Guns And The Laws That Govern Them

Reply Mon 2 Jun, 2014 06:38 pm


According to a post by David Risselada on Freedom Outpost, during
an open carry event in Oklahoma, open carry activists who were
carrying holstered handguns were allowed to stay in a local Chipotle
restaurant, while "Moms Demand Action" activists were asked to leave
because they were harassing customers

A local police officer who responded to a call about men with guns
allows open carry activists to pose with his squad car.

Chipotle restaurants in Oklahoma have officially taken the position
that they would rather see people leave their guns at home, but they
won’t ask you to leave if you don’t…

"Moms Demand Action" on the other hand, seemed to be demanding
a little much on this Saturday afternoon as they approached management
and asked them to throw OKOCA members out of the restaurant
because they were “offended” by the presence of guns.

…The manager refused to kick out OKOCA and even gave them free drinks.

MDA activists then proceeded to take pictures of the gun owners
and attempted to portray them as intimidating and threatening.
The management wasn’t having any of it; he threw "Moms Demand
Action" out of his store!

…He said that he wasn’t going to have people treating paying customers
rudely in his store. They simply do not allow customers to take pictures
of other customers; it’s a “zero tolerance” policy if you will.
He also said that he has no position on open carry, and he understands
that it is legal to carry in the state. Finally, he acknowledged that
people behaving in the manner as MDA had in his store was actually
more harmful to people than the act of lawfully carrying a firearm

[All emfasis has been added by David.]
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Jun, 2014 02:15 pm
Reply Tue 3 Jun, 2014 03:06 pm
Dear gun activists: What’s your message?
Reply Tue 3 Jun, 2014 03:09 pm
RexRed wrote:
Bombs should be legal to all Americans
because bombs don 't kill people, people kill people

No, Rex, u are distorting and mis-representing our NRA position.
The NRA does not say that guns shud be legal for THAT reason.
It says that guns shud be legal because, as a condition of its EXISTENCE,
this Republic relinquished any jurisdiction whatsoever over any citizen's possession
defensive personal weapons, so that EVERYONE 's natural right
to defend himself or herself from the predatory violence of man or beast
remains secure and fully intact.

EVERYONE has an EQUAL RIGHT not merely to sit where he wants
on a public bus, but also to DEFEND HIS LIFE.

THAT is our position, not what u said.

Reply Tue 3 Jun, 2014 03:27 pm
Our message is that before the American Revolution, sovereignty was in the King.
He was The Sovereign. After the American Revolution,
sovereignty was in the citizens themselves, who by their agreement,
created a low-life hireling to work for them, the way a realty owner
hires a property manager. There shud be no confusion in that
government works for us; we do not work for it.
As Aristotle put it:
"the sword and sovereignty ever walk hand in hand."

Let 's remember that when we vote. Remember who the boss is. He is us,
not our employee.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 07:17 am
Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 07:31 am
That 's a poor analogy.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 07:34 am
Here is the NRA quote Smile

"Listen, Buck, when the gun-control crazies protest the concealed carry legislation, all you got to say is 'guns don't kill people, people kill people'. I mean, it's just that simple. After all, when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns, right?"

'guns don't kill people, people kill people', a favorite bumper sticker of NRA supporters. That and the 'arm bears' mantra...

“And the National Rifle Association says that, "Guns don't kill people, people do,” but I think the gun helps, you know? I think it helps. I just think just standing there going, "Bang!" That's not going to kill too many people, is it? You'd have to be really dodgy on the heart to have that…” Eddie Lizard

Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 07:35 am
U know, Rex, if u went fishing or jogging
and a cougar fell on u and he began munching, nibbling n chomping on one of your feet,
working his way up your leg with his teeth ("ouch, ouch, ouch!"), u might need a gun to stop him. Yes ?

Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 07:48 am
The official NRA position is that,
as a condition of its existence,
the government of this Republic was Constitutionally deprived
of any jurisdiction over a citizen's possession of personal defensive weapons.

American history is not a secret; its no mystery and it fully supports our defensive freedom.

People who are members of NRA remain free to offer any comments, any thoughts,
that thay choose. We support the First Amendment as well as the Second Amendment.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 07:52 am
When I got out of the hospital, after intestinal surgery in 2OO5,
I was so badly enfeebled that I cud hardly walk at all.

I was thinking that if I had needed to defend myself without guns,
it wud be hopeless. A butterfly cud take me.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 08:13 am
Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 08:24 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

U know, Rex, if u went fishing or jogging
and a cougar fell on u and he began munching, nibbling n chomping on one of your feet,
working his way up your leg with his teeth ("ouch, ouch, ouch!"), u might need a gun to stop him. Yes ?


