Guns And The Laws That Govern Them

Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 06:06 pm
@Frank Apisa,
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
RexRed wrote:

‘We’re the only developed country on Earth where this happens’

That was a very well written article. The president's comments on the situation were spot on.

And...nothing is going to happen to appreciably change things.

We can blame the NRA [I think I 'll send them some more money,
to raise their morale. David]
if we want to...but the problem is that
way too many Americans have decided that owning guns is the one right
that cannot be abridged in any way.

We, the People...are at fault.

Frank thinks that the right to defend yourself is a "fault." Radical.
Frank Apisa wrote:
I think the fact that we are the only developed country where this happens...
says more about the issue than your characterization of my remarks as "radical", David.
It shows that u reject BASIC Americanism.
Nothing is more fundamental than the right to defend your life,
alien jurisdictions to the contrary notwithstanding.

This is not commie Berlin; America does not have a wall around it.
Anyone who wants to go to an anti-freedom place
whose victims do not even have the legal right to defend their lives,
can go there. I 'll remain in liberty, Frank.

How much do u complain about deaths in vehicular collisions????
How much do u complain about deaths from drowning?
How much do u complain about deaths from trips or slips and falls???

U zero in against guns because of your zeal against personal liberty.

I will not compromise my Constitutional right to self defense.
That is non-negotiable. U invite me to "Cast My Fate To The Winds." I refuse.

Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 07:05 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
RexRed wrote:

‘We’re the only developed country on Earth where this happens’

That was a very well written article. The president's comments on the situation were spot on.

And...nothing is going to happen to appreciably change things.

We can blame the NRA [I think I 'll send them some more money,
to raise their morale. David]
if we want to...but the problem is that
way too many Americans have decided that owning guns is the one right
that cannot be abridged in any way.

We, the People...are at fault.

Frank thinks that the right to defend yourself is a "fault." Radical.
Frank Apisa wrote:
I think the fact that we are the only developed country where this happens...
says more about the issue than your characterization of my remarks as "radical", David.
It shows that u reject BASIC Americanism.
Nothing is more fundamental than the right to defend your life,
alien jurisdictions to the contrary notwithstanding.

This is not commie Berlin; America does not have a wall around it.
Anyone who wants to go to an anti-freedom place
whose victims do not even have the legal right to defend their lives,
can go there. I 'll remain in liberty, Frank.

How much do u complain about deaths in vehicular collisions????
How much do u complain about deaths from drowning?
How much do u complain about deaths from trips or slips and falls???

U zero in against guns because of your zeal against personal liberty.

I will not compromise my Constitutional right to self defense.
That is non-negotiable. U invite me to "Cast My Fate To The Winds." I refuse.

Three of the people killed in Las Vegas last week WERE ARMED, David.

Three of 'em.

They were carrying guns.

Reply Wed 11 Jun, 2014 07:31 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
Three of the people killed in Las Vegas last week WERE ARMED, David.

Three of 'em.

They were carrying guns.
Being armed helps sometimes,
but its not a panacea. No one said that it is.
The Secret Service was well armed when Ronald Reagan was shot.
U think thay 'll want to throw their guns away, because of that failure??
Will u try to convince them to see the error of their ways????

If u had invited those 2 police officers
to throw their guns in the garbage, whatayathink thay 'd say???
The 2nd Amendment does not warrant that u will win every gunfight,
but it helps the victim to rise to the level of power of the predator.

U know, its like hospitals, Frank.
People go there for help; thay don t always come out alive,
but its better that the hospitals EXIST, yes ????

Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2014 08:13 am
Homeland Security Report Warns Of Rising Right-Wing Extremism

Is this the intention of the second amendment David?

0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2014 08:33 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
Three of the people killed in Las Vegas last week WERE ARMED, David.

Three of 'em.

They were carrying guns.
Being armed helps sometimes,
but its not a panacea. No one said that it is.
The Secret Service was well armed when Ronald Reagan was shot.
U think thay 'll want to throw their guns away, because of that failure??
Will u try to convince them to see the error of their ways????

If u had invited those 2 police officers
to throw their guns in the garbage, whatayathink thay 'd say???
The 2nd Amendment does not warrant that u will win every gunfight,
but it helps the victim to rise to the level of power of the predator.

U know, its like hospitals, Frank.
People go there for help; thay don t always come out alive,
but its better that the hospitals EXIST, yes ????


