Guns And The Laws That Govern Them

Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 12:38 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

RexRed wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

Frank, I keep answering your question
and u keep pretending that I did not;
here I go AGAIN, redundantly:


The NEXT time that u ask me
the same question again,
I will tell u that the answer is INSUFFICIENT ARMAMENT

The time after next
that u ask me that again, I will tell u the same thing.

Did u get it YET ????????????

No, David. I did not get it...because the answer makes no sense.

The question is about the fact that we already are better armed (more guns per capita than any other country)...so WHY ARE WE NOT ALREADY THE SAFEST AND MOST POLITE SOCIETY ON EARTH.

Your response (I won't even call it an answer) makes as much sense as replying: The average distance is 93,000,000...which is referred to as one astronomical unit.

Now...any chance you can actually answer the question?

Frank the reason why we are not the safest country is because our guns are not new enough. They are only 2013 models. They are not the latest greatest with the automatic glow in the dark rounds and 5 mile scopes. Also owning five automatic rifles per person is simply not adequate. The mentally disabled, disgruntled students and employees, felons and would be terrorists are so poorly armed. Three year olds at daycare are not taught to shoot first ask questions later!

This is why our country is not the safest, yea... Our 2 amendment rights are being violated by Obama! Arm the crazies!!! (cynical)

Frank Apisa wrote:
That's probably what he is thinking, Rex.

I think everyone should be able to see that if David's reasoning
were close to correct...we'd already be seeing the expected result...
a much safer nation...and a much more polite one.

Good luck with that!
When the citizenry arms itself sufficiently
everywhere that people expect them all (or enuf of them) to be armed,
then politeness will increase and criminal depredations will reduce,
out of the criminals' concern for their own safety.
The Samurai displayed their swords conspicuously.
Consequently, there was plenty of politeness, in all directions.

We need to convince more citizens to carry their guns with them,
the same way that thay shud BUCKLE available seatbelts.
The TV seatbelt ads shud be changed to exhort:
Buckle up your seatbelt and always wear your gunbelt. Don t forget your back-up gun!


Frank Apisa wrote:
As Jack points out...that is an absurd argument, David.
"Absurd" is not logically cognizable, Frank.
Anyone can say that ANYTHING is "absurd" without proving it.
Declaring that something is "absurd" has NO value, as evidence of anything.
U shud already know that.

Frank Apisa wrote:
And that is the reason you will no answer the question I asked.
I suspect that u want me to agree with u,
regardless of the fact that your position has no merit.
U need to convince me, b4 I will agree with u.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Forget about your guesses about what we would be like if
everyone (or almost everyone) carried a weapon.

Talk about right now.
I already DID that. I pointed out that
too many people are too lazy to carry their guns with them,
with the effect that there is insufficient presumption
of people whom one encounters actually being armed.

Frank Apisa wrote:
We have more weapons per capita than any other country...BY FAR...
Prove that from evidence coming from a source
that is worthy of respect and credence.

Frank Apisa wrote:
and yet we are not the safest and most polite society on Earth.


(HINT: Because you thesis is completely flawed.
More guns do not make for a more polite and safer society.)
See my comments above in this post
and also comments set forth RESPONSIVELY above in this thread.

Frank Apisa wrote:
Answer the question. Use the hint for help.
Frank: begin by proving your premise
with respectable evidence. HINT: The Brady group is not respectable.


As I said...you position is an absurdity. There is absolutely no reason to suspect that more guns will lead to greater safety...or more politeness.

That is something you are just asserting gratuitously.

If your thesis were correct...we would already be the safest and most polite nation on the planet.

I suggest we are not...and I think the evidence already presented in this thread shows that to be so.

But I can understand why you are ducking the issue, David.

Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 08:09 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
As I said...you position is an absurdity.
I reflect that nonsense
back to u, to wit:
YOUR position is an absurdity.

Frank Apisa wrote:
There is absolutely no reason to suspect that more guns will
lead to greater safety...or more politeness.
There IS: look at the Samurai, with their swords.

Frank Apisa wrote:
That is something you are just asserting gratuitously.
BULLoney !

Frank Apisa wrote:
If your thesis were correct...we would already be the safest
and most polite nation on the planet.
No. Too many lazy people fail to carry their guns; leave them home.

Frank Apisa wrote:
I suggest we are not...and I think the evidence
already presented in this thread shows that to be so.
WHICH "evidence"?????

