Guns And The Laws That Govern Them

Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2014 09:52 pm

Crazy Gun Fight Between Brave Mom & 3 Burglars Caught On Tape
Posted by Ericka Sóuter
on Feb 19, 2014 at 6:39 PM

I have long been of the mindset that no suburb or city dweller has
a reason to own an assault rifle. I thought that was especially true if
they have kids in the house, but that stance may be softening a bit
after hearing the scary situation a Detroit mom found herself in.

Late one night, three hooded, young men kicked in her back door
planning to rob her home while she and her children were inside.
If it were not for her assault rifle, who knows what they would have
done to the mother-of-two. They messed with the wrong mom and
the entire crazy incident was caught on a security camera.

As they forced their way in, she yelled that she had a gun.
They didn't believe her. In their mind, this mom was defenseless.
They couldn't have been more mistaken. She aimed and shot at them,
sending them fleeing from her house. One of the intruders had a hand
gun and tried to re-enter the house, but she pulled the trigger again
and he finally ran off.

It's a frightening situation, but this mom says she didn't have time to
be scared. Instinct kicked in and she had to protect her family.
Though she admits feeling the fear afterward. She recalls her
daughter saying, "Oh no mommy, I don't want them to take my piggy
bank or my toys." Fortunately, no one was hurt and police arrested
three teenage suspects.

I'm no huge fan of firearms. Typically, I am a proponent of gun control,
but there are some situations that put a dent in that resolve.
In places like Detroit, which have essentially become hell on earth,
good people need to defend themselves. I heard about another street
there where the neighbors let it be known that each house held gun owners.
As a result, there has been a reduction of crime and break-ins -- on
that particular stretch of street. It’s a shame this is what is takes
to protect your family, but as a parent, I suppose you have to do
what you can to keep you and your kids alive.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Mar, 2014 01:30 am

Posted on March 24, 2014 at 10:18 PM
Updated yesterday at 2:08 PM
Tania Dall / Eyewitness News
Email: [email protected] | Twitter: @taniadall
An Uptown family woke up in the middle of the night to the sound
of someone breaking in and luckily their dog's barking scared off the intruder.
What they didn't expect was no one answering their 911 calls for help.

"It's a Taurus .32," said Terri Bice holding a gun she never thought she'd own.

Now the Riverbend resident does own a gun, and there's a reason why.

"I think someone who would break the door down with that force had
a serious intention," said Bice pointing out the damage to her front door.
On March 16, Bice's family was fast asleep when they were woken up
around 2 a.m., to someone trying to break in to their home.
Bice believes it wasn't the door, but barking from Molly that stopped
the intruder in their tracks.
So, she did what anyone would do. Grabbed her phone and dialed 9-1-1.

She got no answer.

"We all know about first responders and what their importance is.
That's not going to happen if no one answers," said Bice
She documented her calls for help: two to 911; two to the NOPD's
non-emergency line; and one to NOPD's Second District. The final call
was answered and Bice confirms an officer showed up two hours after
the attempted home invasion.

"We keep being told that action is being done to fix it and it doesn't
seem to be happening or it certainly isn't happening quick enough,"
said New Orleans City Councilwoman Susan Guidry who is aware of Bice's story.
Guidry says a Criminal Justice Committee Meeting already scheduled
for Wednesday will address staffing issues at the Orleans Parish
Communication District, along with a reduction of NOPD officers on the street.
According to Guidry, last summer the City's IT Department recommended
a total of 65 call takers. Right now, there are only 36.
"We're going to need the cooperation of the NOPD, the Administration,
the Orleans Parish Communications District, the EMS and the Fire
Department all working on this issue," added Guidry.

"I'm a devout person. It wasn't our time," said Bice.
An extremely close call for her family now means more emergency
numbers on speed dial. Looking to the future, Bice hopes a life isn't
jeopardized because there's no answer at the other end of the phone.
"When someone calls 911, that's their most vulnerable moment,
probably in his or her entire life," said Bice.
No one from the Landrieu Administration, the NOPD or the Orleans
Parish Communications District were available for on-camera interviews
with Eyewitness News on Monday.
However, Deputy Mayor Jerry Sneed issued this statement:
"It is a priority for our residents to feel that their concerns will be
addressed when calling 9-1-1. All of the city's public safety agencies
are working to significantly increase operator staffing, reduce non-emergency
call volume, and improve call center management performance."

