Guns And The Laws That Govern Them

Reply Sat 17 Aug, 2013 01:17 am
I would like to also mention that this is what psychiatrists do is evaluate people's mental states. They spend many years learning about mental disorders and are able to evaluate the stability of a person quite precisely. This is why they are called medical PROFESSIONALS... Just like a heart surgeon develops the highly specialized skill to operate on the human heart.

Unless you have a doctorate in psychology I think your opinion on social dysfunction is APPARENTLY useless and subject to your own prejudice and bias on gun ownership... You are not even quoting the words of doctors here. Just spouting out nonsense...

Bedsides, your opinions on face value are ludicrous and asinine. Your facts are slanted and your reasoning skills are clearly inept on this subject.

"Impossible" you say David who you are not a medical professional. I bet you have never even taken a psychology class. I got an A+ in college psychology and even that does not make me qualified to judge someone's mental state.

The typical republican response, denial makes you right huh? Cover your eyes and I can still see you...

David wrote: It is impossible unless you kill criminals...

Your answer for everything is, "Just kill them!" Huh?" How lazy and brainless a response...

OR, David, society could keep guns out of criminals hands by making laws that make it harder for criminals and unstable individuals to "just walk in and buy guns with no questions asked"... THIS is all the democrats are asking in light of the MANY recent shooting incidents carried out by clearly unstable individuals. The fact that many of these people are already "mentally disabled" and collecting a government check for that reason also might be an indicator that they might be a candidate for being banned from firearms...

Look stable to you? Should this man have been able to buy guns?

A Timeline Of Jared Loughner’s Mental Health

If a person is mentally disabled that should automatically ban them from gun ownership... There may be military exceptions that should be decided by psychological profiles done by professionals.

There are other things that should ban people from owning firearms, felons, history of violence, documented spousal abuse, documented substance abuse, documented verbal and threatening behavior, misuse of weapons, habitual unlawful discharge of a weapon, hunting violations and many more reasons to ban individuals from owing firearms.
Reply Sat 17 Aug, 2013 02:53 am
RexRed wrote:
Excerpt: SAN FRANCISCO -- Dianne Feinstein has long been one of the Senate's strongest advocates for gun control.
But few people may know that the California Democrat used to own a firearm herself.
I knew it. It shows her hypocrisy:
guns are good for her OWN defense, but not for
ordinary citizens below her. THOSE PEOPLE <waves hand, dismissively>
are not good enuf for Bill of Rights protection.

RexRed wrote:
So that knocks down that person as a democrat who advocates
a "total ban on guns" David so AGAIN, can you name a democrat
who has advocated a total ban on guns? THINK HARD...
She does not want the "total ban" to apply against herself, Rex,
nor against the cheaters (that means liberals).

RexRed wrote:
And before you start putting words in Diane Feinstein's mouth please quote a reputable source "quoting her words"
saying she wanted ALL GUNS BANNED.
I 'm the source of what I heard her say on TV. (I think it was "60 Minutes"; not sure.)
She said that if the votes were present on the Senate floor,
she 'd introduce a bill to grab all the guns in America.
Its been a few years, so I cant quote the precise words,
but I 'm not gonna pretend that it did not happen.

RexRed wrote:

Dianne Feinstein Talks Guns, Opens Up About Her Own Firearm Ownership

All she has ever advocated was a ban on assault weapons. APPARENTLY, even she believes
there are times when legal gun ownership is necessary...
Yes; for her own use, for her own preservation, to hell with everyone else (except distortionists [that means liberals]).

RexRed wrote:
So David we need real quotes here not your slanted recollection and freakish display
of self imagined "They're gonna take my guns away!" phobias...
That is in your imagination only, Rex.
I never said that, nor did I think it.

RexRed wrote:
Oh and your stupid logic that criminals are gonna find guns
so why not just give them guns instead. Why not give them military style guns too? (cynical)
That is not what I said, Rex.
LYING about what I said and then calling your own lie "stupid"
does not help anything at all.

RexRed wrote:
Let's let criminals and crazies buy and stockpile all the guns and ammo they want
As if u coud stop them, the same as u stop them from buying (or growing) marijuana.
You can only stop people who WISH to obay the law.

RexRed wrote:
and not even bother to monitor their activity until they shoot up a school full of grammar school children....