Frank Apisa wrote:
But I can understand why you are ducking the issue, David.
I CHALLENGE your naked assumptions.
Your premises remain un-proven.

Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 09:27 pm
David you are deluded...
Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 10:47 pm
How am I deluded, Rex ?
Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 10:49 pm
I would say if I thought you had the brain power to actually learn something.
Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 10:52 pm
U wud ?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 1 Apr, 2014 05:19 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
As I said...you position is an absurdity.
I reflect that nonsense
back to u, to wit:
YOUR position is an absurdity.

No, mine isn't, but yours definitely is.

If your thesis were correct, we (having more guns per capita than any other country) should already be the safest and most polite country on the planet.

We are not.

Frank Apisa wrote:
There is absolutely no reason to suspect that more guns will
lead to greater safety...or more politeness.
There IS: look at the Samurai, with their swords.

You keep raising the question of the Samurai with their swords...but the samurai with their swords shows nothing to bolster your case that I can see.

Care to explain...right after you answer why we are not the safest, most polite country in the world?

Frank Apisa wrote:
That is something you are just asserting gratuitously.
BULLoney !

The assertion you are making (more guns will lead to greater safety...or more politeness) is totally gratuitous. There is absolutely no reason to suspect that more guns will lead to greater safety or more politeness.

None whatever.

That is something you are just asserting gratuitously.

No bull involved at all.

Frank Apisa wrote:
If your thesis were correct...we would already be the safest
and most polite nation on the planet.
No. Too many lazy people fail to carry their guns; leave them home.

Give it a break, David. You are embarrassing yourself over this. There is absolutely no reason to suspect that more guns will make us a safer, more polite society.

Frank Apisa wrote:
I suggest we are not...and I think the evidence
already presented in this thread shows that to be so.
WHICH "evidence"?????

All of it.

Frank Apisa wrote:
But I can understand why you are ducking the issue, David.
I CHALLENGE your naked assumptions.
Your premises remain un-proven.

Play the game as best you can. That is all you have left, David. If at any point you can produce any evidence that more guns in the hands of more people will make us a safer, more polite nation...present it.

Or continue to do what you are doing now...simply present it as a gratuitous assumption that is transparently nonsense.

Reply Tue 1 Apr, 2014 07:28 am
@Frank Apisa,
Do you think no guns will make us safer Frank? Really look at the society we live in.
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 1 Apr, 2014 10:45 am
Baldimo wrote:

Do you think no guns will make us safer Frank? Really look at the society we live in.

Not necessarily, although I think there is a much better chance of us being a safer society with no guns.

But I doubt seriously that there will ever be "no guns." That simply is not in the books.

In any case, there was a reason many "wild west" sheriffs required guns to be checked at the sheriff's office when in town. There were less shootings that way.
Reply Tue 1 Apr, 2014 10:57 am
@Frank Apisa,
Any restrictions on guns is going to effect people such as myself, it will have no effect on those who commit gun crimes. How do you ensure my 2nd Amendment rights while keeping guns out of the hands of crooks?
Reply Tue 1 Apr, 2014 11:27 am
Baldimo wrote:
Any restrictions on guns is going to effect people such as myself,
it will have no effect on those who commit gun crimes.
That 's not true: thay will be SAFER on-the-job,
while thay are robbing or slaughtering their law-abiding victims.

Baldimo wrote:
How do you ensure my 2nd Amendment rights while keeping guns out of the hands of crooks?
Thay can MAKE their own guns, if necessary.
Guns were hand-made CENTURIES before
the advent of electric tools and diagrams.
Thay can be kept out of the hands of criminals
the same way that marijuana is kept out of their hands.

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 1 Apr, 2014 11:47 am
Baldimo wrote:

Any restrictions on guns is going to effect people such as myself, it will have no effect on those who commit gun crimes. How do you ensure my 2nd Amendment rights while keeping guns out of the hands of crooks?

I do not advocate for fewer guns, Baldimo.

Never have.
Reply Tue 1 Apr, 2014 01:23 pm
@Frank Apisa,
How can you say that. If you don't think more guns keep us safer, then you must think less guns will keep us safer.

Can you think of any of the new gun restrictions that have worked to keep us safer?
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 1 Apr, 2014 01:42 pm
Baldimo wrote:

How can you say that. If you don't think more guns keep us safer, then you must think less guns will keep us safer.

You are capable of much better logical thinking than that, Baldimo.

