RexRed wrote:David your obsession with guns has blinded you to the dangers of them.
No; I drive a car, tho I fear it not.
More people have been killed n injured by cars than by guns.
RexRed wrote:Your fear seems to have overwhelmed your sense of reason.
No. I live in a state of fear
lessness and tranquility.
The Authors of the Bill of Rights were not in a state of fear.
Do u dispute that?? I will admit, in the fullness of candor,
that when I was
8, I felt a little un-easy for a few weeks
about how I 'd defend my home, if that became necessary; (it never did).
That fear abruptly
abated when I acquired my first .38 revolver.
RexRed wrote:It is like driving down the road and you can't see the stop sign right
in front of you because instead you are looking way off in the distance.
I 'll try to be careful; thanx for the warning.
Quote:My homosexuality as a teen did not lead to the death of someone else.
Rex, it saddens me that your statement shows
that I failed to make my point. U posted that:
RexRed wrote:I also favor a total gun ban for adolescents,
just as alcohol, cigarettes and automobiles are regulated.
My remark about your homosexuality was intended to bring out the point
that gun bans for adolescents woud be
ineffective the same as u
the laws against homosexuality. Its natural to ignore such laws.
RexRed wrote:But teen alcohol often leads to death and other serious health issues,
teens with weapons are the number 2 killer of teens.
Yes; thay 've had
wars for lucrative urban drug turf.
RexRed wrote:Underage drinking risks include:
Death – 5,000 people under age 21 die each year from alcohol-related car crashes,
homicides, suicides, alcohol poisoning, and other injuries such as falls,
burns, and drowning.
People are within their rights
to end their human lives; thus, suicide shud not be included in the count.
RexRed wrote:Serious injuries – More than 190,000 people under age 21 visited
an emergency room for alcohol-related injuries in 2008 alone.
Impaired judgment – Drinking can cause kids to make poor decisions,
which can then result in risky behavior like drinking and driving,
sexual activity, or violence. Increased risk for physical and sexual
assault – Youth who drink are more likely to carry out or be the victim
of a physical or sexual assault.
Brain development problems – Research shows that brain development
continues well into a person’s twenties. Alcohol can affect this
development, and contribute to a range of problems.
Comment: And... how can you reasonably equate homosexual LOVE
with suicide and accidental death by a firearm?
Mutual homosexual love has never hurt anyone ever...
I did not "equate" that, Rex.
I did not say anything about that. I know of no reason to "equate" them.
I only observed that such prohibitions are and have been ignored.
other prohibitions have been ignored; that is not the only one.
RexRed wrote:Laws are supposed to be just.
Gun bans for teenagers or anyone are not "just"
because government is going into partnership with violent criminals
against victims of future crime, to
DISarm the victims,
so that the criminal predators are safe from their defenses. That is un-just. Yes??
RexRed wrote:Prohibiting homosexuality is unjust but prohibiting accidental death
by juvenile horseplay and suicide with a firearm is common sense.
No. People are within their rights to end their human lives.
Whether thay choose to do it by jumping out the window,
or by using a gun is their private business (tho jumping out
the window can
BECOME someone else 's business).
RexRed wrote:The Constitution of The United States of America dictates
that the elected officials are to enforce rule of law in order to prevent
total anarchy and chaos.
I 've read it a few times; it does not say that.
It says that government has
no jurisdiction over possession of weapons.
RexRed wrote: Gun violence at the current degree is diametrically opposed to this
rule of law and thus requires government to "govern" ... What other
alternative is there to our government, a totalitarian oligarchy?
No a
weak n feeble government: the Land of the Free
and the Home of the Brave. The weaker is its jurisdiction,
STRONGER is our personal freedom, including
defensive freedom.
RexRed wrote:See if they let you have your guns for "protection"...
See if thay let u make love to boys.
RexRed wrote:It seems you would rather be without a government
and rule of law than lose your guns.
Yes. Do u think that the citizens of the USSR or of the 3rd Reich
woud have been better off with
no government, instead?? I do.
RexRed wrote:That is about as farsighted as one can get.
Yes; I want the Individual citizen to keep his mighty boot
upon the neck of government, which is our lowly slave.