Once again David you show your lack of scruples... Not sure how else to word that...
Rex, the foundation of jurisdiction for gun control is hoax, its fraud and deception,
the same as if government pretended that it has authority
to make the citizens go to Church when thay don't wanna.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Aug, 2013 03:36 am
RexRed wrote:
I would like to also mention that this is what psychiatrists do is evaluate people's mental states.
Is California one of the people 's mental states ?

RexRed wrote:
They spend many years learning about mental disorders and are able to evaluate the stability of a person quite precisely. This is why they are called medical PROFESSIONALS... Just like a heart surgeon develops the highly specialized skill to operate on the human heart.
Thay have disagreed among themselves, Rex and thay have been vocal about it.

RexRed wrote:
Unless you have a doctorate in psychology I think your opinion on social dysfunction is APPARENTLY useless and subject to your own prejudice and bias on gun ownership... You are not even quoting the words of doctors here. Just spouting out nonsense...
Did I say something about "social dysfunction"??

RexRed wrote:
Bedsides, your opinions on face value are ludicrous and asinine.
Your facts are slanted and your reasoning skills are clearly inept on this subject.

"Impossible" you say David who you are not a medical professional.
IMPOSSIBLE, the same as preventing trafficking in marijuana or in heroin.
How many Billions (is it Trillions yet??) of dollars have been spent
over how many decades, with HOW MANY long-term prisoners, to enforce that prohibition??
Yet, is there anyone in America who is not able to find and buy marijuana, if he wants it??
I guess u believe that prohibitions work, huh, Rex??
Because everyone is so eager to obay the law??
Is that the reason that no one can drink alcohol since the 1920s ?

RexRed wrote:
I bet you have never even taken a psychology class.
U lose the bet.
I liked psychology; I did not study it enuf, tho.

RexRed wrote:
I got an A+ in college psychology and even that does not make me qualified to judge someone's mental state.
Congratulations on your grade.

RexRed wrote:
The typical republican response, denial makes you right huh?
No; the facts make us right.
Denial is applied to the rong.

RexRed wrote:
Cover your eyes and I can still see you...
Not right now; wait until I finish posting.

RexRed wrote:

David wrote: It is impossible unless you kill criminals...

Your answer for everything is, "Just kill them!" Huh?" How lazy and brainless a response...
OK, well, technically, there IS something else u can do.
( Julius Caesar did it:
"show me the arm that raised a sword against Rome." )
He had their arms cut off with axes or swords.
Thay did not always like that.

RexRed wrote:
OR, David, society could keep guns out of criminals hands by making laws that make it harder for criminals and unstable individuals to "just walk in and buy guns with no questions asked"...
HOW MANY TIMES have I already pointed out
that for CENTURIES before the advent of electric tools,
men have made fine guns by hand, but that it is much easier now,
with use of freely available engineering plans.
I got the plans for building a submachinegun from Paladin Press.

RexRed wrote:
THIS is all the democrats are asking in light of the MANY recent shooting incidents carried out by clearly unstable individuals.
No; its only the first step.

RexRed wrote:
The fact that many of these people are already "mentally disabled" and collecting a government check for that reason also might be an indicator that they might be a candidate for being banned from firearms...

Look stable to you? Should this man have been able to buy guns?
Anyone is "able"; u simply go to a blackmarket gunsmith or merchant,
the same as for alcohol in the 1920s or marijuana now.
Instead of that, get rid of the malefactor when he begins to get violent.

RexRed wrote:
If a person is mentally disabled that should automatically ban them from gun ownership...
Thay shud be isolated from the decent people.


0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Aug, 2013 03:09 am

Guns And The Laws That Govern Them

Note that the 2nd Amendment does not mention the home.
It says: ". . . the right of the people to keep and bear arms
shall not be infringed
There is nothing in the text of the 2nd Amendment which
indicates that u have a better right to bear arms inside the home,
as distinct from anywhere else.

In a gun rights case, Moore v. Madigan (2012)
the US 7th Circuit Court of Appeals (next in authority below the USSC)
put it this way:
the place where you have the right to defend yourself
is the place where you are attacked.

The 2nd Amendment says that the REASON that the right to K.A.B.A.
shall not be infringed is militia service; militiamen can't fight wars from inside
their own houses or apartments.

