guns in the garbage.
Only those who have an interest in being law-abiding care about gun control laws.

Incidentally, as I have pointed out before,
I did not recommend that we arm anyone,
the same as we don t give them free pens or newspapers.
Let them use their OWN guns.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Perhaps...just perhaps...the notion is an absurdity...
and more guns in the hands of more people just leads to more shootings.

1. More shootings are GOOD,
when the victims are not helpless,
but rather defeat the predators, be thay animal or human.
Fewer shootings are BAD, when the victims are slaughtered
because of their abject obedience to gun control laws.
If a wolf or a bobcat were chewing on your leg, then
maybe u 'd think its a good time for a shooting, yes ????
Remember the coyote who killed the (un-armed) 19 year old Canadian girl singer?

2. What 's the difference in regard to the statistics,
unless u intend to argue for repealing our Constitutional Right to fight back?

Do u intend to amend the Bill of Rights?
Wud u like to call it the Bill of Repressions ?

Frank Apisa wrote:
So you are sticking with: If we only had more guns in the hands of more people...including kids in schools...we would become a more polite, safer nation.
Not "only", as u put it; I advocate weapons and tactical training
from and including the earliest years of school, along with fonetic spelling.


C'mon, David. My use of "if only" is interpreted the way you are suggesting. You know what I meant.

So...if only we were to put more guns into the hands of more people...and teach then to use them more effectively...and learn to spell the way you do...

...our country would be a safer, more polite place????

Like I said: C'mon!
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 12:43 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

I dunno, but I suspect
that u have the uttermost contempt & disdain for the intelligence
of children. I don t join u in that.


I have great respect for the intelligence of children, David. But that does not mean that I want to see grammar school kids toting guns to school...and I think most intelligent, reasonable people feel that way.


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