Guns And The Laws That Govern Them

Reply Tue 13 Aug, 2013 12:23 pm
Reply Tue 13 Aug, 2013 12:39 pm
Are people buying guns with taxpayer funded money? I didn't think so, so when you receive benefits from the taxpayers, you should have to pass a drug test. When I apply for jobs I have to take a drug test why shouldn't people who are getting my tax money?

Reply Tue 13 Aug, 2013 01:28 pm
Uhhhhhhh... I beg to differ... Are people buying guns with taxpayer funded money? YES! Actually people are paying twice for their guns...

Lawmakers Call for Stricter Gun Control Even As They Subsidize Gun Industry



"Smith & Wesson received a large multi-million dollar tax credit from the state that started in 2010 and will continue until 2017. "

That "large multi-million dollar tax credit" would feed a lot of hungry children.

Nashville man, 85, admits to killing grandson
Reply Tue 13 Aug, 2013 02:16 pm
So you are going to compare tax subsidies with welfare? Those are apples and oranges in comparison. I can see a difference between the two, one creates product that sell and create money, the other doesn't create anything but a dependence. Since when did it become the duty of a state to clothe and feed people? They do have a duty to make sure there is employment and that is what most of those tax subsidies do. The article even states that they brought over 200 jobs to the area after closing another plant. They could have taken those jobs to another state who was willing to do business with them.

Defensive gun use:
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Aug, 2013 06:22 pm
And the instructor must have been a liberal democrat.

He didnt clear his weapon, he put his finger on the trigger when he didnt intend to fire it, and he pointed it in the direction of another person.
All of that shows that a liberal democrat is not to be trusted with a firearm.
Reply Tue 13 Aug, 2013 06:24 pm
What happens ifyour warning shot hits an innocent person?
Do you excuse it by saying it was only a warning shot?

Either you are extremely ignorant about firearms, or you are purposely being stupid.
I havent decided which yet.
Reply Tue 13 Aug, 2013 06:57 pm
RexRed wrote:
U see, Rex:
the point is that government was given permission to EXIST
with some restrictions on its authority, in the Bill of Rights,
including the right to bear arms.

Government has no authority to discriminate;
therefore, no purpose is served by background checks.

People have NO Constitutional Right to charity.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Aug, 2013 07:19 pm
RexRed wrote:
Please replace the name "Martin" in this post with the name George or Zimmerman, my mistake sorry...
too many words tonight... My brain is kaput for now...

RexRed wrote:
Do you have a screw loose or something?
It is not only what I rote but can you actually reed? Smile
This is a feeble attempt at humor.
I hope u see the humor in it.

I was falling asleep. I do that a lot.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Aug, 2013 10:09 pm
Welcome to America, where the Republican party has made it easier to register a gun and harder to register to vote...
Reply Tue 13 Aug, 2013 10:54 pm
And what happens if the "intruder" is a family member? The warning shot has less chance of hitting someone than a direct hit. Also the warning shot if inside will be slowed by wood and plaster. If shot outside and up in the air i'm not really worried about hitting a satellite... and a falling bullet is not going to kill someone...

Google "person killed by warning shot"... Not a single incident recorded on Google. People have been killed by celebratory fire though...

A warning shot would also be shot after saying, "Stop or I'll shoot". Apparently some idiots don't even give the simple VERBAL warning...

The idea is that sometimes a warning shot is a possibility and should not be ruled out.

Either you are extremely ignorant of people's lives or you are simply a hateful person.

Perhaps both are true...

I don't plan on shooting a gun soon anyway... That is what the police are for... I just think a warning shot is not out of the question.

I have had some friends stop by and senselessly break or damage my possessions. Years ago I used to go ballistic and freak out on them kicking them out of my house and giving them the third degree. Then one day I "grew up" and realized my friends were more important than any of my possessions... I can replace my things but I can't replace my friends...

I used to have a pit-bull and when I would go away overnight for a trip I would leave my pit-bull with my family. One day a friend asked me, "Why don't you leave your pit-bull at home to guard your house"?

I replied, "I can replace my things in my home but I can't replace my dog"...

Does it sound like I am ignorant or stupid?

Benjamin Franklin once wrote, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". A warning shot (verbal or non verbal) is "an ounce of prevention" because after someone is dead it is hard to cure that ill.

I think the stupid people are the ones who live in fear, they draw their nemesis to themselves like a magnet... They hoard material possessions yet forget the value of a single life. That is stupid and ignorant...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Aug, 2013 11:01 pm
What makes you think Liberal democrat would be teaching a gun class?

Remember it was a republican president who shot his friends in the face not a liberal democrat.

Liberal democrats don't fondle their guns like a phallic and obsess over them till someone is eventually shot.

Well all know those who obsess over guns the most were short changed by God... Smile
Reply Wed 14 Aug, 2013 01:46 am
RexRed wrote:
What makes you think Liberal democrat would be teaching a gun class?