In D. C. v. HELLER (2008) America 's highest court said,
among other things:

". . . Putting all of these textual elements together,
we find that they guarantee the individual right
to possess and carry weapons in case of confrontation
. . . ."

That "confrontation" is not limited to inside the home.

[All emphasis has been added by David.]

0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Aug, 2013 12:10 am
Geronimo Narciso, Truck Driver Dies After Accidentally Shooting Off Own Penis

Reply Mon 19 Aug, 2013 01:04 am
RexRed wrote:
Geronimo Narciso, Truck Driver Dies After Accidentally Shooting Off Own Penis
The moral of the story is:
drunken Phillipenisians shud not carry Mexican
Reply Mon 19 Aug, 2013 01:16 am
I again find not one single bit of humor in your racist comment and find it to be reprobate... You know it hurts me to have to be so blunt to you David.. So often you seem so heartless and unfeeling, You leave me no other choice but to call you up on your despicable hateful tone...
Reply Mon 19 Aug, 2013 01:34 am
That 's OK, Rex. I don't mind.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Aug, 2013 10:46 am
Here you go Rex, a few names to add to the list of politicans who have said the goal is to ban handguns altogether.

Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, San Antonio Mayor Henry Cisneros and Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke signed the Communitarian Network's The Case for Domestic Disarmament, which among other thing said:

There is little sense in gun registration. What we need to significantly enhance public safety is domestic disarmament . . . . Domestic disarmament entails the removal of arms from private hands . . . . Given the proper political support by the people who oppose the pro-gun lobby, legislation to remove the guns from private hands, acts like the legislation drafted by Senator John Chafee [to ban handguns], can be passed in short order.

* * *
I shortly will introduce legislation banning the sale, manufacture or possession of handguns (with exceptions for law enforcement and licensed target clubs). . . . It is time to act. We cannot go on like this. Ban them!

Sen. John H. Chafee (R.-R.I.), In View of Handguns' Effects, There's Only One Answer: A Ban, Minneapolis Star Tribune, June 15, 1992, at 13A.

* * *
"My staff and I right now are working on a comprehensive gun-control bill. We don't have all the details, but for instance, regulating the sale and purchase of bullets. Ultimately, I would like to see the manufacture and possession of handguns banned except for military and police use. But that's the endgame. And in the meantime, there are some specific things that we can do with legislation." Evan Osnos, Bobby Rush; Democrat, U.S. House of Representatives, Chicago Tribune, Dec. 5, 1999, at C3 (quoting Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.)).

* * *
Mr. Speaker, my bill prohibits the importation, exportation, manufacture, sale, purchase, transfer, receipt, possession, or transportation of handguns and handgun ammunition. It establishes a 6-month grace period for the turning in of handguns. It provides many exceptions for gun clubs, hunting clubs, gun collectors, and other people of that kind.

Rep. Major Owens (D-Brooklyn, N.Y.), 139 Cong. Rec. H9088 at H9094, Nov. 10, 1993.

* * *
Rep. William L. Clay (D-St. Louis, Mo.), said the Brady Bill is "the minimum step" that Congress should take to control handguns. "We need much stricter gun control, and eventually we should bar the ownership of handguns except in a few cases," Clay said.

Robert L. Koenig, NRA-Backed Measure May Derail Brady Bill, St. Louis Post Dispatch, May 8, 1993, at 1A.

* * *
Maryland Attorney General J. Joseph Curran is proposing a wide-ranging package of laws that would make the state's gun control regulations among the strictest in the nation and says his ultimate goal is a ban on handguns.

Daniel LeDuc, Tough Laws For Guns Proposed In Maryland; Attorney General Says Goal Is Ban, Wash. Post, Oct. 20, 1999, at A01.

* * *
Reply Mon 19 Aug, 2013 11:25 am
Thank u for such a comprehensive answer
to Rex 's questions, Mr. Baldimo.

Reply Mon 19 Aug, 2013 11:32 am
I'm waiting for one of his silly slippery slope arguments. Need to make clothes bigger so everyone can wear body armor or make parking spaces bigger so our tanks can part a Dennys.

You provided a perfectly good story of self-defense and he goes down the silly road. People such as him will never admit that guns have a useful place in society. He thinks restricting legal gun owners will make him safer when all facts do not point in his favor. Those places who have the highest gun control have the worst crime.
Reply Mon 19 Aug, 2013 11:41 am
Its not safe for violent criminals to do their job,
IF their victims are going to fight back; that 's CHEATING, in the liberal point of vu.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Aug, 2013 11:51 am
My point is that these politicians, some republicans I see, are by no means the mainstream... As David and MANY others would imply...

