realjohnboy wrote:
Can you give us your thoughts, David,
on the house vote Tuesday to extend the ban on "plastic guns"
That escaped my attention.
Addressing the topic in general however, let me observe
that in American history, there have been some occasions
when government has run hog wild exceeding its granted authority,
e.g., its effort to control what citizens ingest (its War on Drugs).
Clearly, it never was granted that legal power.
It was questionable that the War Power legitimately enabled
Roosevelt to confine the Japs to concentration camps in California.
Another instance was in trying to subvert and ignore the Bill of Rights
in its protection of each citizen 's right of self defense, by enacting
statutes trying to control a citizen 's possession of defensive guns,
in express violation of the 2nd Amendment. There is no exception
in the Bill of Rights for guns (or of any weapons)
made of plastic.
Government simply
the same as it has
no authority to make us go to Church
if we wanna stay home and sleep.
I have not read what u had in mind.
I don't usually like to comment upon a legislative enactment without
having read it, but based upon the subject matter as I infer it from your post,
my answer is that it shud not have happened. I believe that in time,
the citizens will have personal access thru their 3D printers
to whatever thay want, whether government likes it or not.