The NOPD says this year it has started hiring, to bring its current level
of 36 operators up to a total of 55.
NOPD's spokesperson Remi Braden issued this statement on behalf of
the police department:
"No one feels worse arriving late to help residents than our officers.
We apologize for the wait time on this call. The NOPD remains focused
on hiring quality, professional recruits to better serve our residents and visitors."
[All emfasis has been added by David.]

I don t recommend a .32 caliber defensive weapon,
for its feeble stopping power, but its better than nothing.

Remember: your first line of defense is U.

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 26 Mar, 2014 05:49 am
The United States has more guns and gun deaths than any other developed country in the world, researchers found.

A study by two New York City cardiologists found that the U.S. has 88 guns per 100 people and 10 gun-related deaths per 100,000 people — more than any of the other 27 developed countries they studied.

Japan, on the other hand, had only .6 guns per 100 people and .06 gun-related deaths per 100,000 people, making it the country with both the fewest guns per capita and the fewest gun-related deaths.

Drs. Sripal Bangalore, who works at NYU Langone Medical Center, and Dr. Franz Messerli of St. Luke’s Medical Center studied the statistics of guns per capita and gun deaths. They used firearm injury data from the World Health Organization and guns per capita data from the Small Arms Survey to put together a list of 27 developed countries.

They said they carried out their study because of what they said are seemingly baseless claims on either side of the gun control debate.
“I think we need more of what I would call evidence-based discussion and not merely people pulling things out of their hats,” Bangalore said. “We hear time and time again about these shootings, especially in the last year or so. A lot of claims are made…so we wanted to look at the data and see if any of this holds water.”

They concluded that more guns do not make people safer.
David Hemenway, a professor at the Harvard School of Public Health who specializes in injury research and is considered one of the top gun violence researchers in the country, said the there’s “no question” that the relationship between guns and gun deaths is real.

“It shouldn’t be really a surprise to people,” Hemenway said.
There are some caveats to the data, such as countries’ records of illegal guns, but it seems to be “reasonable” and on par with previous research, Hemenway said.

The National Rifle Association did not immediately respond to ABCNews.com request for comment.

Here’s the full list:

Country Guns per 100 Total Firearm-related Deaths per 100,000

United States 88.8 10.2
Switzerland 45.7 3.84
Finland 45.3 3.64
Sweden 31.6 1.47
Norway 31.3 1.78
France 31.2 3
Canada 30.8 2.44
Austria 30.4 2.94
Iceland 30.3 1.25
Germany 30.3 1.1
New Zealand 22.6 2.66
Greece 22.5 1.5
Belgium 17.2 2.43
Luxembourg 15.3 1.81
Australia 15 1.04
South Africa 12.7 9.41
Turkey 12.5 0.72
Denmark 12 1.45
Malta 11.9 2.16
Italy 11.9 1.28
Spain 10.4 0.63
Ireland 8.6 1.03
Portugal 8.5 1.77
Israel 7.3 1.86
United Kingdom 6.2 0.25
Netherlands 3.9 0.46
Japan 0.6 0.06

Reply Wed 26 Mar, 2014 01:18 pm
@Frank Apisa,
ASSUMING the truth & accuracy of the alleged statistics,
I still refuse to relinquish my natural right and my Constitutional Right
to defend myself from the predatory violence of men or of animals.

If I can help it, Frank: I will not go down without a fight.
NO decent American will.

Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 26 Mar, 2014 01:20 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

ASSUMING the truth & accuracy of the alleged statistics,
I still refuse to relinquish my natural right and my Constitutional Right
to defend myself from the predatory violence of men or of animals.

If I can help it, Frank: I will not go down without a fight.


I am sure you wouldn't, David...and I wouldn't ask you to.

If the big upheaval comes...(and I am almost sure it WILL come) I'll be alongside you, either in reality or figuratively.)
Reply Wed 26 Mar, 2014 09:41 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

OmSigDAVID wrote:

ASSUMING the truth & accuracy of the alleged statistics,
I still refuse to relinquish my natural right and my Constitutional Right
to defend myself from the predatory violence of men or of animals.

If I can help it, Frank: I will not go down without a fight.


I am sure you wouldn't, David...and I wouldn't ask you to.

If the big upheaval comes...(and I am almost sure it WILL come) I'll be alongside you, either in reality or figuratively.)