They are obscure people that no one has ever heard of and they have no real clout or sway in the overall political mix...

Perhaps the coffee party can ban guns.. Like the republicans have done with their tea party trying to force Christian religion on the masses.

I wonder how the republicans would feel if the democrats let the small minority of people who want to ban guns start controlling our party as these greedy scoundrel republicans have done with the tea party?

There certainly is a precedent to do so now... Perhaps we should ban the military too and start passing out condoms to preschoolers... We could let the coffee party abolish Wall Street and outlaw capitalism too... Sound fair?
Reply Mon 19 Aug, 2013 12:07 pm
So you get proven wrong and now the people who were quoted are just not important politicians. It doesn't matter if they are front runners or 1 hit wonders, these were politicians who were calling for the banning of guns.

See what I mean by your silly slippery slope! You are even trying to change the subject of what we were talking about. We were not talking about religion, we were talking about guns and how you didn't want to admit that there are politicians who want to ban them. Admit your wrong and don't change the subject.
Reply Mon 19 Aug, 2013 12:15 pm
There are also a few people who believe Barney the dinosaur is real... republicans...

The republicans are the only ones I see greasing the teaparty's "slippery slope"...
Reply Mon 19 Aug, 2013 12:22 pm
Are you going to admit that you were wrong? There are politicians who want to ban all guns. I could go and find the audio clips which are much more recent, they caught several different politicians talking about the banning of guns and how the current regulations were only the first step.
Reply Mon 19 Aug, 2013 12:31 pm
RexRed wrote:
My point is that these politicians, some republicans I see,
are by no means the mainstream... As David and MANY others would imply...
No, Rex; that was not your point.
Your point was that there was no one
who advocated that position. Take a look:

RexRed wrote:
. . . Do you know who is talking about eliminating all fire arms?
Could you please name a single person who advocates this?
U implied that not even one
single person cud be found who advocates robbing people
of their guns. Mr. Baldimo found many leftists who have admitted it.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Aug, 2013 12:38 pm
No I was not wrong... Idealistically, I want to ban all guns! I would like peace on earth and cherubs flying around shooting love arrows, unicorns and fairy folk dancing merrily in the forests... Gandhi would like to ban all guns and so would Mother Teresa, Jesus and Buddha...

There were Reagan era politicians who wanted to ban all guns too.. I don't even think the most liberal member of congress TODAY wants to ban all guns so your point is without a single iota of merit... It is a scare tactic and a weak, flimsy, sad, pathetic one at best...

Republican, Ann Coulter wants to ban women from voting... Criminals would like to ban jails...

Your list of freaks has no real bearing on true governance other than as scare tactics so the republicans can sell more guns to crazy terrorists.
Reply Mon 19 Aug, 2013 12:53 pm
You were wrong. At least when someone points out I'm wrong I man up and admit I was wrong. Ask FireFly about the DA vs the Detective. I made a wrong statement and admitted I was wrong. It isn't that hard to do Rex.

You said that there wasn't a politician who wanted to ban guns and I provided you with about 4 different quotes from different politicians who said they wanted guns banned. You said they didn't exist and I proved that they did. YOU WERE WRONG. I don't care what Buddha or Jesus or Gandhi want to do, they aren't Americans and don't have the ability to vote. We know you want to ban guns and I'm sure a few fairy folk dancing around would be quite the scene, but that isn't what we were discussing.

You were discussing how politicians do not want to ban guns. You were wrong and now you are changing the subject to deflect your wrongness. Once again I don't care what Ann Coulter wants as what she wants isn't part of the subject matter being discussed here.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Aug, 2013 12:56 pm
RexRed wrote:

No I was not wrong... Idealistically, I want to ban all guns! I would like peace on earth and cherubs flying around shooting love arrows, unicorns and fairy folk dancing merrily in the forests... Gandhi would like to ban all guns and so would Mother Teresa, Jesus and Buddha...
Rex, u r mis-representing Jesus.
He said: if u don't own a sword already,
u better buy one.
Luke 22:36

U shud not make up what he said, as u go along.


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