McGentrix wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
American conservatism may well be one of the ugliest movements ever to infect planet Earth. There are several other contenders...I acknowledge that. But American conservatism stinks like two year old Limburger that has been left out in the heat.
Aaaawwwww... I wouldn't have thought American conservatism wouldn't even bust the top 10 of ugly movements.
Lets take a quick look and see.
The far left has entreated us with these:
Anarchism in the US
Black Panthers
Communism in the US
Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA)
Weather Underground
The far right has provided:
Aryan Nation
John Birchers
Fascism in the US
Yeah, I think you are taking a bit of liberty with your opinions on this Frank.
From your premises, I must dissent, Mr. McGentrix.
The term "right" derives from the time of the French Revolution.
The members of the Estates General who favored the King n supported him,
sat on the right of the President. Those who supported differences
from the
status quo sat together on his left.
Accordingly (from the positions of their chairs), the rightists
were conservative, orthodox Monarchists. The leftists were not.
The leftists wanted changes.
Applied to American history, those on the right
disfavor change
and we cling to orthodoxy in reference to the views of the Founders,
as manifested in the the Supreme Law of the Land, the US Constitution.
Qua Americanism, loyalty is to the US Constitution instead of the King.
As water
constitutes ice, so the Constitution constitutes this Republic
and it is the fundamental law. Any law that is inconsistent therewith
is null, void and of no legal effect (tho it might be of factual effect).
I am a conservative, having worked for and voted for Barry Goldwater
and Ronald Reagan. In order for me to be a "conservative" I must conserve
the filosofy of the Authors of the Constitution (as amended, per its Article 5).
Conservatism is essentially the same as orthodoxy, bearing close, loyal,
literal fidelity to the Founding Instrument and rejecting excuses for
deviation (liberalism).
Let us now examine those groups
putatively provided by
"the far right",
the most meticulously orthodox Americans,
MOST like George Washington and James Madison
in their views
(as amended as per Article 5)
to evaluate how closely those groups
conform to the filosofy of the US Constitution:
1. Aryan Nation
I don 't know much about this one.
I suspect that Amendments 13 - 15 might be related to their thinking.
Perhaps u can furnish more detail, and tell us how their views
conform closely to the Constitution. (I 'm a little skeptical.)
2. John Birchers
The John Birch Society was an artifact of the 3rd World War,
the war to enslave all the Earth under communism. John Birch
was a martyr for freedom, slain by the
Red Chinese.
The JBS has had extremely little impact upon America domestically;
it was intended to cause a better, more forceful effort in defense
of the Free World from the onslaught of communist imperialism.
The members of the John Birch Society strove to preserve the
US Constitution, but not to alter it. Sadly, thay also collaborated with
non-fonetic spelling, but we won the 3rd World War
3. KKK
The KKK began by Confederate veterans, during Union occupation
of the South, to defend their homes n people from angry, abusive
Northern soldiers. Its members strove to preserve their way of life.
That included racial relations. Until the Civil War, Africans were
considered to be livestock like horses.
4. Neo-Nazis
In order to be on "the far right"
"neo-Nazis" had to conform to the views of the Founders,
in the heritage of the Sons of Liberty. I am confident that James Madison
NOT a Nazi; he supported Individualism (which Hitler abhorred)
and personal liberty. To be a "National
Socialist" one must be
collectivist not an Individualist, with contempt
and disdain for personal freedom; nazism is anti-thetical
to the filosofy of the US Constitution. If u wanna claim
that thay are close to the views of the Founders, Mr. McGentrix,
then please tell us
HOW. I 've never heard that the Founders
were anti-Jewish.
5. Skinheads
So far as I 've heard, these are street thugs who shun
consideration of matters of intellect. If u disagree,
then please indicate where I have gone rong.
6. Fascism in the US
Well, Mr. McGentrix, I don 't see that Mussolini's views are manifested
in the US Constitution. If u find them there, then please cite us to them.