Remember it was a republican president who shot his friends ` [how many friends????]
in the face not a liberal democrat.
Which Republican President was that, Rex??
I 'm pretty sure it was not Ronald Reagan.
I don 't think it was W nor his dad. Geee, who cud it BE, surely not Ike.
Was it Teddy Roosevelt? Maybe Abe Lincoln ?

Who was it that asked me if I have a screw loose, Rex ?
( Just good-natured humor; don t take it personally.)

RexRed wrote:
Liberal democrats don't fondle their guns
like a phallic and obsess over them till someone is eventually shot.
Well, I know about fondling guns,
but not phalluses.

RexRed wrote:
Well all know those who obsess over guns the most were short changed by God... Smile
I wud not change my sexual equipment, if it were possible to do so.
I wud improve facial appearance
and get rid of un-sightly blubbergut.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Aug, 2013 02:00 am
RexRed wrote:
Welcome to America, where the Republican party has made it easier to register a gun and harder to register to vote...
Guns shud NOT be registered any more than Bibles,
nor our copies of the Wall Street Journal.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Aug, 2013 03:57 am

A woman and her family were dining at a Denny’s in Houston, Texas
when a group of six men armed with guns attempted to rob her husband
while she was in the restroom. When the woman exited the restroom
and spotted the hold-up, she drew a pistol and exchanged gunfire
with the criminals, causing them to flee.

Following the incident, a local media outlet spoke with the victim’s brother.
“Self-defense saved my brother’s life.” (KPRC, Houston, Texas 08/08/13)
Reply Fri 16 Aug, 2013 05:32 pm
Err, stopping criminals from arming themselves would have prevented this incident altogether... While the woman with the gun for protection would have been able to finish her dinner in peace... But it is the republicans and people like you David who are arming criminals... Will she need to drive a tank to the restaurant on the next night out with her family David? Will the latest military style body armor suffice to keep her family safe? Her little pea shooter will not protect her from a battlefield-style weapon that shoots a .50 caliber bullet. NEXT TIME THEY WILL BE READY FOR HER... Will she will have to go eat at the restaurant with a shoulder fired grenade launcher? Denny's will have to make the bathroom stalls larger to accommodate the weapon... David, you are, as usual, an idiot...

Christie vetoes measures on gun violence
Reply Fri 16 Aug, 2013 09:15 pm

Err, stopping criminals from arming themselves would have prevented this incident altogether

How would you stop them from arming themselves?
If you eliminate all firearms, that leaves edged weapons (knives, swords, etc).
If you eliminate them, that leaves clubs, rocks, and other weapons.
Someone with a little skill can make a spear or a knife from a rock.
In a world where everyoneis unarmed, any weapon gives you an edge.

So, how would you stop the criminals from arming themselves?
Reply Fri 16 Aug, 2013 09:38 pm
How do you stop criminals from arming themselves?

MAKE LAWS THAT MAKE IT HARDER FOR CRIMINALS TO GET GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you know who is talking about eliminating all fire arms? Could you please name a single person who advocates this? ONE SINGLE PERSON PLEASE???

No you can't name one... The democrats are talking about making it harder for crazies to own guns... It is that law abiding people should HAVE guns and people who are a risk to society should NOT HAVE guns.

But the NRA and the republicans law makers think that guns should be sold to ANYONE regardless of their background. That would also include would be criminals but republican lawmakers are not smart enough to connect the dots.

Or, the pay offs and bribery from the NRA and gun manufacturers have rendered "republicans" unconscionable to such a point where they really don't care about public safety.

And people like David who think arming every citizen to the tee will make criminals suddenly stop shooting people... David thinks we should go back to a the days of Al Capone... Shoot-out at Denny's!!! What's next?

The gun makers keep making more lethal weapons and they need someone to sell them to... They don't care who... It is criminals who are the most attracted to this weaponry.

Yes it would be nice if everyone threw down their guns but that is not going to happen... An ideal world is that the good people have the guns and the bad people don't and that our laws represent that idea and our police enforce those laws.

But how can we make those laws when the republicans are to stupid to even understand such a simple concept. Governor Chris Christie is case in point...

"Chris Christie - Republican"

Yes Chris, even though your Wikipedia page doesn't list your political party we all know what you are...
Reply Fri 16 Aug, 2013 10:23 pm

If you have the misfortune to be familiar with Piers Morgan,
the British former tabloid "reporter" and "talent judge" known
on this side of the Atlantic as CNN's most overbearing gun control
proselytizer, you won't be surprised at what he did on Tuesday.

