Guns And The Laws That Govern Them

Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2014 11:27 pm
Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2014 12:10 am
RexRed wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

Let obama be frustrated.


**** you David...
Yes, thank u, Rex.
I favor sweet, delicate blondes.
I 'll find a nice bordello and get right on that;
again, thanx for your advice.

Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2014 12:14 am
RexRed wrote:
This is true.
Thay are violently predatory criminals and their partners, the liberals.
We need to get rid of them both for America to be a better, freer place.

Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2014 01:21 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

RexRed wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

Let obama be frustrated.


**** you David...
Yes, thank u, Rex.
I favor sweet, delicate blondes.
I 'll find a nice bordello and get right on that;
again, thanx for your advice.


I don't care what you like...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2014 01:45 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

RexRed wrote:
This is true.
Thay are violently predatory criminals and their partners, the liberals.
We need to get rid of them both for America to be a better, freer place.



Sicko gun nut, greedy selfish moron life sucker...

And you think I care what you think? You have amply shown what a scumbag you are.

You have to come into my threads because no one here wants to read your hateful crap in your own threads.

You are still on ignore and most of your threads I don't even read anyway...

I will not be reading your reply to this either...

You think your are logical in your replies and all they really do is show what a cold hearted idiot you are.

I don't and won't respond to your threads because you are a pig...

Fondling your guns in your sicko obsession, pathetic weirdo...

You are already fucked in the head and precious little could give me more pleasure than the government taking away your guns. LOL!!!!

Excuse me but I have BETTER people to talk to than you, you know, those "liberals" you speak of?

I hope your life of fondling murder weapons, greed and hatred was worth losing many good friends over...
Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2014 05:24 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

RexRed wrote:
This is true.
Thay are violently predatory criminals and their partners, the liberals.
We need to get rid of them both for America to be a better, freer place.

RexRed wrote:


Sicko gun nut, greedy selfish moron life sucker...

And you think I care what you think? ..
YES, because your repression side LOST
and MY Freedom side WON.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2014 09:26 am
Fighting Machine

Deep in the mystical forest
Where legends inspire the soul
Suits of armor gleam
In battles of woe
Places where mortal men
Fear to go
Stands a warrior
Fighting Machine
When violence rules the mind
And tenderness is blind
Where wars are fought
And enemies are deceived
By the secret battles
They've perceived

The scenery forever changed
Something slowly dies inside
The truth is what we hide

Fighting Machine
Fighting Machine
The thoughts of war
Have made you mean
'Til you became a Fighting Machine

The charm surrounds the battle ground
Like a dark foreboding spell
The dogs of war are howling out
To call the hounds of hell
The armies clash in one great roar
To quench their wicked swords
Their souls cry out for victory
As they cut their mortal cords
Charge the castle wall
And watch the enemy fall
Though the battle was won
The war has just begun

The scenery forever changed
Something slowly dies inside
The truth is what we hide

Fighting Machine
Fighting Machine
The thoughts of war
Have made you mean
'Til you became a Fighting Machine

Copyright 2005
Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2014 12:48 pm

NY Girl Discusses Guns:
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2014 12:51 pm
I hope someone is reading your posts David because I am not.

Go play with your guns...
Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2014 01:10 pm

Y Good People Shud Be Armed
By Josie the Outlaw:
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Jun, 2014 01:34 pm
RexRed wrote:
I hope someone is reading your posts David because I am not.
Thank u for your good wishes, Rex. I did not read yours either; (that's a joke).

U have no reason for so much personal, negative emotion.
That does not convince me to abandon freedom of defense
nor to relinquish my quest for Constitutionalism and justice.
Your emotion is un-likely to convince anyone to discard
his right to fight back against predatory violence.

RexRed wrote:
Go play with your guns...
I 'm doing that now,
kinda: I 'm cleaning my 2 inch Taurus .44 caliber revolver,
while I watch pro-freedom YOUtube videos.

I hope that u live out your days in peace
with no need to fight back against animals nor criminals,
but IF u do need to fight back to defend your life,
I hope that u will have the means to survive
. Good luck with that.

Here in Florida, I 've noticed some Public Service Message advertising on TV
advising the citizens that if we are attacked by animals, to FIGHT BACK.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 09:32 am

Federal appeals courts strikes down
California’s concealed weapons license rules

Associated Press
By Paul Elias

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A divided federal appeals court has struck down
California’s concealed weapons rules, saying they violate
the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said that California is wrong
to require applicants to show good cause to receive a license
to carry a concealed weapon.
The court ruled that all law-abiding citizens
are entitled to carry concealed weapons
outside the home for self-defense purposes.

Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 09:37 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Federal appeals courts strikes down
California’s concealed weapons license rules

Associated Press
By Paul Elias

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A divided federal appeals court has struck down
California’s concealed weapons rules, saying they violate
the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said that California is wrong
to require applicants to show good cause to receive a license
to carry a concealed weapon.
The court ruled that all law-abiding citizens
are entitled to carry concealed weapons
outside the home for self-defense purposes.

More guns in the hands of more people.

So according to your way of thinking we should become even more peaceful and polite than we already are!
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 10:01 am
@Frank Apisa,
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Federal appeals courts strikes down
California’s concealed weapons license rules

Associated Press
By Paul Elias

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A divided federal appeals court has struck down
California’s concealed weapons rules, saying they violate
the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said that California is wrong
to require applicants to show good cause to receive a license
to carry a concealed weapon.
The court ruled that all law-abiding citizens
are entitled to carry concealed weapons
outside the home for self-defense purposes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
More guns in the hands of more people.
A goal to be sought, yes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
So according to your way of thinking we should become even more peaceful
and polite than we already are!
YES; e.g., when some highway robbers took a pot shot at ME,
thay assumed that I was un-armed,
witness the fact that thay proved their desire to be ELSEWHERE fast,
when my OWN gun came out. I heard a scream.

Criminals believe that it brings bad luck
when their victims shoot back.
Thay LIKE a monopoly of power during predatory events.
Supporters of gun control; i.e., victim disarmament,
have given it to them, as a subsidy of their calling.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 10:09 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

Federal appeals courts strikes down
California’s concealed weapons license rules

Associated Press
By Paul Elias

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A divided federal appeals court has struck down
California’s concealed weapons rules, saying they violate
the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said that California is wrong
to require applicants to show good cause to receive a license
to carry a concealed weapon.
The court ruled that all law-abiding citizens
are entitled to carry concealed weapons
outside the home for self-defense purposes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
More guns in the hands of more people.
A goal to be sought, yes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
So according to your way of thinking we should become even more peaceful
and polite than we already are!
YES; e.g., when some highway robbers took a pot shot at ME,
thay assumed that I was un-armed,
witness the fact that thay proved their desire to be ELSEWHERE fast,
when my OWN gun came out. I heard a scream.

Criminals believe that it brings bad luck
when their victims shoot back.
Thay LIKE a monopoly of power during predatory events.
Supporters of gun control; i.e., victim disarmament,
have given it to them, as a subsidy of their calling.

Like I said...we are getting even more guns into the hands of even more people...so, using your reasoning, we should soon be getting much more peaceful and polite as a society.

Considering the fact that we already have more guns in the hands of more people than any other developed country...ya gotta wonder why we are so far down on the list of peaceful, polite societies now.

But I guess if we stick around long enough...and get more and more guns out there...

...it should happen!

Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 10:50 am
@Frank Apisa,
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

Federal appeals courts strikes down
California’s concealed weapons license rules

Associated Press
By Paul Elias

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A divided federal appeals court has struck down
California’s concealed weapons rules, saying they violate
the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said that California is wrong
to require applicants to show good cause to receive a license
to carry a concealed weapon.
The court ruled that all law-abiding citizens
are entitled to carry concealed weapons
outside the home for self-defense purposes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
More guns in the hands of more people.
A goal to be sought, yes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
So according to your way of thinking we should become even more peaceful
and polite than we already are!
YES; e.g., when some highway robbers took a pot shot at ME,
thay assumed that I was un-armed,
witness the fact that thay proved their desire to be ELSEWHERE fast,
when my OWN gun came out. I heard a scream.

Criminals believe that it brings bad luck
when their victims shoot back.
Thay LIKE a monopoly of power during predatory events.
Supporters of gun control; i.e., victim disarmament,
have given it to them, as a subsidy of their calling.
Frank Apisa wrote:
Like I said...we are getting even more guns into the hands of even more people...so, using your reasoning, we should soon be getting much more peaceful and polite as a society.

Considering the fact that we already have more guns in the hands of more people than any other developed country...ya gotta wonder why we are so far down on the list of peaceful, polite societies now.

But I guess if we stick around long enough...and get more and more guns out there...

