Guns And The Laws That Govern Them

Reply Fri 6 Jun, 2014 09:44 am
How many babies have abortions killed? Well over 30 million and counting. Why is it still legal? It has caused more US deaths than guns have.
Reply Fri 6 Jun, 2014 09:48 am
I read 50 millions. More than that on one source.

Since Roe/Wade.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jun, 2014 09:56 am
MUST-SEE: Jon Stewart blasts the Open Carry Texas movement
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jun, 2014 11:47 am
RexRed wrote:
Revolvers r very reliable (much better than automatics).
Thay do what we want them to DO
Reply Fri 6 Jun, 2014 11:55 am
RexRed wrote:
Everyone walking around with guns loaded to the hilt is UNCIVILIZED....
Rex, if u held my gun in your hand,
wud u be LESS civil ?

or wud u act the same ?
Reply Fri 6 Jun, 2014 12:35 pm
Loaded Gun Found in South Carolina Target Toy Aisle

NRA and gun nuts are ruining America...

Reply Fri 6 Jun, 2014 12:38 pm
I wouldn't be surprised if the gun was placed there by someone like you.

THey have video of a guy just leaving it there after cursing the store. Only anti-gun people would set a gun down in a store to prove a point.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jun, 2014 12:39 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

RexRed wrote:
Everyone walking around with guns loaded to the hilt is UNCIVILIZED....
Rex, if u held my gun in your hand,
wud u be LESS civil ?

or wud u act the same ?

I would not think of owning or handling a gun.

It would tarnish my own opinion of myself.

I am not in favor of a gun ban but I DO favor STRICT REGULATIONS.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jun, 2014 12:40 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

RexRed wrote:
Revolvers r very reliable (much better than automatics).
Thay do what we want them to DO

When they accidentally shoot an young child it THAT what you want them to do?

Your gun nut logic is WRONG!
Reply Fri 6 Jun, 2014 01:21 pm

OmSigDAVID wrote:

RexRed wrote:
Revolvers r very reliable (much better than automatics).
Thay do what we want them to DO

RexRed wrote:
When they accidentally shoot an young child it THAT what you want them to do?
DEFINITIONALLY, I don t want accidents to happen, including that.

RexRed wrote:
Your gun nut logic is WRONG!"
My logic supports the right to fight back, EFFECTIVELY when we are attacked by predatory animals,
or by human criminals. That is not nutty, Rex. Guns are health insurance.

Its better to HAVE a gun and not need it,
than it is to NEED a gun and NOT have it. Anyone shud be able to see the logic of that, Rex. Yes ?

What say U ?

Reply Fri 6 Jun, 2014 02:26 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

RexRed wrote:
Revolvers r very reliable (much better than automatics).
Thay do what we want them to DO

RexRed wrote:
When they accidentally shoot an young child it THAT what you want them to do?
DEFINITIONALLY, I don t want accidents to happen, including that.

RexRed wrote:
Your gun nut logic is WRONG!"
My logic supports the right to fight back, EFFECTIVELY when we are attacked by predatory animals,
or by human criminals. That is not nutty, Rex. Guns are health insurance.

Its better to HAVE a gun and not need it,
than it is to NEED a gun and NOT have it. Anyone shud be able to see the logic of that, Rex. Yes ?

What say U ?


Your nutty philosophy is right just up to the point where your own gun is, at the last moment, taken and used against you.
Reply Fri 6 Jun, 2014 02:35 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

RexRed wrote:
Revolvers r very reliable (much better than automatics).
Thay do what we want them to DO

RexRed wrote:
When they accidentally shoot an young child it THAT what you want them to do?
DEFINITIONALLY, I don t want accidents to happen, including that.

RexRed wrote:
Your gun nut logic is WRONG!"
My logic supports the right to fight back, EFFECTIVELY when we are attacked by predatory animals,
or by human criminals. That is not nutty, Rex. Guns are health insurance.

Its better to HAVE a gun and not need it,
than it is to NEED a gun and NOT have it. Anyone shud be able to see the logic of that, Rex. Yes ?

What say U ?


RexRed wrote:
Your nutty philosophy is right just up to the point
where your own gun is, at the last moment, taken and used against you.
That possibility must be considered during your use of the gun.
It is my RESPONSIBILITY to prevent that from happening
by shooting a dangerous threat before he approaces close enuf to DO that.

Remember, Rex, I have continually advocated
that citizens be trained in competent battle tactics of gun use
since the very earliest grades of school. That includes repetitive drills, over n over again.

( Incidentally, Rex, it hurts that u think that I m so incompetent
as to let that happen. )

Reply Fri 6 Jun, 2014 03:08 pm
Don't you think Dave that not letting people know your packing is a safer strategy than shouting from the rooftops that you are and also well practiced?