When/if the big upheaval comes we will have people like David to thank for making sure EVERYONE was "indiscriminately" armed to the tee.
Reply Wed 26 Mar, 2014 10:16 pm
what the hell "the big upheaveal" means.

Do u mean a revolution of communist slavery????????

Are Frank and Rex communist slavers ???????????

Reply Wed 26 Mar, 2014 10:25 pm
How about class wars, a WELL ARMED inbred redneck rampage against the Tea Party elites.

Ask Marie Antoinette how that worked out for her...
Reply Thu 27 Mar, 2014 01:52 am
RexRed wrote:
How about class wars, a WELL ARMED inbred redneck rampage against the Tea Party elites.
I believe that the Rednecks and the Tea Party members are both ALLIES on the same side, Rex!!!
Both Good Americans, like the Sons of Liberty!!!

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 27 Mar, 2014 05:42 am
RexRed wrote:

How about class wars, a WELL ARMED inbred redneck rampage against the Tea Party elites.

Ask Marie Antoinette how that worked out for her...

The very thing I was thinking of as I wrote the words "the big upheaval"...was the French Revolution, Rex...and, of course, Marie Antoinette.

The Tea Party and American conservatism are heading us down that road.

Note to David: I would much rather be mistaken for a communist...than an American conservative. I am neither...but if someone mistakes my conduct for either, I would much, much sooner it be "a communist."
Reply Thu 27 Mar, 2014 06:34 pm
Reply Thu 27 Mar, 2014 06:39 pm
I agree about not hunting animals for sport.
I like them.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Mar, 2014 07:00 pm
MY interest in handguns
is predominantly self defense
or as artifacts of history.

My ordnance is also kinda beautiful
for display n good for target shooting.

Reply Thu 27 Mar, 2014 07:08 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Noted, Comrade.

How r Stalin and Pol Pot doing these days ???
Reply Thu 27 Mar, 2014 07:09 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

MY interest in handguns
is predominantly self defense
or as artifacts of history.

My ordnance is also kinda beautiful
for display n good for target shooting.


You know David, Albert Einstein only had only one suit of clothes he wore but he had several copies. His reasoning for this was he did not want to clutter his mind with arbitrary things..

Reply Thu 27 Mar, 2014 07:46 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

MY interest in handguns
is predominantly self defense
or as artifacts of history.

My ordnance is also kinda beautiful
for display n good for target shooting.

RexRed wrote:

You know David, Albert Einstein only had only one suit of clothes
he wore but he had several copies. His reasoning for this was he
did not want to clutter his mind with arbitrary things..

All of my custom-made vested suits
are drawn to the same sartorial specifications. Everything was always
set in the same place, wallet, keys, secret pocket for spare keys n cash etc.

Since I retired, I dont dress that way any more.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Mar, 2014 10:22 pm

Good Guys With Guns: Homeowner Kills Burglars
And Good Samaritan Stops Stabbing Attack

By Brian Anderson
on March 26, 2014

Michigan is a place that seems to get the idea that the police can’t be
everywhere and people have a right to defend themselves. There are
two prime examples of how good guys with guns made a difference
in the state this week. First, a customer with a handgun stopped
a shoplifting suspect from stabbing security officers with a
contaminated needle, and then a homeowner shot and killed
two burglars that attacked him.

On Monday, Joshua J. Silva decided to help himself to a $179 cordless
drill from a Home Depot in Roseville, MI. Unfortunately for him;
employees noticed the power tool under his shirt as he exited the store.
Loss preventions officers confronted the man in the parking lot, at
which point the shoplifter went into crazy mode. He began fighting
with the store security and pulled out a dirty syringe. He thrust at the
security officers with the contaminated needle, stabbing one of them in the hand.

A customer, who wishes to remain anonymous, exited the store and
saw the melee. From his viewpoint, the crazed Silva was getting
the best of the unarmed security officers. He said that if he didn’t
intervene he was worried someone might be killed. As luck would have it,
this good Samaritan also happened to be concealed weapons license holder.
He drew his carry pistol and ordered Silva to the ground.

Staring down the barrel of gun, the berserk shoplifter suddenly
became a compliant suspect.

Police arrested Silva and charged him with second-degree retail fraud,
a one-year misdemeanor, and assault with intent to do great bodily harm,
a 10-year felony. They credit the armed customer with stopping
a crime that could have been much worse.

