OmSigDAVID wrote:
RexRed wrote:
Since you started your reply with this nonsense David:
Men can manipulate, but inanimate tools cannot;
Comment: Open a porno magazine and see if that "inanimate tool" can manipulate the mind...
Can a stop sign manipulate the mind?
Uggh, sometimes...
Thay cannot and thay do not.
The mind re-acts to what it finds,
but it is ALL in the mind.
Those external, inert objects only
DO nothing. Everything that actually
HAPPENS, is inside the mind, Rex,
which then expresses itself thru the human body.
And the mind responds to external stimulus... Everything gives something off. It happens outside the mind where a gun is manufactured the latest greatest thing and entices gun freaks to buy a third and fourth gun till they have a whole arsenal.
Take a quiet and docile child down a kids toy store isle and don't buy them a toy see what happens.
Toys give off the promise of enjoyment.
Guns give off the the promise of power over others. (which you seem to be toting in every response)
Porno gives the promise of sexual fulfillment.
"Thy words were found and I did eat them..."
Words have meanings just as objects also have their functional meanings too. Otherwise we would use a can opener to turn a screw or an automobile to write a letter.
It is the misuse and promotion of dangerous objects that is reprehensible.
David why don't we have alcohol, tobacco and firearms commercials on TV if it is all in the mind? Apparently the extensive studies concerning the advertisements and their effect on people have eluded you.
If advertisement did not work it would not be a billion dollar industry.