You would have all the advantages of packing plus the one that anybody attacking you might be taken by surprise to find you are. Especially if you went around supporting gun control measures.
Reply Fri 6 Jun, 2014 04:51 pm
spendius wrote:
Don't you think Dave that not letting people know your packing
is a safer strategy than shouting from the rooftops that you are
and also well practiced?
I prefer concealed carry,
for several reasons (including protection from sand n the weather),
but I acknowledge alternative schools of thought in that matter.
If I were out fishing, it 'd be different. Some guys believe
that when a criminal sees a gun on your hip, he is more
likely to find a softer target, appearing to be more helpless.
That has not always proven to be true,
but perhaps it decreases the odds
of becoming a robbery victim. Maybe; I dunno.

If I were gonna rob someone, I 'd rather select a helpless victim,
not one who was fully armed. I 'm not gonna rob anyone.

spendius wrote:
You would have all the advantages of packing plus the one that
anybody attacking you might be taken by surprise to find you are.
That has already HAPPENED in an attempted highway robbery.
One night thay put a bullethole in my driver's door window, 3 inches
in front of my face, while driving exactly abreast of me, UNTIL my own gun
(a .44 revover in reflective Stainless Steel Mirror) made its appearance,
whereupon I heard a scream, and thay departed apace.
Since thay 'd already opened up on me, thay KNEW
that thay were about to get a one gun salute peremptorily.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jun, 2014 05:28 pm
I see you have ignored the links I provided.
Why is that, do they differ with your mindset, so you discount them?
Reply Fri 6 Jun, 2014 07:07 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

RexRed wrote:
Revolvers r very reliable (much better than automatics).
Thay do what we want them to DO

RexRed wrote:
When they accidentally shoot an young child it THAT what you want them to do?
DEFINITIONALLY, I don t want accidents to happen, including that.

RexRed wrote:
Your gun nut logic is WRONG!"
My logic supports the right to fight back, EFFECTIVELY when we are attacked by predatory animals,
or by human criminals. That is not nutty, Rex. Guns are health insurance.

Its better to HAVE a gun and not need it,
than it is to NEED a gun and NOT have it. Anyone shud be able to see the logic of that, Rex. Yes ?

What say U ?


RexRed wrote:
Your nutty philosophy is right
just up to the point where your own gun
is, at the last moment, taken and used against you.
Rex, I 'm pretty sure that u don t really want to end this argument in surrender
to my pro-freedom stance, merely on condition that I don 't let someone steal my gun.

I 'm pretty sure that u will want to retreat from your admission
that my philosophy is "right" (as u put it)
and substitute something bad about freedom to fight back
in defense of my life. Yes?

In order for us to continue this argument,
it is IMPERATIVE that u advocate the repressionist, anti-freedom position,
advocating that predators must have a monopoly of power
when thay endeavor to rob or to slaughter their victims.

Otherwise, (if I have my way) then the aggressors might be harmed by their victims.

U dont want THAT to happen, right ?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Jun, 2014 11:36 pm
mysteryman wrote:

I see you have ignored the links I provided.
Why is that, do they differ with your mindset, so you discount them?

I am split on the links you sent I need some time to think about them...

It was the Dems on the court that objected to the ruling.

I have a lot of respect for the police but I have seen a lot of abuses.

I don't think police should unnecessarily put themselves in harms way.

I am sickened by these civilian militias and I will leave it at that for now.

I do not trust the some of the ideas (the bearded guy) in the video on one of the links you sent and noticed the guy contradict himself and outright lie also.

This makes me suspect of his premise...

I will get back to you in more detail and this is worthy of discussion thanks for bringing it to my attention.

I need to study the whole thing a bit more when I get some time.

I will tell you a story, once I stepped between two brothers who were drunk and duking it out and I tried to get them to stop fighting and the oldest one punched me hard right in the face.

Kinda taught me a lesson...
Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2014 12:03 am
RexRed wrote:
I will tell you a story, once I stepped between two brothers who were
drunk and duking it out and I tried to get them to stop fighting and
the oldest one punched me hard right in the face.

Kinda taught me a lesson...
That sort of thing has proven to be dangerous, Rex.

Did u see the movie called: Stand By Me ?
The boy who owned the .45 automatic that Wil Wheaton used,
studied hard and became a lawyer, in real life.

One evening he was waiting in line somewhere
and he saw a fight break out between 2 guys.
He tried to break it up. U 'll be glad to know that
none of them had any guns, but 1 of them took out
a knife and stabbed the pacifistic lawyer once, fatally.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 09:11 am
Here Comes Gunny Boo Boo...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 08:57 pm
Idiot Sets Up Target In Backyard, Shoots At It Right Toward An Elementary School

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