...it should happen!
Yes; a good trend on that has begun already.
Crime is on the way down.
A good sized chunk of the shootings that we HAVE had
were part of gang-warfare for drug turf
; much money to be made
as the result of government's drug Prohibition.
Just speaking for myself here, I don t feel affected
by those drug war casualties.

I tried to post a story on that trend, that shows
and refers to a CHART, but I 'm not good at posting that.
I cud not post that chart, so I gave up and did not post the story.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 11:12 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

Federal appeals courts strikes down
California’s concealed weapons license rules

Associated Press
By Paul Elias

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A divided federal appeals court has struck down
California’s concealed weapons rules, saying they violate
the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said that California is wrong
to require applicants to show good cause to receive a license
to carry a concealed weapon.
The court ruled that all law-abiding citizens
are entitled to carry concealed weapons
outside the home for self-defense purposes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
More guns in the hands of more people.
A goal to be sought, yes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
So according to your way of thinking we should become even more peaceful
and polite than we already are!
YES; e.g., when some highway robbers took a pot shot at ME,
thay assumed that I was un-armed,
witness the fact that thay proved their desire to be ELSEWHERE fast,
when my OWN gun came out. I heard a scream.

Criminals believe that it brings bad luck
when their victims shoot back.
Thay LIKE a monopoly of power during predatory events.
Supporters of gun control; i.e., victim disarmament,
have given it to them, as a subsidy of their calling.
Frank Apisa wrote:
Like I said...we are getting even more guns into the hands of even more people...so, using your reasoning, we should soon be getting much more peaceful and polite as a society.

Considering the fact that we already have more guns in the hands of more people than any other developed country...ya gotta wonder why we are so far down on the list of peaceful, polite societies now.

But I guess if we stick around long enough...and get more and more guns out there...

...it should happen!
Yes; a good trend on that has begun already.
Crime is on the way down.
A good sized chunk of the shootings that we HAVE had
were part of gang-warfare for drug turf
; much money to be made
as the result of government's drug Prohibition.
Just speaking for myself here, I don t feel affected
by those drug war casualties.

I tried to post a story on that trend, that shows
and refers to a CHART, but I 'm not good at posting that.
I cud not post that chart, so I gave up and did not post the story.

Oh, yeah...we are a much safer, more polite society than all those foolish countries that don't have most of their citizens armed.

We have fewer shootings in schools...and in movie theaters...and in Army bases than those people

Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 11:35 am
@Frank Apisa,
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

Federal appeals courts strikes down
California’s concealed weapons license rules

Associated Press
By Paul Elias

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A divided federal appeals court has struck down
California’s concealed weapons rules, saying they violate
the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said that California is wrong
to require applicants to show good cause to receive a license
to carry a concealed weapon.
The court ruled that all law-abiding citizens
are entitled to carry concealed weapons
outside the home for self-defense purposes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
More guns in the hands of more people.
A goal to be sought, yes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
So according to your way of thinking we should become even more peaceful
and polite than we already are!
YES; e.g., when some highway robbers took a pot shot at ME,
thay assumed that I was un-armed,
witness the fact that thay proved their desire to be ELSEWHERE fast,
when my OWN gun came out. I heard a scream.

Criminals believe that it brings bad luck
when their victims shoot back.
Thay LIKE a monopoly of power during predatory events.
Supporters of gun control; i.e., victim disarmament,
have given it to them, as a subsidy of their calling.
Frank Apisa wrote:
Like I said...we are getting even more guns into the hands of even more people...so, using your reasoning, we should soon be getting much more peaceful and polite as a society.

Considering the fact that we already have more guns in the hands of more people than any other developed country...ya gotta wonder why we are so far down on the list of peaceful, polite societies now.

But I guess if we stick around long enough...and get more and more guns out there...

...it should happen!
Yes; a good trend on that has begun already.
Crime is on the way down.
A good sized chunk of the shootings that we HAVE had
were part of gang-warfare for drug turf
; much money to be made
as the result of government's drug Prohibition.
Just speaking for myself here, I don t feel affected
by those drug war casualties.

I tried to post a story on that trend, that shows
and refers to a CHART, but I 'm not good at posting that.
I cud not post that chart, so I gave up and did not post the story.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Oh, yeah...we are a much safer, more polite society than all those foolish countries
that don't have most of their citizens armed.
Most of OUR citizens are not armed
and the criminals know it. That is the problem; (I gave my own example).