It began during an interview with military history expert A.W.R.
Hawkins, as Morgan pushed his theory that more gun ownership
leads to more crime. Hawkins disagreed, noting that Virginia had
recently experienced a significant increase in gun ownership,
followed by a significant decrease in violent crime

The insufferable Morgan then counter-claimed that, according
to the FBI, no less, Virginia had the highest murder rate in the
United States in 2009. Morgan's statement would have been true
only if 25 states had seceded in 2008, however, and according to
the FBI's 2009 crime report, there were still 50 states in 2009 and
Virginia ranked 26th among them in murder, with a rate 12 percent lower
than the national rate.

Virginia's more recent figures are even more impressive.
According to the FBI's 2011 crime report, from 2010 to 2011
Virginia's murder rate dropped 20 percent, to 29th in the nation,
21 percent below the national rate
. As the Richmond Times-Dispatch
reported last year, "Gun-related violent crime in Virginia has dropped
steadily over the past six years as the sale of firearms has soared
to a new record. . . . The total number of firearms purchased in
Virginia increased 73 percent from 2006 to 2011. . . . But the total
number of gun-related violent crimes fell 24 percent over that period

[All emphasis has been added by David.]
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Aug, 2013 11:15 pm
RexRed wrote:
How do you stop criminals from arming themselves?
Its IMPOSSIBLE unless u kill the criminals.

RexRed wrote:
Rex, if u cannot convince robbers to obay the law against robbery;
if u cannot persuade murderers to obay the laws against murder,
then HOW do u propose to convince them to obay gun control laws??
Fine guns have been made by hand, for centuries before the advent of electric tools.
That is much faster n easier now, with the free availability of engineering plans for good guns.
I got the plans for making a submachinegun from Paladin Press.

RexRed wrote:
Do you know who is talking about eliminating all fire arms?

RexRed wrote:
Could you please name a single person who advocates this?
Sen. Diane Feinstein of California
accidentally let it slip out on national TV, a few years ago.

RexRed wrote:
Sen. Diane Feinstein.

RexRed wrote:
No you can't name one...
U mean I did NOT name Sen. Diane Feinstein?

RexRed wrote:
The democrats are talking about making it harder for crazies to own guns...
What happened to "equal protection of the laws"???

RexRed wrote:
It is that law abiding people should HAVE guns
There are NO "law abiding people"; that is a myth.
It is IMPOSSIBLE for people to abide by the law.
Thay cant even COUNT the laws (the Congressional Research Service
gave up on trying to count federal crimes), let alone ABIDE by them.
That's just federal, without even considering State, county, local laws
and administrative regulations or judicial authority.

RexRed wrote:
and people who are a risk to society should NOT HAVE guns.
Except babies too young to walk
or the disabled lying paralyzed in hospitals,
who among us is NOT a "risk to society"???

RexRed wrote:
But the NRA and the republicans law makers
think that guns should be sold to ANYONE regardless of their background.
Yes; thay have as much Constituional Right to buy guns as to buy Bibles.
Government was denied any authority in regard to guns,
as a condition of its existence, at the Foundation of this Republic.
However, men who have proven themselves to be intolerable threats
to society by bad histories of criminal violence shud be isolated
from the decent people and removed from this Continent.

RexRed wrote:
That would also include would be criminals but
republican lawmakers are not smart enough to connect the dots.
Thay are smart enuf to know the Bill of Rights.

RexRed wrote:
Or, the pay offs and bribery from the NRA and gun manufacturers
have rendered "republicans" unconscionable to such a point where they really don't care about public safety.
The public will be safer
if future victims are encouraged to be well armed
in their own defense. Legislators get paid to support n defend the Bill of Rights, including the 2nd Amendment.

RexRed wrote:
And people like David who think arming every citizen to the tee
will make criminals suddenly stop shooting people...
No; thay shud get their OWN guns, as thay get their own Bibles.


Reply Sat 17 Aug, 2013 12:17 am
Excerpt: SAN FRANCISCO -- Dianne Feinstein has long been one of the Senate's strongest advocates for gun control. But few people may know that the California Democrat used to own a firearm herself.

So that knocks down that person as a democrat who advocates a "total ban on guns" David so AGAIN, can you name a democrat who has advocated a total ban on guns? THINK HARD...

And before you start putting words in Diane Feinstein's mouth please quote a reputable source "quoting her words" saying she wanted ALL GUNS BANNED .

Dianne Feinstein Talks Guns, Opens Up About Her Own Firearm Ownership

All she has ever advocated was a ban on assault weapons. APPARENTLY, even she believes there are times when legal gun ownership is necessary...

So David we need real quotes here not your slanted recollection and freakish display of self imagined "They're gonna take my guns away!" phobias...

Oh and your stupid logic that criminals are gonna find guns so why not just give them guns instead. Why not give them military style guns too? (cynical)

Let's let criminals and crazies buy and stockpile all the guns and ammo they want and not even bother to monitor their activity until they shoot up a school full of grammar school children....

Once again David you show your lack of scruples... Not sure how else to word that...

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