Hospital are not a deterrent for illness and hospitals heal gun wounds rather cause them, hospitals don't carelessly flood society with crazies with gun fetishes and dreams of insurrection. This is not a hospital, hospitals try to heal people with mental problems not arm them..

Stupid analogy that does not check out.

The more crazies with guns out there the less effective your home gun collection will be. CONSIDER THAT CAREFULLY.

Do you think the second amendment should protect skinheads who are racist and think their religion is the only true religion???

Do you want them and their unregulated militia knocking down your door?

All so you can have your wet dream sicko fetish over killing instruments?

Your idiocy is making everyone else unsafe and all we are asking for is a little more scrutiny on who owns guns and what these guns are intended for...

Guns are like hospitals? What an idiotic thing to say...

Prostitutes are like priests... (cynical)

Police officer dives into lake to save dog in submerged truck
Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2014 11:34 am
Having an issue understanding the Constitution? I guess so.
Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2014 02:18 pm
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2014 02:20 pm
Baldimo wrote:

Having an issue understanding the Constitution? I guess so.

I have no trouble understanding the U.S. Constitution, happiness precedes your guns and militias...

0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2014 04:45 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
Three of the people killed in Las Vegas last week WERE ARMED, David.

Three of 'em.

They were carrying guns.
Being armed helps sometimes,
but its not a panacea. No one said that it is.
The Secret Service was well armed when Ronald Reagan was shot.
U think thay 'll want to throw their guns away, because of that failure??
Will u try to convince them to see the error of their ways????

If u had invited those 2 police officers
to throw their guns in the garbage, whatayathink thay 'd say???
The 2nd Amendment does not warrant that u will win every gunfight,
but it helps the victim to rise to the level of power of the predator.

U know, its like hospitals, Frank.
People go there for help; thay don t always come out alive,
but its better that the hospitals EXIST, yes ????


RexRed wrote:

Hospital are not a deterrent for illness and hospitals heal gun wounds
rather cause them, hospitals don't carelessly flood society with crazies
with gun fetishes and dreams of insurrection. This is not a hospital,
hospitals try to heal people with mental problems not arm them..

Stupid analogy that does not check out.
U appear not to have been able
to get the point,
which is that hospitals are like guns in that its good to HAVE THEM,
but thay are not always INFALLIBLE. Did u get the point THAT time, Rex?????

RexRed wrote:
The more crazies with guns out there the less effective
your home gun collection will be. CONSIDER THAT CAREFULLY.
That 's not a new concept; no surprize,
but I 'm well aware that CRIMINALS will arm themselves
to the extent that thay want, no matter what.
I am not defenseless. YOU ARE.

RexRed wrote:
Do you think the second amendment should protect skinheads
who are racist and think their religion is the only true religion???
The 2nd Amendment merely prevents government
from HAVING ANY AUTHORITY over possession of personal weapons.
Government has no authority to discriminate in the matter
any more than government can interfere in who reads newspapers, or writes them.

In specific reply to your question
(which is more than u have done for my questions to u)
skinheads and racists have exactly 1OO% the same rights as anyone else.
If u dispute that, then show me any language of exception in the Constitution.

RexRed wrote:
Do you want them and their unregulated militia knocking down your door?
No. I remain confident that will not happen.

RexRed wrote:
All so you can have your wet dream sicko fetish over killing instruments?
Do u have wet dreams and fetishes qua
the pictures that U post, the beautiful scenes with sunsets, etc. ??
Some guns are really beautiful and attractive (I saw some beauties
at a gun show over the weekend) but thay have no relation to sex.
It simply has never occurred to me to conflate defense with sex.
The only allegations to the contrary have come from the left.
Defense and sex are 2 different worlds.

RexRed wrote:
Your idiocy is making everyone else unsafe and all we are asking for is
a little more scrutiny on who owns guns and what these guns are intended for...
That 's discrimination as to the right to live.
My support of the Bill of Rights endures intact, permanently
(which is just as well, since I have no authority to compromise the Constitution anyway).

My "idiocy", as u put it, alleging that my mental age is below 3 years,
is literally and stringently following what the Founders put into this Republic, in its Bill of Rights.
Whether I am an idiot or not, the US Supreme Court has agreed with my pro-liberty position
in the HELLER and the McDONALD cases.

Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2014 04:52 pm
Your love of guns has blinded you to their public scourge...

Is that all there is to you but a cold and heartless gun freak?

You think more guns are the answer to everything.

Have you ever considered you might be WRONG??????

You are WRONG...
Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2014 08:22 pm
Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2014 08:38 pm
RexRed wrote:
Your love of guns has blinded you to their public scourge...
(I want all future victims to be better armed than their predators,
but that aside for the moment); let 's suppose that u are right.
Shud I lie and fake that the Constitution does NOT protect
the EQUAL right of any citizen to defensively keep and bear arms??
U ask me to be a hypocrit, a charlatan, Rex?

RexRed wrote:
Is that all there is to you but a cold and heartless gun freak?
Well, lemme think about that for a while.
I have a collection of old gold coins, too.
I had a collection of kaleidoscopes, but thay were lost in a fire.

RexRed wrote:
You think more guns are the answer to everything.
No. Thay won 't stop floods, nor inflation, nor non-fonetic spelling,
but thay can save your life and a lot of them are cool,
including my 9mm German Luger P-'08 from 194O; an artifact of history.
The police have accosted me a few times at gunnery ranges
to commend me on the beauty of my ordnance.

RexRed wrote:
Have you ever considered you might be WRONG??????

You are WRONG...
About what, in particular ?

The USSC says that I am right insofar as the Constitutional history
of the right to KABA; the Court also said that I 'm right
about parsing the grammar of the 2nd Amendment,
which co-incides with its known history.

Whodathunk that the Sons of Liberty and their ideological progeny
woud be a bunch of FREEDOM LOVERS, huh ?

I reply to your questions, but u don t answer mine.

Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2014 08:48 pm
David's future vision of America...

Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2014 08:52 pm
RexRed wrote:

1. I 'm too old for that and have never had such "fantasies".

2.U have the RIGHT
to DEMAND the moon and all the gallaxies, like a child in tantrum,
but u have NO right to actually GET anything.

"Demand" all u want.

The Constitution is on the side of FREEDOM

0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2014 08:57 pm
1. I don t have visions of Moslems.

2. I don t advocate carrying shoulder-mounted guns; too awkward.
Handguns are the way to go: revolvers, for several reasons.

Have u ever shot a revolver, Rex ?

0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2014 11:11 pm
Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2014 11:11 pm


CNN has drastically revised a claim it made, which was based on
a graphical map from a pro-gun control group, which purportedly
showed that 74 school shootings have occurred in the U.S. since
the Sandy Hook massacre in Dec. 2012.

The news outlet circulated the graphical map, which came from
the group Everytown for Gun Safety, after a shooting that occurred
Tuesday at a high school in Oregon which left two dead,
including the 15 year-old murderer.

Everytown for Gun Safety, which is backed by former New York City
mayor Michael Bloomberg, headlined their graphic “School Shootings
in America Since Sandy Hook,” suggesting that the shootings it listed
had a link of some kind to Sandy Hook — in which Adam Lanza killed
26 people at an elementary school.

CNN and various other media outlets used the graphic in news segments.

“So on Wednesday, CNN took a closer look at the list, delving into
the circumstances of each incident Everytown included,” reads CNN’s report.

It acknowledged that many of the shootings listed by Everytown
did not fit the profile of a Sandy Hook-type shooting,
in which the attacks are seemingly random

Instead, CNN said, “some of the other incidents on Everytown’s list
included personal arguments, accidents and alleged gang activities
and drug deals.” (RELATED: School Shooting Claims Debunked)

“CNN determined that 15 of the incidents Everytown included were
situations similar to the violence in Oregon – a minor or adult actively
shooting inside or near a school,” said CNN.

Charles Johnson, a freelance journalist, first began looking into
the shooting incidents cited by Everytown for Gun Safety.
After cross-referencing all of the incidents listed by Everytown
with local news reports, he claimed that only seven of the 74 shootings
were what he would consider classical cases of school shootings

similar to the one at Sandy Hook or Tuesday’s incident in Oregon.

[All emfasis has been added by David.]
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2014 11:13 pm
Let obama be frustrated.

Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2014 11:24 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Let obama be frustrated.


**** you David...
Reply Thu 12 Jun, 2014 11:24 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Let obama be frustrated.


**** you David...
0 Replies

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