Frank, if u were driven by such desperation as to become a robber,
wud u prefer to rob a victim who was WELL ARMED,
or one who was helpless??????? Tell us that.

Frank Apisa wrote:
We have fewer shootings in schools...and in movie theaters...
and in Army bases than those people

I dunno about them. I don t care about them.
I care about us and here.
Everyone has an inalienable right to defend his life; that is non-negotiable.

Schools and (since Clinton) Army bases have been dis-armed victim zones.
During my academic experience, everything was peaceful all the time; no trouble,
but if someone had actually entered the classroom and began shooting at us,
I 'd have returned fire as fast as I possibly cud; I 'm a fairly decent shot.
All of the shooting victims in classrooms were un-armed,
in abject, docile obedience of ALL gun control laws.
Thay got killed, as a result.
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 11:44 am
Brave Off Duty Police Officer
With a burning gas pump about to explode just a few feet away, video captured the heroic rescue of a driver by an off-duty New York State police officer.

John Vescio instinctively ran when he saw the gas pump he was using had erupted into flames after a car barreled into it.

But Vescio returned and fought through the fire to pull the motorist -- who had blacked out prior to the crash -- to safety just moments before the pump exploded.

Watch KTLA's video here: http://ktlane.ws/1oYkfcl
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 01:57 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

Federal appeals courts strikes down
California’s concealed weapons license rules

Associated Press
By Paul Elias

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A divided federal appeals court has struck down
California’s concealed weapons rules, saying they violate
the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said that California is wrong
to require applicants to show good cause to receive a license
to carry a concealed weapon.
The court ruled that all law-abiding citizens
are entitled to carry concealed weapons
outside the home for self-defense purposes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
More guns in the hands of more people.
A goal to be sought, yes.

Frank Apisa wrote:
So according to your way of thinking we should become even more peaceful
and polite than we already are!
YES; e.g., when some highway robbers took a pot shot at ME,
thay assumed that I was un-armed,
witness the fact that thay proved their desire to be ELSEWHERE fast,
when my OWN gun came out. I heard a scream.

Criminals believe that it brings bad luck
when their victims shoot back.
Thay LIKE a monopoly of power during predatory events.
Supporters of gun control; i.e., victim disarmament,
have given it to them, as a subsidy of their calling.
Frank Apisa wrote:
Like I said...we are getting even more guns into the hands of even more people...so, using your reasoning, we should soon be getting much more peaceful and polite as a society.

Considering the fact that we already have more guns in the hands of more people than any other developed country...ya gotta wonder why we are so far down on the list of peaceful, polite societies now.

But I guess if we stick around long enough...and get more and more guns out there...

...it should happen!
Yes; a good trend on that has begun already.
Crime is on the way down.
A good sized chunk of the shootings that we HAVE had
were part of gang-warfare for drug turf
; much money to be made
as the result of government's drug Prohibition.
Just speaking for myself here, I don t feel affected
by those drug war casualties.

I tried to post a story on that trend, that shows
and refers to a CHART, but I 'm not good at posting that.
I cud not post that chart, so I gave up and did not post the story.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Oh, yeah...we are a much safer, more polite society than all those foolish countries
that don't have most of their citizens armed.
Most of OUR citizens are not armed
and the criminals know it. That is the problem; (I gave my own example).

Frank, if u were driven by such desperation as to become a robber,
wud u prefer to rob a victim who was WELL ARMED,
or one who was helpless??????? Tell us that.

Frank Apisa wrote:
We have fewer shootings in schools...and in movie theaters...
and in Army bases than those people

I dunno about them. I don t care about them.
I care about us and here.
Everyone has an inalienable right to defend his life; that is non-negotiable.

Schools and (since Clinton) Army bases have been dis-armed victim zones.
During my academic experience, everything was peaceful all the time; no trouble,
but if someone had actually entered the classroom and began shooting at us,
I 'd have returned fire as fast as I possibly cud; I 'm a fairly decent shot.
All of the shooting victims in classrooms were un-armed,
in abject, docile obedience of ALL gun control laws.
Thay got killed, as a result.

But I am saying that if only we could arm everyone...including kids in school...we would, according to your thinking...become a much, much nicer place...a more peaceful place...a safer place...and definitely a more polite place.

I am just mystified why, since we have so many more guns in so many more hands than any of the other industrialized countries...why we are not already leading the world in all those categories.

That's all!

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