Yea if I went fishing or jogging I would bring along a rifle... (NOT)



All these cougars running around on the prowl. It is not safe to even go dining anymore.

You claim you believe in free speech but when one party is wielding a gun in your face is speech really free then? NO!

Your "give babies guns" philosophy is nothing but slavery to fear and intimidation...

This NRA crap is not the land of the free and DEFINITELY not the America I envision... Militarizing our streets and public places just so the NRA and gun companies can make a buck is a felonious crime in itself.
Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 08:27 am
RexRed wrote:
When I went to school, from age 8 on up,
I was defensively armed with a .38 revolver until I upgraded to a .44 revolver.
I wish that someone in Columbine had defensively shot those 2 murderers

Sadly, ALL of the victims were in 1OO% obedience to all gun control laws,
thereby ceding a MONOPOLY OF POWER to the murderers.

That massacre resulted from gun control
because it disarmed the victims peremptorily.
Gun control and its supporters were in PARTNERSHIP
with the murderers, who expected their victims to be helpless
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 08:57 am
RexRed wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

U know, Rex, if u went fishing or jogging
and a cougar fell on u and he began munching, nibbling n chomping on one of your feet,
working his way up your leg with his teeth ("ouch, ouch, ouch!"), u might need a gun to stop him. Yes ?


Yea if I went fishing or jogging I would bring along a rifle... (NOT)
Personally, I wud not bring a rifle either,
but I 'd bring a .44 revolver with me. That is easier to carry
and it is more maneuverable, faster to line up a defensive shot.

RexRed wrote:
All these cougars running around on the prowl.
It is not safe to even go dining anymore.
Thay were making a political statement; thay did not hurt anyone.
I bet u approved of that when the blacks did it in the 1950s n 6Os.

RexRed wrote:
You claim you believe in free speech but when one party
is wielding a gun in your face is speech really free then? NO!
IF thay really HAD put a gun into anyone 's face
that wud be a criminal assault and it shud be and wud be prosecuted.
Thay remained innocent of doing that.

RexRed wrote:
Your "give babies guns" philosophy is nothing but slavery to fear and intimidation...
That is incorrect.
When I got my first gun (I won it in a poker game with other kids),
I felt a lot safer and more secure. I did not intimidate anyone.
If we ever met, I wud not intimidate U.

I argue, very ofen. I always have, but I have never
taken out a gun during debate; uncouth.

RexRed wrote:
This NRA crap is not the land of the free and DEFINITELY not the America I envision...
Well, it IS and it WAS
the America that the Founders of this Republic envisioned.
There were NO POLICE then (deemed a threat to liberty).
Everyone was expected to take care of himself.
Intentionally, there were no police in the USA until the next century.
The NRA position of personal freedom is the PUREST ESSENCE of Americanism.
U seek oppression, to screw us out of our right to self defense.
We reject that. America is the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

RexRed wrote:
Militarizing our streets and public places just so the NRA
and gun companies can make a buck is a felonious crime in itself.
We eagerly support free enterprize and profit-making,
but that is not our rationale. It is supporting our freedom to defend
ourselves from oppressionists like u, Rex.


U fight against it. We win

Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 10:27 am
I BELIEVE U, 1OO% when u say that
if u went fishing, u 'd not bring a rifle,
but (meaning no disrespect) I deem that to be like bragging that
u don t carry a spare tire in your trunk or that u don t have health insurance.

Guns are health insurance.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 11:50 am
Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 11:57 am
I don't want the world you want David with kids and every nut tea-publican making a public statement with their guns. I think this gun envy is a SICKNESS and a decadent social blight...
Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 01:36 pm
RexRed wrote:
I don't want the world you want David with kids and every nut tea-publican
making a public statement with their guns. I think this gun envy is a SICKNESS and a decadent social blight...
I BELIEVE u about what u want
and what u think, but thay are both deeply un-American.

In other words, u want to repudiate the America of the Founders,
as thay created it by the Constitution, including its Bill of Rights,
and u want to replace it with repression of the freedom that we have.

What u call "SICKNESS" is Original Americanism.
FREEDOM is sickness to Rex

The Tea Party represents the Original American thought
of the Sons of Liberty in the Boston Tea Party.

U can want and u can think, but I refuse to give up my FREEDOM.

Reply Wed 4 Jun, 2014 06:34 pm
Everyone walking around with guns loaded to the hilt is UNCIVILIZED....

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