On Tuesday morning, a Detroit resident heard some noise by a side window.
After investigating, he saw two men trying to break into his house.
He confronted the would-be burglars, but instead of fleeing,
the miscreants attacked the homeowner. Big mistake.
This 50-year old man also happened to be a concealed weapons license holder.
He pulled out his handgun and shot the two men dead.

Frances Williams, the man’s neighbor, was quick to defend
her friend’s use of deadly force.

“We’re just tired, basically. … We’re not going to live in fear.
People are just doing what they have to do, you know, and just as
anybody else, we value our lives, and we’d like to be able to live out
our lives in peace,” she said.

But it was the cops, yes the cops, that really came in to support
this man’s right to defend himself.

“We are sick and tired of being victimized by the criminal element
in this city. The citizens are protecting their homes and their property
and their families, and they are well within their rights to do that,”
said Sgt. Michael Woody of the Detroit Police Department.

With Tuesday’s defensive gun use, it brings the total of justifiable
homicides in Detroit to 10 for the year. Detroiters are fed up with crime
and are taking action. Thankfully they live in a city and state that has
not only citizen-friendly gun laws, but also supportive police officers.


Note that charitable rescues can be risky,
potentially costing many $$thousands for your own lawyers' fees.
Zimmy reportedly owes about $2,5OO,OOO in lawyers' fees.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Mar, 2014 11:36 pm


Yesterday, Governor Mike Pence (R) signed into law legislation
that will expand the Second Amendment freedoms of gun owners in Indiana.
Senate Bill 229 protects law-abiding gun owners from becoming
unintentional felons by allowing firearms to be locked in a vehicle,
out of plain sight, while parked on school property.

SB 229 also prohibits the use of taxpayer dollars for gun “buybacks”
and removes the “roaming school zone” language set to return on the books on July 1.

SB 229 passed on the final day of the 2014 legislative session in the
Senate by a 38 to 10 vote and in the House by a 75 to 24 vote.

Thank you to NRA members who contacted their state legislators
in support of SB 229. Your NRA extends our great appreciation to
those who worked so hard all session long to ensure the passage of
SB 229: state Senator Jim Tomes (R-49) and state Representatives
Sean Eberhart (R-57) and Jim Lucas (R-69). The NRA also thanks
Governor Pence for supporting our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 Mar, 2014 12:26 am

Pizza delivery woman thwarts armed robbery
by pulling her own gun

Posted: Friday, March 14, 2014 8:21 pm
| Updated: 8:48 am, Sat Mar 15, 2014.

A pizza delivery woman thwarted an armed robbery attempt
at a house off Rosehill Road on Thursday by producing a weapon of her own,
Fayetteville police said.

Ashley Marie Hurd, 26, a driver for Domino's Pizza, took the order
to a house on the 200 block of Stuart Avenue about 10 p.m., a police report said.
When she arrived, a man was standing outside, and she told him how
much the bill was, said Lt. Todd Joyce, Fayetteville police spokesman.

As she was doing so, Joyce said, a second man, wearing a dark-colored
jacket, came around from the side of the house.
The man put something to the back of Hurd's head and demanded money, Joyce said.
"Unbeknownst to them, she had a weapon," Joyce said. "She pulled out a gun,
and when she did, the suspects fled
and they didn't get anything."
No arrests have been made.
- Nancy McCleary
[ALL emfasis has been added by David.]

Criminals really LOVE gun control; thay hate victims who cheat!

0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 Mar, 2014 12:39 am

A man fought back against two intruders, fatally shooting one of them
at his north Harris County apartment, according to deputies.

The Harris County Sheriff's Office says it responded to the shooting
at around 12:45 p.m. Friday at The Trails at Dominion Park apartment
complex in the 200 block of Dominion Park Drive. A man who lives in
a third floor apartment says he was asleep when he heard something
at the front door and went to investigate.

He told sheriff's deputies at least two men then forced their way inside
the apartment. He then confronted the two suspects and
fired his weapon several times.

One of the suspects died at the scene. The other fled the scene.

The resident's father spoke to Local 2 and said his son was sleeping
when the intruders came knocking and tried to break in.

"They woke him up" he said. "He peeked out the peephole and he
didn't recognize who the guys was."

A neighbor said the men tried to pry the door open.
0 Replies

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