How does the second part of that comment derive logically from the first part?

(HINT: It doesn't!)


Can you think of any of the new gun restrictions that have worked to keep us safer?


In any case, anyone asserting that more guns in the hands of more people WILL make us safer and more polite...has some 'splainin' to do...because the increase of guns into our society has not accomplished that in any way.
Reply Tue 1 Apr, 2014 01:52 pm
@Frank Apisa,
There are more guns in the US today then at any time in history and crime has been on the down swing. Lowest crime #'s in the last 50 years. So more guns haven't made things less safe, it would appear that more guns=less crime.

So more guns have not made life in the US less safe.

What gun laws have made us safer? Please explain.
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 1 Apr, 2014 01:59 pm
Baldimo wrote:

There are more guns in the US today then at any time in history and crime has been on the down swing.

That is a very interesting assertion.

But even if so, the fact that we have less crime now than before is not the determinant, Baldimo.

We have MORE guns per capita than any other country BY FAR. Using David's thesis, shouldn't we have a safer nation than any other?

We don't.

Lowest crime #'s in the last 50 years. So more guns haven't made things less safe, it would appear that more guns=less crime.


We have BY FAR more guns than any other nation on Earth. Are you saying that we have less crime than any other country?

So more guns have not made life in the US less safe.


What gun laws have made us safer? Please explain.

That was not the question I replied to earlier.
Reply Tue 1 Apr, 2014 05:07 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
We have MORE guns per capita than any other country BY FAR.
U keep SAYING that
and u keep NOT offering any evidence thereof,
let alone any proof. Is that statistic from your own counting????
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 1 Apr, 2014 05:14 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
We have MORE guns per capita than any other country BY FAR.
U keep SAYING that
and u keep NOT offering any evidence thereof,
let alone any proof. Is that statistic from your own counting????

I told you earlier to Google "gun ownership by country" and you would get all the information you need.



Lots, lots more there if you really want it.

Reply Tue 1 Apr, 2014 11:08 pm
@Frank Apisa,
OmSigDAVID wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
We have MORE guns per capita than any other country BY FAR.
U keep SAYING that
and u keep NOT offering any evidence thereof,
let alone any proof. Is that statistic from your own counting????

Frank Apisa wrote:
I told you earlier to Google "gun ownership by country"
and you would get all the information you need.
Its not my job to prove YOUR allegations.

Frank Apisa wrote:


Lots, lots more there if you really want it.
I checked your link.
It is not shown to be sourced from credible, respectible survays.
We cannot even GUESS how those numbers were gathered.
No one counted MY guns, but me. I hope that u r right,
and that America really DOES have more per capita guns,
but I see no credible evidence of that yet.

That is not bad enuf.
U offer no evidence of guns being defensively carried on the person
during ordinary inter-personal activity, like the Samurai 's swords,
as distinct from guns kept at home, maybe stashed in desks.

The effects of those guns will be manifested in terms of politeness IF
others believe that people with whom thay converse r well armed,
not in terms of what equipment thay have at home.

Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 2 Apr, 2014 05:51 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
We have MORE guns per capita than any other country BY FAR.
U keep SAYING that
and u keep NOT offering any evidence thereof,
let alone any proof. Is that statistic from your own counting????

Frank Apisa wrote:
I told you earlier to Google "gun ownership by country"
and you would get all the information you need.
Its not my job to prove YOUR allegations.

And it is not my job to jump through hoops for you. Wink


Frank Apisa wrote:


Lots, lots more there if you really want it.
I checked your link.
It is not shown to be sourced from credible, respectible survays.
We cannot even GUESS how those numbers were gathered.
No one counted MY guns, but me. I hope that u r right,
and that America really DOES have more per capita guns,
but I see no credible evidence of that yet.

I didn't think you would.

But that is because you do not want to see it.


That is not bad enuf.
U offer no evidence of guns being defensively carried on the person
during ordinary inter-personal activity, like the Samurai 's swords,
as distinct from guns kept at home, maybe stashed in desks.'

You still have not made your point about the Samurai suggestion. What are you saying about the Samurai...and this silly contention of yours?

The effects of those guns will be manifested in terms of politeness IF
others believe that people with whom thay converse r well armed,
not in terms of what equipment thay have at home.

Ahhh...you have dropped the "safer" part of that nonsense, I see.

David...your thesis that more guns in the hands of more people is an ABSURDITY.

But keep making it if you want. Wink

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